F3 Knoxville

All Truck and No Stop

THE SCENE:  mid 60’s and warm….weird weather for January


  • mosey around the island
  • SSH x 10
  • Squats x 10
  • Rockettes x 10
  • Tempo merkins x 10
  • Cherry pickers x ?  just do some ’till your ready.


  • Start out on the track.  Route 66 burpees at each light pole going the long route to the other side of the park.  13 poles total.  Lots of burpees
  • Kraken style run around the island with 6 stations.  Start with 5 Merkins and 5 Iron Mikes (each leg) at the first station and increase by 5 each lap. Reps = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 at each consecutive station.
  • Mosey to the long hill by Watt Rd.  Battle buddy up for DORA 1,2,3.
    • 100 squats, 200 Big Boys, 300 Flutter Kicks
    • Partner A does exercises while Partner B runs to top of hill and does 2 Diamond Merkins
  • The short steep hill by the concrete bleachers was feeling left out so we stopped there on the way back to the AO.   Box jump up the bleachers, run to top of hill, do 5 burpees, come back down.
  • Mosey back to AO


  • Dealers choice
    • BBS x 20 – Frosty
    • Peter Parker – Driftwood
    • American Hammers – Finger Food
    • Hello Dolly – Butters

Frosty, Butters, Finger Food, Abort, Sparky, Driftwood, Amazon, La-Z-Boy, Mayberry, Charger, Bartman


Shared some of the challenges I’ve faced this week with my son and the fact that no matter how much he pushes my buttons there is always some grace left in the tank to show him.   It’s a reminder of the grace that Jesus has shown me over the years.


We hit the ground running and never let up this morning.  Great work from all 11 today.  Also, shout out to Amazon for being out in the gloom shortly after knee surgery.  Dude was giving 100% and modifying where he had too.  That was motivating!!



THE SCENE: It rained…before the workout

  • SSH IC x 15
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • Windmills IC x 10
  • Baby Cir Front/back x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
  • Front Claps x 10

Now that the shoulders are nice and warm.


  • 21’s Split Squats/Am Hammer until I lost count
  • Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn
  • Grab a heavy rock – 10 Goblets, 10 Thrusters, 10 Domo Squats x 5 rounds
  • 20 Curl, Press, Tri x 3 rounds
  • Sprint to first light pole, lunge to the next on Matterhorn
  • 1 Merlin, 1 Dip, 1 Pull-up Ascending to 10


Last year my word for the year was Relentless. Things were coming at me hard and fast and stayed that way all year. From losses to job struggles, it was an absolutely relentless year. So this year, I’m more cautious about the word I’m choosing. This year it’s Celebrate! I hope that brings plenty of Celebration into my world and celebrate with friends and family whenever the opportunity arises.

So… It didn’t rain. Hats off to Mayberry for directing everyone up to the Pav-A-Lon anyway. We started late, ended late and most of the Q was pieced together as went along. As always, great to be out with the HIMs in the Gloom.


Perseverance is the Back Up Plan

THE SCENE: 40° and Cloudy

Seal Clap SSH X 20, Imperial Squat Walker x 15, 4 count Merkins x 10, 10 Burpees In Cadence .
Grab a coupon and mosey to golf course

  • Par three Burpee Course- carry coupon to each cone and do 3 Burpees = 8 Cones & 24 Burpees…transition with roll of Exercise Dice- 15 MTN Climbers and 10 Merkins…mosey across parking lot
  • Using guard rail- Bo Knows w Battle Buddy- one maintains wall sit while holding coupon and BB does 100 High Knees, switch, RR…mosey w coupons toward the restaurant
  • Start w roll of dice 25 Crunches/ 20 Dips, Dora Trifecta at bottom of hill- 100 Curls, Triceps, Presses While BB runs to the top and does 10 Dive Bombers
  • 10 jump squats hold Al Gore 10 sec, 9 Jump squats hold AG 10 sec, then 8, 7, 6, 5,4,3,2,1…mosey back to AO

Box cutters x 20, Leg lifts 6 in, 45°, 90°- till hearing moaning and grunting, flutter kicks x 20
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Perseverance is the back up plan when we are struggling to accomplish our New Years Resolutions.

