F3 Knoxville

Cold, Wet, & Grateful

THE SCENE: Arrived early to see if we needed to move to the Pav-a-lon. We should have and didn’t. COLD AND WET

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Did this… poorly, I’m sure


SS IC x20 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Tempo Squats IC x 10


Tabata workout with Field Trips. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest. 8 sets per exercise. 3 exercises per round with a Field Trip after each Round. 3 rounds. 

  • Round 1:
    • V-ups 
    • CMU Rows 
    • Squat Jumps 
  • Mosey to BathHouse for 15 incline merkins and 15 decline merkins 
  • Round 2:
    • Hello Dollys 
    • Imperial Squat Walkers 
    • OH Press 
  • Mosey around the BathHouse and back
  • Round 3: 
    • Flutter Kicks 
    • SSH 
    • CMU Jump overs (Did not get to as time was called)


No time 


6 HIMs. 0 FNGs

Snitch, GoatDish, I-Beam, Tonka, Waxjob, and Blindside on Q


After just a week off from COVID, I am extremely grateful for F3. The text check-ins and guys picking up the Q’s I missed were great, but it was the time away that made me realize just how much I yearn for ALL 3 F’s. It was the longest I’ve got without working out since starting F3 in March of last year, I missed my brothers in the Gloom as well. I’ve always said that the Fellowship aspect of F3 has been the most impactful for me, and not being in the Gloom for a week showed me just how true that was. I also slacked off in my Faith because I didn’t have the kickstart that our COT usually gives me each morning. 

Thank you, men of F3. 

Before a Break

THE SCENE: The weather couldn’t have been better.  Beautiful brisk morning.

Some Motivators and Merkins to start the morning.
Simple yet effective workout. Some running with Merkins, Squats, Lunges, Pull Ups, Dry Docks and Mountain Climbers mixed in.


We had a little talk about Chris Norton and the ability of humans to overcome great obstacles with a little help from the Man himself.

Dogpound 1-11-22

THE SCENE: 25 degrees “a dry cold”

Touch Toes – 20 count; Cherry Pickers IC x 5; Sumo Squat and Hold – 20 count; Tempo Squat IC x 5; Rockettes IC x 5; Tempo Merkins IC x 5; Motivators beginning at 4; CMU farmer carries, alternating hands, all the way to base of Matterhorn

Partner Up.  One partner completes the prescribed number of reps for the “A” exercise while the other partner goes AMRAP on the “B” exercise, then they switch.  Once each partner has completed 3 sets of each exercise they head up Matterhorn together (detail below).

Round 1 – [A] Squirrel Press x 10 (detail below) / [B] Side Straddle Hops

Round 2 – [A] Over The Top Merkin x 15 / [B] Reverse Lunge

Round 3 – [A] CMU Deadlift x 15 / [B] Switch Climbers

* “Squirrel Press” – holding your CMU a with bicep curl grip – perform perfect squat form to the low position, curl, stand up, curl, overhead press = 1 rep

** Matterhorn – run uphill to the first set of cones (bottom of pull-up area); turn around and Bernie to the second set of cones (top of pull-up area); turn around again and run to the third set of cones at the summit.  Each partner completes 5 burpees at the summit, then heads back down in the same manner.  Q recommends a walking Bernie on the downhill section.

*** Early finishers head back up Matterhorn to meet the Six before beginning the next round

Cleaned up debris from a fallen tree limb that was blocking the road near the marina entrance and challenged ourselves with a variety of CMU carries on the way back to the AO
8 men accounted for.  Thank you to Mayberry for helping the Q remember to do the Name-O-Rama

2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

One of my favorite verses.  Stop trying to fix things on your own.  You can’t.  And stop being deceived by the thought that other people need to change their ways so that the world can get back on it’s axis.  Seek God, pray, and repent.  He will meet you right where you are, and he will heal your land.

