F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Clear and wonderful

Wind Mill x 10 IC

Manly Arm Rotations x 10 IC

Overhead Clap x 50 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

SSH x 30 IC

Aiken Legs: x 4 Rounds

  • 20 squat
  • 20 box jumps
  • 20 lunges (10 each leg)
  • 20 split jacks (10 each leg)

F3 Individual Medley: Start with 5 reps and add one rep each round up to 10. Each round is 1:30. Time for each round does not change.

  • Burpee
  • BBS
  • 2 ct Flutters
  • SSH

Squat/Lunge Thing: Split into two groups. Group 1 is 25 yards away and holding squat. Group 2 does four lunges/one squat until meeting Group 1. Then Group 2 will hold squat while Group 1 lunges/squats.

  • Round 1: Reglar squat
  • Round 2: Al Gore
  • Round 3: Sumo
  • Round 4: Narrow Squat

Growing Pains: 30 LBCs, 30 BBS in cadence

Proud Mary: Play Proud Mary by CCR. Do BBS until “Rolling” and switch to gas pumps. Then Flutters until “Rolling” and switch to gas pumps. Keep alternating between BBS and flutters until song is over. “Rolling” is always gas pumps.

30 second superman

Fire Hydrants

Hello Dolly

Boat Canoe


Read first two chapters of Mark. Notice the number of times the word “immediately” appears and why. We are called to immediately follow. Drop your nets and follow me. Jesus knew where He was going when he called the disciples and knows where he is going with each of us.


Team Building at the Quacken

THE SCENE: Upper 50’s, clear

SSH x 25, Arm Circles x 10 forwards and backwards, Shoulder Taps x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Imperial Walkers x 10
Ran a lap around the park, then ran up to Gresham. Here we got into two teams of three for doras, but instead of each team working on their own with one partner running while the other did exercises, we had one team doing exercises in cadence while the other team ran together. So all the exercises were added amongst all of us, but each team of three did the workout together in cadence. We ran from the front of the school down to the loop at the bottom of the hill and back while the other team did exercises. The exercises were 100 x burpees, 200 x squat jumps and 300x LBCs

Ran back to parking lot across from AO and did a ring of fire with merkins, starting with 1 rep and ending with 5
Welcome to SpaceX
Been reading The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, which opens by saying “Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It’s teamwork that time and again proves to be the ultimate competitive advantage both because it is so powerful and so rare.” From experience we can all say that being on a team that is “rowing in the same direction” is a huge game changer. If I had tried to do this workout on my own I probably would have done 5 burpees and called it quits. My word of encouragement was to consider the teams we’re a part of, at work, home and anywhere else, and how to work together with them and “row in the same direction”

CSAUP coming up July 18th

Death by Squat

THE SCENE: Not too hot, not to cool.  Just perfect for a Charmin return to the Brickyard.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Everybody knows the drill

One minute and 23 sec late waiting for Belding, but we got started with:

SSH x 20, IC; Tempo Squats x20, IC; Tie Fighters x 10 each direction, IC

Lotta legs today, men:

  • Burpee Dans:  Start with 4 lunges, then 4 burpees, rinse and repeat to the end of the parking lot, run back to start and again, only 3 burpees this time.  Rinse and repeat 2 more times, dropping a burpee each round.
  • Time for Aiken Legs:  20 of each of the following: Squats, box jumps, Mary Catherines (let me see those jazz hands!), reverse lunges.  Rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey to the football field for 7 of diamonds.  Corners are 30 yards apart.  4 complete rounds, stopping at each corner to complete a set of exercises.  Increase by 7 reps each round.  Start with burpees (7 at each corner), then flutter kicks, 4 ct (14 at each corner), then Merkins (21 at each corner), then squats (28 at each corner).
  • Offered the Pax an audible away from squats.  Belding said no way.  So, it’s Death by Squats.  In circle formation, start with 10 jump squats, then 10 squats, then 9 jump squats and 10 squats, then 8 jump squats and 10 squats.  So on and so forth down to 1 jump squat.
  • Take a leg break:  Mosey across the field.  At each 10 yard line, do 20 BBS. 100 total.
  • Back to the AO.

Ring of Fire, some Howling Monkeys and a few box cutters till Recovery.

All you need is love — The Beatles.  Sounds simple enough till we read what real love looks like from the Apostle Paul:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8.  Love is hard, but if we work to follow the Lord’s command, we will find that the Beatles are generally right.  A difference between a HIM and a sad clown is the HIM wakes up every day intent on trying to practice love, even though we’ll fail at it in some way each day.  Keep at it!
Prayers for Natty’s friend Hill and his recovery, for Natty’s 2.0 Audrey as she drives to the beach with a friend (and for Natty and the M for peace of mind), for the Belding and the Hardin Valley Academy community as Belding leads them through graduation, that it goes smoothly and is truly a time of celebration.  Big praises for Tuba’s M for a permanent position as music director at their church and the opportunity to minister.
Belding might be available to mow yards, apparently, if the pay is right.  He has the equipment.

Choose the Hard stuff

THE SCENE: Clear, 65°F, Feels like 65°F, Humidity 87%, Wind 4mph from SW

  • SSH 30x IC
  • Tempo Squats 15x
  • Little of this, little of that
  • Merkins 15x OYO
  • Some of those, some of these
  • Leg stretches


  • 1 Mile run
  • 6 Rounds
    • 30x Burpees
    • 30x BBS
    • 30x SSH
    • 30x Lunges

No time for mary
Natty, Biohazard, Herbie
With everything that has been happening in the world around I’ve been thinking about the hard conversations that we have with our 2.0s, our co-workers, and our neighbors. These conversations aren’t easy and our 2.0s will ask questions that we don’t have an answer to. I have avoided commenting and posting on social media because I would rather have these types of conversations in person just to be able to read body language and reactions. Within our families, these conversations are hard but necessary. We need to raise our 2.0s to choose to have the hard conversations, make the hard choices, do the hard things. As men of F3, we choose to do the hard thing each morning by getting up in the gloom and doing these crazy workouts. If we can do that, why can’t we men step up and lead these hard conversations in our families, our jobs, and our communities?

Make the hard choice no matter what the situation, it’s no more difficult than 100+ burpees.




Simple Q


SSH x 30 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

Overhead Clap x 40 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

8-Count x 10 IC
5 Rounds:

  • 20 Gas Pumps
  • 20 Push-ups
  • 1/4 mile run
  • 20 squats

As many rounds as possible:

  • Max effort push-ups
  • 50 flutter kicks (4 ct)
  • 25 mtn climbers (4 ct)
  • 25 Burpee
  • 50m sprint

Mr. Wedgie’s 34th B-Day so as is the custom at Brickyard we celebrate with 8-counts. Only 24 since we “lit the candles” during the warmup.

God is not surprised by any of what is happening in our state, Country, or World. He is the same God who spoke to Moses and who sent his only Son to this Earth. He is the same God that tells the sun to rise and set each day.

Repeat this out loud: “Jesus is King and I am not”

No go and serve the King.