F3 Knoxville

Good livin at The Burbs

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning – moderate humidity



Partnered up with a battle buddy – 1 sandbag per team. Alternated sandbag carries between battle buddies until we arrived at the school. 20 Ruck Merkins, 20 Ruck Squats. From there, we made our way over to the Bearden track. On the way, Partner 1 would carry the sandbag while Partner 2 did 10 Ruck Merkins and 10 Ruck Squats. Partner 2 would then catch Partner 1, take the sandbag, and continue rucking while Partner 1 would then do the merkins and squats. Rinse, repeat until we made it to the track. At the track, we did 4 sets of the following exercises (15 reps for each). After each set, we ran a lap around the track.

  • Ruck Curls
  • Flutter Kicks (4 ct) with Ruck Overhead
  • Overhead Presses
  • Lunges or Squats (Ruck on)
  • Bent-over Sandbag Rows

Made our way back to the AO alternating sandbag carries between battle buddies. Stopped a couple times for 15 Ruck Merkins and 15 Ruck Squats. Once back to the AO, one last set of ruck curls, flutter kicks, presses, lunges, and sandbag rows. Flutter Kicks for the last 45 seconds to finish.


15 strong this morning!


I felt scattered during my BOM and didn’t put in the time that I should have last night to prepare a strong word for the PAX.

I’m constantly reminded just how thankful I am for the men that God has put in my life each morning that I get to be surrounded by F3 brothers. I would never get up at 4 am to go suffer through brutal workouts without the encouragement, support, and accountability provided by my brothers. And while the physical push is great each morning, there is a much greater impact that the men of F3 make outside the 5:30 – 6:15 am timeframe (or 4:50 am on some days). When the men of F3 Knoxville catch wind that a fellow brother is struggling with something or going through a tough season in his life, it’s incredible to witness the love and support that they provide for him. That’s what being a part of the PAX is all about.

Merkin Mania!!

  • THE SCENE: warm, humid, armpit-like
  • SSH IC 20
  • Tempo squats IC 15
  • little this and a little that
  • Michael Phelps
  • Cherry pickers IC 10
  • Imperial walkers IC 20
    We started out over to the play ground, by way of a baatan death march, the PAX were concerned about what exactly “merkin mania” was going to look like for them. Once to the playground we finished our warm up with some 7’s, pull ups at the bottom 4ct calf raises at the top Burnie Sanders up the hip and bear crawl every other trip down. Once we woke up our shoulders we officially said good morning to them with some bear crawls in the parking lot. 30yds out with 10 dry docks at every 3rd parking space and 30yds back with 10 plank jacks. Then we mosied over to the concrete bleachers….it was there we had merkin mania….
  • 7 one arm incline merkins & 7 super man merkins
  • 15 diamond merkins & 15 cobra merkins
  • 10 one legged merkins and 10 grasshopper merkins
  • 15 alligator merkins & 15 lizard merkins
  • 15 decline & 15 Spider-Man merkins

After each complete round the PAX would run to the end of the fence and back and start again eliminating the bottom set. I called an audible after two rounds through.

We then slow mosied to the soccer field and did some sprints (600yds worth)

then it was back to the AO

We started with some ring of fire abs (legs up at 45), then 25 each of flutter kicks, hello dollies, and LBC (which bartman led us in). And lastly an agonizing minute of boat canoe.

I have been reading a book titled “Beautiful Outlaw” and in reading through it I often pondered how awesome it would be to be a disciple of Jesus in those times, all the camp fires they sat around laughing and cutting up, miles and miles they walked with Him, and many numerous gatherings they were a part of with Jesus. It almost gave me a feeling of envy to think how close they became with Jesus while he was walking amongst us. It then dawned on me how that is exactly what we are called to as Christians today. Jesus may no longer be walking amongst us in Human form but He is still very much alive and speaking and listening. I encouraged the PAX to not fall into the trap of trying to fall in love with a set of rules or the idea that God loves them but instead to pursue a friendship with the person of Jesus, just the same as his disciples did so long ago.
Closing prayer

Burpicide to the Pavalon

THE SCENE: around 70 – warm & steamy



  • Side straddle hops x 20
  • Tempo merkins x 10
  • Tempo squats x 10
  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • this/that stretch


