F3 Knoxville

Dealer’s Choice

THE SCENE: Freezing & Comfortable



  • Cherry Pickers IC | Grady Corns IC
  • SSH IC | Windmills IC | Rockettes IC


Deck of cards: draw two – one determines reps, other determines exercise. Run a lap every 6min


  • Aussie Snow Angel
  • Flutter Kicks IC | American Hammers IC
  • Hello Dolly IC


  • Cobra Kai
  • Butterfly



Philippians 1:12-14 – Let us leverage our circumstances—even the less than ideal ones—to advance the Gospel.



Looking Back and Moving Forward

THE SCENE: Low 30s, clear, full moon in the sky (the halo arrived towards the end of the workout)


Some stretching and 1 SSH

Mosey to the splash pad

My family gave me the official F3 Workout Deck for Christmas, so we did that.  Each card has a different exercise, and the reps are determined by the card: 1-10 = the number on the card plus 10 (e.g., a 2 = 12 reps, a 5 = 15 reps, etc.), J,Q,K = 25, and Aces = 100 (we drew 2 aces).  We made it approximately 75% of the way through the deck.  I would list all of the exercises that we did, but it might spoil the surprise for others as to what all the deck contains.  Needless to say, we did some cardio, some core, some legs, and some merkins.

Mosey back to the AO

We just had a little time for Mary, so we did 20 boat/canoes and about a 12-second plank before time.

8 HIMs

On 1/4/20, I led the first Saturday workout in 2020 at the Asylum.  I wrote this in my back-blast for that workout:

It is a new year and a new decade and no one knows what it holds.  It could be the year that someone is added to your life, or it could be the year that someone is taken away.  It could be the year of the promotion, or it could be the year of the demotion.  It could be the year of kindergarten, or it could be the year of graduation.  It could be the year of the big win, or it could be the year of the big loss.  Regardless, you don’t need a resolution, you need a constitution, a foundation.  On a big scale, it should be God, your family, your friends, etc.  But, it can be anything that grounds you.  It can even be as simple as the F3 workouts.  The asphalt, concrete, and grass do not change, and they are always there waiting for you whether you have a good day/week or a bad day/week.  They are checkpoints after good times or bad and before whatever lies ahead.  If nothing else, start there and build.  Have a good new year but not just for what good fortunes may come your way during the year but based on what you keep your eye on and focus on while the year goes by.

I certainly did not know (nor could I have imagined) how 2020 was going to play out.  It has been a year of a whole lot of something and a whole lot of nothing at the same time.  It’s been a long year and one that has hardly existed.  I’m usually reflective at New Year’s, but this year is different.  The usual events are not there to reflect on.

But, it has been a good year to get back to those basic foundations that I mentioned in January.  I’ve spent more time at home and with my family.  I’ve attended more F3 workouts thanks to my telework schedule. I’ve prayed a lot.

A lot people are happy to end 2020 in favor of 2021.  Those people need to be careful.  We should not wish our lives away in hopes of better days to come.  Find the joy now.  If you can’t find any, then look harder.  If you still can’t find any, then make some.  We have to live the days we are given as there is no guarantee of tomorrow.  Also, things are not going to change just because the year changes from 2020 to 2021.  Things will change with positive attitudes and actions.

When you look back on 2020, look for the good and don’t dwell on the bad.  As you look forward to 2021, look with hope and with the intention of doing something positive with it.

Prayers for Ribbed, his wife, and his family and for 2021.

Coming up: polar plunge and Asylum CSAUP

10 for 11s at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Low to mid 30s. Perfect gloom.



  • Cherry Pickers IC | Baby Arm Circles IC
  • SSH IC | Rockettes IC


Simple Q today: a pair of 11s

  • 10 Pull-up at Playground | 1 squat at splash pad
  • Break for Cobra Kai x5 OYO
  • 10 burpees at outhouse. | 1 BBS at splash pad until recover was called


  • Pickle Pounders
  • LBCs IC
  • Flutter Kicks IC



Luke 2:39-40 – When Jesus’ parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.

The Christmas story is incredible and powerful, but it’s not the end. Jesus lived a life that serves as an example to us. What is one aspect of Jesus’ character you wish was more a part of you? Make a plan to make Jesus’ whole story a part of your daily life & routine.


Check out the 43 Challenge on Slack & fill that 2021 Q Calendar

DORA Bricklayer

THE SCENE: 35 and foggy

SSH x25, Imperial Walker x10, Cherry Picker x5, Tempo Merkins x10, BAC x10 (both ways), little bit of this and little bit of that.
Mosey to location where Blair Witch Project was filmed to retrieve bricks.

DORA in upper parking lot.  Goal was to hold onto your bricks the whole time.

  • 100 — Merkin rows
  • 200 — V-ups
  • 300 – Squat press
  • Partner runs with bricks around island while other is doing exercises.

Mosey to playground for Pull-ups and Flutter-kicks (alternating between partners)

Hello Dolly x25


Encourage the PAX to make memories with their families. Put ideas on the calendar in pen, not pencil.  Make it stick. Make memories. Invest in your kids and your relationship with them. It’s the most productive thing you can do with your time.

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

Getting Misty at the Splash Pad

THE SCENE: Windy. Wet. Wonderful.



  • Cherry Pickers | Baby Arm Circles IC
  • SSH IC
  • Rockettes IC 


Tabata workout: eight 20-second rounds of an exercise with a 10-second rest between rounds. Short mosey between exercises as rain allows.


  • Pull-ups (Four rounds instead of eight)
  • Step-ups with Leg Raise
  • LBCs
  • Squats
  • BBS
  • Dips
  • Lunges
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Incline Merkins


  • Didn’t neglect her during the workout, don’t have to make it up to her now.


7 including an FNG: Jet Lag


1Pet1:13-16 – So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world. So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.”

Reading about holiness this week and came across this passage. Part that spoke to me especially was “Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy.” 

Once we know better, we have to do better. I experience this as a parent: when your 18mo takes a toy, they don’t know better. When your 5yo takes a toy, you know better than that. Once we know better, we have to do better.

For the men in this circle, we have all experienced some level of growth, whether that’s in our maturity & leadership, in our nutrition, in our fitness, but this is a time of year that it seems especially easy to slip back into our old ways: we’re around friends and family we haven’t been around, there’s food appearing that hasn’t been around in awhile, it’s cold and we don’t want to get out of bed. But coasting and satisfying our own desires in the moment will not help us grow, it won’t get us to where we want to go, and it won’t make us feel any better about ourselves at the end of the day.

Today, God is choosing you; he’s calling you to be holy as he is holy. Keep your foot on the gas; keep accelerating.