Tips for Persevering

  • Clarify your goal. Base it on your purpose, needs, and abilities. Know why you want this goal and how you and others will benefit.
  • Intend to achieve your goal.Outline your goal, strategies, and timeline. Know resources that can help you attain it, including individuals and the Internet. Break the goal into small steps, working backward form your desired outcome and attainment date.
  • Maintain optimism. Expect good things. Keep a daily diary of good experiences.
  • Live in the present. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about what might happen. Let go of attachments. The more attached you are to something, the greater the fear of losing it.
  • Acknowledge your accomplishments. Judge these against personal standards of self improvements. Have the courage of your convictions. Don’t change for others or compare yourself with them.
  • Try new experiences.Experiment with new ways of improving a product or service at work or other activities. Investigate how successful individuals or teams have achieved similar goals.
  • Care for you mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Schedule quiet times to think and reassess. Practice stress relievers such as deep breathing and exercise. Get sufficient sleep, eat healthy, and take time for fun and friends.
  • Experience yourself living your goal today. Hold your desired outcome firmly in your mind. See, smell, touch, and hear aspects of your goal. Each morning upon rising, review your goal. Repeat the process at night.
  • Persist. Focus on goals daily. At regular intervals, ask yourself whether your activities are moving you forward.

Romans 12:12 be joyful in hope, patient w afflictions, faithful in prayer. Prayers Lady Junk, Pinto, and Flashback and family
Tanks Party this Friday (postponed til next Friday), Contributions to Pull Up Bars go to La-Z-Boy, Waxjob, and Abscess. Also

[email protected](PayPal)

@FThree-Knoxville (Venmo)


Episode I was definitely the worst

THE SCENE: 50 degrees and clear

Mosey around the island, SSH, Merkins, squats, plank jacks, tho and that’s and rockettes

mosey to the soccer field for a Star Wars episode workout. 9 episodes. Each episode has an exercise with a qty of 10.  Do exercise and run to other sideline on the field. Repeat 3 times  each episode. Episodes are… (i may be off some)

  • I – burpees (because it was the worst one of all 9 episodes, mainly because of Jar Jar Binks
  • II – Merkins
  • III – inch worms
  • IV – squat jumps
  • IIV – star jacks
  • V – BBS
  • VI – Burpees (because of the Ewoks)
  • VII- Merkins
  • VIII – shoulder tap Merkins
  • IX – ?

we stopped half way and came back to it later as it was getting boring.

Mosey to other side lot and did 7s  with pull-up rows and shoulder tap Merkins.

mosey to bottom field. Jumped over the wooden barrier fence at each post all the way to the end. Balance beam after that for a 1/4 of it.

Mosey to circle on field. Ring of fire. Hold plank as one member of the pax runs around jumping over each other member. Do one Merkin and add one every time you get jumped. Total of 8 rounds.

mosey back and try to finish the episodes till time ends.

Sparky led the group in some Ab exercises and some Peter Parkers
8 pax in attendance

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬ ‭

The Q has had a good run without an injury but alas, all good things must come to an end. This Q is writing this backblast with 600mg of ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer in him. I figured out that I would rather do 100 burpees with the pax than watch them work hard sidelined with a back injury. Coffeteria was great with everyone attending. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
New Years Party this Friday.

12 DOC


  • Mosey around the can x2
  • SSH IC * 15
  • BA Cir IC * 10
  • Imperial Walkers IC * 15
  • Cherry Pickers (DP Style) IC * 5

Grab a CMU – Handed out the exercises one at a time to the PAX like presents. Did the exercise on the card and the previous rounds like the Song. On the 1st day of Christmas my Q gave to me…

  • 1 – World’s Greatest Merkin
  • 2 – Captain Thor’s
  • 3 – Iron Mike’s
  • 4 – Plank Jack’s
  • 5 – Burpee Tuck Jumps
  • 6 – Bobby Hurley’s
  • 7 – Thrusters Thrusting
  • 8 – Caterpillars Crawling
  • 9 – Supermen-a-swimming
  • 10 – Legs a lunging
  • 11 – Curls and Presses
  • 12 – Body Builders



A friend told me that 2019 had a lot of hard times with a lot of precious moments in between. I couldn’t agree more. It was on some of those hardest days for me that I would happen to find a bracelet that my daughter made. It’s stored on the same hook as my keys and seemed to slip off when I grabbed them on the hardest of days. It says, “Pray”. Those beads stopped me and reminded me where my strength is found.

You should have seen the boys’ face light up with each present. Who knew we could harmonize so well?