  • Indian run to base of Matterhorn – last man drops & performs 2 merkins before running to front of line
  • Suicide run up the Matterhorn
    • 8 cones lined up the hill
    • Burpees at each cone increasing by 2 each time:  2,4,6,8….16.   Had to stop at 14 due to time.
  • Countdown at the pavalon
    • Start at top & work your way down the list.  Rinse & repeat eliminating the lowest rep exercise each time through the list.  Finish each trip down the list by running up the hill to the gate & back.
      • 10 wide grip pullups
      • 9 thrust merkins
      • 8 speed skaters (each leg)
      • 7 dips
      • 6 box jumps
      • 5 decline merkins
  • Indian run back to the AO


  • Box cutters x 25
  • Side crunch x 10 (each side)
  • Flutter kicks x 25
  • American Hammers x 20
  • 1 minute plank

22:   I-Beam, Snitch, Flute Loop, Waxjob, Driftwood, Wagon Wheel, Side Car, La-Z-Boy, Transfer, Smoker, Mayberry, Junk, Wallball, Pusher, Toto, Butters, Trap Door (FNG), Scooter, Bueller, Booger, Ratchet, Bartman

My 11 year-old son is out of town on a trip and called last night with a headache.  He was letting it get to him and making a mountain out of a mole hill…he was losing perspective on the situation and getting overwhelmed.  Funny thing is, we do this as men all the time.  It’s usually not a headache – usually it’s financial stress, work stress, family pressure, health needs.  We let these things grow in our minds until we think they are too big to handle.  God reminds us in the book of Deuteronomy that he is always with us.

“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you”   Deuteronomy 31:6

This verse is taken from the time of Moses, when he was getting ready to hand the reigns over to Joshua.  Moses was reassuring both Joshua and the Israelites that God would take care of them in battle against their enemies.  We still have that same promise today.  Whatever your circumstance, large or small, God’s answer is still “I will not leave you nor forsake you”.  Don’t make mountains out of mole hills – give them over to the Lord in prayer and watch him do the work on your behalf.



Memorial Day at the Truck Stop

THE SCENE: cloudy, humid, 70’s


Cherry Pickers

Baby Arm Circles forward and back

Michael Phelps

Mosey to the new bathrooms
11’s From bathroom to Watt Road

Easy ups (reverse merkins, merkin pull-ups whatever they are called) and Merkins

Mosey to Upper Field

6 Corners

10 burpees, jog to mid field

20 squats, sprint to corner

20 BBS, lunge across field to corner

20 merkins, jog to mid field

20 4 count mtn climbers, sprint to corner

20 4 count flutter kicks, bear crawl back to start

Repeat 2x

Line up on end line, 25% speed up to 50% speed by midfield, full sprint to end

repeat 3x

mosey to AO

Ring of Fire Merkins (5 and 10)

Captain Thors by Bartman

Auger, Pin Wheel FNG’s
Earn the sacrifices made by others for Memorial Day
prayers for safe travels for Toto and family, Tank’s ankle

Murph workout tomorrow (1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 merkins, 300 squats, 1 mile run)

Ruck march (5 to 8 miles) tonight at Bearden Beer Market 7:00 PM

The Importance of Battle Buddies

THE SCENE: 60s…warm



  • Merkins IC x10
  • Tempo Squats IC x10
  • SSH IC x 20
  • This/that/these/those/Michael Phelps


  1. Grab a battle buddy & mosey to the tennis court
    • DORA:  100 Burpee, 100 Iron Mike, 100 Big Boy Situps
    • Running partner bear crawl forward across the court & crawl bear back
  2. Mosey to hockey rink – keep your battle buddy
    • DORA:  100 Merkin, 100 Squats, 100 Little Baby Crunches
    • Running partner runs to the other side of the rink & back, stopping for 2 burpees each time they cross the center line
  3. Mosey to Pee Rocks – same battle buddy
    • DORA:  100 Curls, 100 Overhead Press, 100 Tricep Press
    • Running partner runs to the grass & back


  • Box cutters x 25
  • Freddie Mercury x 25

16 total:  Ratchet, Onesie, Respect, Frosty, La-Z-Boy, Shooter, Tweet-E, Bowflex, I-Beam, High Heels, Sparky, Squirt, Flute Loop, Toto, Abacus, Bartman


Proverbs 13:20 – Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Who are you walking with?  Who are you spending time with?  The proverb isn’t saying you always have to be with people who are smarter than you….it says to associate with those who are wise.  These are people who are seeking Christ in their life.  These are people who lift you up and edify you, rather than tear you down.  These are people who are honest enough to tell you when you’re wrong.  So….who are you surrounding yourself with?



Hardship Hill is 2 days away.  Pray for safety for the teams and for a good time to be had by all.