F3 Knoxville

Sled Full-of-Bricks

The Scene: 62 and Windy

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25 x IC SSH

9 x IC BigA Cir Fwd 10 Back

10xIC BabyA Cir Fwd/Back

Arms Out

15 x IC Toy Soldiers

15 x IC Tempo Squat

10 x IC Tempo Merkin

15 x IC Imperial Walkers


Hustle to the CMU Wagon and unload the bricks for fun

Mosey to the Hockey Rink

Stations –

  1. 5 Caterpillar Tap outs
  2. 10 Static Lunge & Curl (CMU)
  3. 15 Bobby Brick Hurley’s (CMU)
  4. 20 Brick Row’s (CMU)
  5. 25 American Hammer – Single Count

Mosey to the Gate

  1. 30 Squats

Rinse and Repeat til the Bell


Dealer’s Choice ABS

Toto- Hello Dolly’s

Mayberry – Pickle Pounders

Ratchet – Side bend sit-ups “Denise Austin” style

Rocky Tops/Heartbreakers (Name TBD) to finish out the final minutes


Shared my Testimony with the PAX. “No one after lighting a lamp covers it up with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. Luke 8:16

Walking in faith can be scary at times, but it is through faith where we will grow and become the HIM’s we were meant to be through the Sky-Q.

Moleskin: We’re still missing the shovel flag, Frosty? We woke up to a beautiful Florida this morning, oddly warm and windy. We finished up right before the downpour. P-Nut was lobbying for a 25 minute show, but we ran over and used every minute. The Bobby Brick Hurley’s were a real crowd please’r and we found the bricks a new home. Nobody walked out with any injuries that they didn’t walk in with, so that’s good. Great day to be a part of this PAX.

Christmas Vacation at The Dog Pound

The scene: Balmy 42, dark and clear

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SSH IC x 15x
Imperial Squat Walker IC x 10x
Arm Circles (big, small, front, back)

Mosey to rock pile
Hot Potato – Battle buddy up and grab 1 rock per pair. PAX sit facing each other. Partner A does BBS with rock and then passes rock to Partner B, who does BBS and passes rock back to Partner A. Rinse & repeat until total of 50 reps.

Mosey to Matterhorn
Climb hill alternating between Lunges x 10 and Frog Jumps x 10.

Mosey to Pav-a-lon
10 sets of the following
Pull-ups x 5x
Dips x 10x
Squats x 20x

Mosey back to AO
Ring-o-fire Merkins
Hello Dolly IC x 10x
Flutter Kicks IC x 10x



Route66 – The Dog Pound Style

The scene: 34 degrees, dark and cool!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


ISO arm stretches, swimmers stretch
Squats ICx15

Tha Thang:
PAX moseyed from the parking lot to the loop by the water.

Route 66

The PAX ran the parking lot loop performing the following exercises:

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Star Jacks
  • LBC’s

Repetitions increased at cones placed along the route (1st cone, 1 burpee; 2nd cone, 2 burpees…etc.) to a total of 10 reps.

Mosey back to AO

Flutter Kick ICx20
Penguins ICx20
Mountain Climbers ICx20
American Hammers ICx15
V-ups ICx10

Count-Off and Name-O-Rama:

P-nut related how our run down Route 66 was an analogy to traveling life’s path. We have distractions along the way, but we need to remember the words of Jesus in Luke 9…and how we must be willing to sacrifice everything in order to truly follow Him.

P-nut then prayed us out- including a prayer request for Pfieffer’s grandfather and relief from holiday stress…especially that stress placed on our wives.


A group of brave souls with questionable judgment participated in a RUCK/run prior to the beat-down. All PAX were treated to 3 miles and a buffet of burpees, squats and merkins. Spirits were high and the mumblechatter was strong. Great morning at the Pound.

Respectfully submitted,


The Prison Yard

The Scene: 52 and constant rain

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SSH x 20 IC
Michael Phelps x5
Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Mosey to the prison circuit (tennis court)

– line up, Indian run around the court
– first guy sprints to the net and to the end of the line

Mosey to the rock pile


Battle buddy up
– one guy with a big rock and the other with two mediums.
– run to the grass
– Dora to the pile and back as many times as it takes

Small Rock Curls
Small rock Merkins
Small rock overhead press
Small rock tricep extensions
Small rock hops


PRISON BREAK – relay sprint races

Back to the AO – 8 minutes of abs
– superman
– ab cycle
– boat canoe

American prisons, as of 2013 held over 2.2M people. The largest prison population in the world.

We as men have the opportunity to live free lives, and yet so often we opt for prison.

Sometimes we live in prisons for our bodies. We we work out trying to reach a body image at the expense of our families. We enslave our bodies to food, alcohol or drugs.

Far more often we live in a prison of our minds. We enslave ourselves to greed, and success believing somehow that “just a little more” will make us happy. We live under the burden of guilt and shame for any one of a million failures, constantly hearing the lies of our adversary but not calling them out. We bury ourselves in images and fantasies of women who are not our M and then we see them everywhere we go and cannot stop the flood of images. We live lives plagued by fear of failure, insignificance or disaster.

The truth is found in 2 Tim 1:7. That God has given us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self control.

Many of us live in a prison for our souls. For those who believe in the existence, life and sacrifice of Jesus we are made free. The prison cell door has been thrown open, and yet so often we opt to stay in the cell.

You have to make the HC to step out every day. As HIMs we need to look at the men around us and extend a hand to help pull them out.


Great work by the men today. Rainy and cold, you busted it pretty good. Way to get better!

Start Together-Finish Together

The Scene: 50 and damp

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Imperial Walkers IC 4ct x 25
Burpees 10 OYO
Merkins IC 4ct x 25

Mosey Indian run style to first stop
Mtn climbers IC 4ct x25
Lunges up the hill 50
Mosey to the pavilion

At pavilion
5 rounds
5 pull ups
10 squats
5 toes to bar
10 good mornings

Mosey to the lower parking lot
5 rounds
10 LBCs
10 burpees
10 Freddie Mercury
10 dry docks

Mosey to CMU trailer
5 rounds
10 bicep curls
10 tri extensions
10 bent over rows
10 thrusters

Merkin relay countdown
Split into teams
Sprint 5 merkin sprint back
Rest of the PAX holds a plank
Sprint 4 merkin sprint back

Floor wipers IC 4ct x
American hammers IC 4ct x
V-ups IC 4ct x

Never Give Up!

We started off gettin’ the PAX movin’ right off the bat!  Good mumblechatter and an OTB trip to Starbucks brought the PAX closer together after the workout.  Good to see you guys and grab a little Second’F and a great start to Thanksgiving Day!


In the BOM I talked about Lt. Brian Murphy and how he never gave up, and how he never left anyone behind. At a conference I met Murphy and he added the guys on his shift had an agreement that what they  “Start together finish together.”
Who do you not want to leave behind? What makes you fight and make sure to never give up? Who else chose never to give up? The true constant is Jesus. He never gives up on us. He pursues us to be saved through him. When we live our life for Jesus we have eternal life. Jesus is our savior, and we can only be saved through him. He leads us and he encourages us to be leaders of others. He fights for us, and he doesn’t want to leave behind. He gives us strength, strength to never give up. He pursues us so that we can finish together and begin a new life in heaven. We are encouraged through each other, we fight for each other.

And he gave us F3. He gave us a group of brothers from another mother, and we come out each morning and push each other, we also never leave anyone behind. We always pick up the Six. And I am thankful for that, thankful for you guys, in so many ways that I just can’t say it.

I can think of no better verse to describe this than:

Prov 18-24

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”