Lapping the Park @ Truck Stop 1-8-22

THE SCENE: Cold and dry

Stretch the legs; tempo squats; grady corns; tempo merkins; mosey to the back of the parking lot

1 – Lunge to the first light pole and back (approx 30 yards), then Imperial Walker to the first light pole and back

2 – Side Straddle Hop x 15 on a 4-count

3 – Mountain Climber (2=1) x 10

4 – Reverse Crunch x 10

5 – Take a Lap (0.6 miles)

    • pit stop at the Bath House for 20 Inverted Rows and 20 burpees

6 – Merkins x 20 upon crossing the finish line

7 – Repeat

* All PAX completed 4 laps

** The 4th Lap’s pit-stop was modified to 20 total reps of a combination of burpees and rows


Tempo Squat x 10; Flutter Kick IC x 25; 20 Merkins OYO; 120 seconds of individual stretching

12 – Mayberry, Doubtfire, Earmuffs, Tailpipe, Cosmo, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Judge Judy, Biscuits, I-Beam, Trunk, School Zone

Remembering Channon Christian and Chris Newsom on the 15 year anniversary of their untimely deaths.  Live your lives with legacy in mind, practice gratitude, and love and care for those around you.  Remember that our God is a God of grace, who can turn tragedy into triumph for His Kingdom

Opportunity to serve at the Veteran’s Cemetery in South Knoxville on the morning of January 15th.  Check Lebowski’s post on the main Slack channel for details

Year of Fear

THE SCENE: Easy, breezy, beautiful

5 merkins
20 SSH, 4 ct
5 merkins
10 windmills, 4 ct
5 merkins
10 tempo squats
5 merkins
5 cherry pickers
22 merkins
Mosey around island
5 rounds of exercise, then a lap around the baseball field with 5 each merkins, BBS, and squats at each light pole (9 light poles = 45 reps per move per lap)

Exercises between laps – 22 reps each move:

  1. Squats, American Hammers (4 ct)
  2. Merkins, Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  3. CDDs, Star Jacks
  4. Mountain Climbers (4 ct), Wide arm merkins
  5. Dive Bombers, Burpees

Fellowship mosey to basketball goal for 2 rounds of Gotcha (10 merkin buy-in, 10 merkin penalty when out)
Mosey back to AO

1 minute Mary – 22 flutter kicks, 4 ct


We went around the circle and named off something that caused us stress, anxiety, or to be scared in 2021.  Most of us focused on our children, their safety, and how we’re doing as fathers and leaders.  2020 kicked off a 2 year cycle of stress, anxiety, fear, frustration, and anger.  2021, for most it seems, was even worse.  We’ve heard nonstop garbage and noise about all the things we should be scared of.  Covid, jobs, the economy, foreign governments, our own governments, non-citizens and citizens alike.  It’s overwhelming the amount of fear that’s being preached by our leaders and news outlets.

I told myself for most of 2021 to ignore the garbage and shouting, to not be scared, to just keep on keeping on.  It wasn’t until the last stretch that I realized that maybe they were on to something.  Maybe they were right.  Maybe I should be fearful.  But they were, and still are, preaching the wrong kind of fear.

Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”  In Psalm 56:3-4 we find David saying, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can flesh do to me?”

Stress and anxiety have no place in our lives, gentlemen.  It will not add anything to our lives.  And we far too frequently find ourselves wallowing in the wrong kind of fear.  There is one, and only one, thing we should fear.  That is the Lord God Almighty.  Our Creator, Provider, Healer, and Savior.  Not as the world fears.  Not as we fear punishment or harm.  But a fear out of love, respect, admiration, and praise.  A righteous fear.

Job 28:28 describes fear in this way, “And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.'”  Matthew 10:28 instructs us, “And do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.  Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Let us live our lives with the right kind of fear, the Fear of the Lord.  Let us give him all of our worldly fear, stress and anxiety to him.  Let us lead our children, spouses, friends and neighbors with a righteous Fear and help spread the Gospel to this dark world that so desperately needs Him.  Make 2022 the Year of Fear!

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