F3 Knoxville

Hope you came ready to work…

71 and Foggy

Welcome and Disclaimer

Burpees                    OYO x10
Side Saddle Hop       IC x20
Squat                         IC x15
Baby Arm Circle        IC x15
Reverse Arm Circle   IC x15
Imperial Walkers       IC X10
Merkins                     ICx10

Warm up run down to Northshore entrance and then down to the brick pile.  Grab coupons and circle up

Gone in 60 Seconds
Overhead Press         As many as you can in 60 seconds
Weighted Squats        As many as you can in 60 seconds
Curls                           As many as you can in 60 seconds
Chest flies                   As many as you can in 60 seconds

Rinse and repeat

Elevens at the Playground of PAIN
Derkins starting at 1
Step-ups starting at 10

Rocky Mountain High aka Cardiac Hill
Run to first turn: x30 BBS
Bear Crawl to second turn: x30 American Hammers
Sprint to finish: x30 Hello Dollys

Mosey back to the parking lot

Everyone picks a Battle Buddy.  Location of run: Edge of parking lot -> BIG Tree

Workouts to be completed:
150 Carolina Dry Docks
100 BBS
50 Burpess

Dealer’s Choice Abs to finish

Number off and Name-O-Rama

“Our Redeemed Purpose”
Remember what Gods purpose is in everything that we do. Be intentional in the plans that God has planned for us as we carry on our day.
Ephesians 2:10

It was FOGGY, real FOGGY… the PAX could barley see from the thickness of the GLOOM! On arrival each man came to battle and we got better together and conquered the GLOOM! Way to go men!


64 and rain close by

Welcome and Disclaimer

The Theme: DAY 26! Since its May 26, why not rep out everything in 26 or some form of 2’s and 6’s!

Squatsx26 (IC)
Imperial Squat Walkers x26 (IC)
Chinooks x26 (IC)
Baby Arm circles x26 (IC)

Mosey to pick up 5lb rocks and mosey back to tennis court

Line up on curb

Calf Raises
Toes in x26
Toes out 26
Regular x26

Mosey inside tennis court

Merkins and BBS
On one sideline of the tennis court BBS reps of 2,6,12,16,20,22,26.  Between reps DUCK walk to the other sideline and do Merkins 2,6,12,16,20,22,26

Lazy Doras
P1 does 26 squats while P2 does performed exercises below
Total shoulder presses 126
TOTAL triceps extensions 226
TOTAL curls 326

Circle up for

Sqauts x26 (IC)
BBS x26 (IC)
American Hammers x26 (IC)

Number off and Name O Rama

“IN a world of unrelenting changes, I am the one who never changes, I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the end, Find in me the stability for which you have yearned”

DP Mini Seabiscuit

57 and cloudy

Welcome and Disclaimer


Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC
Baby arm circles x 10 IC (forward and backwards)
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Hillbillies x 20 (imperial walkers using same side arm and leg)
Mosey to the hockey rink

Building Blocks
Pick a battle buddy
5 Stations:
– Reverse Lunges x 5 each leg
– Squat Jumps x 5
– Merkins x 5
– Big Boy Sit-ups
– Reverse Pickle Pounders

R1: Stations x 5, one lap around park (0.35 mi)
R2: Stations x 10, one lap around park
R3: Stations x 15, one lap around park
R4: Stations x 10, one lap around park
R5: Stations x 5, one lap around park

Plank it up

Ab cycle:
Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 10 OYO
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Box Cutters x 20 IC
Pickle Squashers x 30 seconds (thanks Junk)
Pickle Pounders x 20 IC


Count off and Name-o-Rama


Pledge of Allegiance

Don’t wish away the days.  Was reminded yesterday how quickly time passes as I sat through my 5th graders graduation. Seems like just yesterday that he was two.

Cherish the moments in life you have. Don’t look back and wish you had done more.


40 degrees and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Squats ICx20
Side saddle hops ICx20
Bobby Hurleys OYOx10
Forward arm circles ICx10
Reverse arm circles ICx10

Lakeshore Tour
Mosey to Cardiac Hill

Burpees OYOx10

Mosey to top of Cardiac Hill

Burpees OYOx10
Merkins ICx10

Mosey to the Greenway

Burpees OYOx10
Merkins ICx10

Mosey to park entrance

Burpees OYOx10
Merkins ICx10
Mountain climbers ICx20

Mosey for two laps up and down the Veterans cemetery driveway…back across the street to the entrance of Lakeshore…

Plank-O-Rama (Cap’n Crunch)

Mosey to the upper parking lot.

Burpees OYOx10
Merkins ICx10
Mountain climbers ICx20
Carolina Dry Docks ICx10

Mosey back to the AO…

Dealer’s Choice
Imperial Walkers ICx15 (P-nut)
Hello Dolly ICx15 (P-nut)
Boat/Canoe (Zygote)
Flutter kicks (Cat Gut)

Closed out with an ATM sequence (Cap’n Crunch)

Number off and Name-O-Rama
25 brave souls, including 1 FNG (Tuck).

P-nut reminded everyone of the business that surrounds them in everyday life. Work, stress, hurt and worldly pursuits can distract us from our purpose. We need to elevate our thinking and focus on Christ to help us become better men. Get out of the world and into Jesus.  P-nut prayed us out.

Lots of spirited mumblechatter on this unseasonably chilly May morning. Good vibes from good men.


Let’s Mosey

62 and Clear

F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Side Straddle hops – IC 20x
Big Arm Circles, low and back – IC 10x
…and reverse – IC 10x
Calf Raises on the curb – IC 30x
Merkins – 20x

Let’s Mosey
Partner up and run to the Outhouse
Dips – oyo 30x
Run to the Fork
Burpees – oyo 20x
Run to the Speedbump
Carolina Dry Docks – oyo 30x
Run up to the Gravel Parking
Full Squat Jumps – oyo 30x
Run to the Small Shelter
Dips – oyo 30x
Run to the End of the Road
Big Boy Sit-ups – oyo 30x
Run back to the top of the hill
Iso Squats – IC 30x
Run to the Marina Office
Merkins – oyo 20x
Run on the sidewalk. For each dock ramp encountered, mosey forward down and backwards up to end mosey at Little Everest.
Sprint up Little Everest and partway across upper lot, plank it out, mosey back down – 3x
Mosey back to AO, finish mosey with a sprint from speed bumps to the tennis courts.

Total Mosey: 2.5 miles, 280 vertical feet or ~19 stories, 6,000 steps and 1100 calories.

Hello Dolly’s – IC 20x
Flutter Kicks – IC 30x
Pledge of Allegiance
Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Be intentional to show unselfishness, kindness, and good will.  A challenge was made for each HIM to do three intentional acts of kindness today.  Go out of your way to spread God’s blessings.
The Dog Pound delivered some new views this morning as we explored some unchartered roadway and sidewalks.  Average turnout allowed for some good mumble-chatter.  The PAX left it all out there today.  …time to get some breakfast and recharge.