F3 Knoxville

Understanding is the Name of the Game


THE SCENE: 49 degrees and pleasant. A rush of wind as SchoolZone came screaming into the parking lot at 5:31 am.


Not a professional. Here on your own. Know your injuries, but don’t tell me. Modify. COVID-ish rules? Free99


SSH x15

Cherry Pickers x5

Little this. Little That. 


Mosey to Tennis Courts for BATTLE BUDDIES!

1 BB does a TC Suicide while the other works on completing the exercises switch after each suicide:

  • 25 Burpees
  • 50 Leg Lifts  
  • 75 Hello Dollies 
  • 100 merkins
  • 150 Squats
  • 200 Big Boys 
  • 250 Imperial Walkers 

Mosey to Dock for some DOCK WORK!

1 BB works through the list with a rock while the other bear crawls up the “S” curve and does 7 burpees at the top, dropping one burpee each time.

  • 15 Dry docks
  • 15 curls 
  • 15 overhead press 
  • 15 tri-extensions
  • 15 rows
  • Hold plank until BB returns 


**Don’t call on Aladdin or Tweet-E for Mary ideas (this list will be kept up to date and accurate)**

Cobra Kais and Downward Dog stretching. 6:15 came a little early once the Mumblechatter got off the rails.



Understanding: In understanding, we comprehend how we need to live as a follower of Christ. A person with understanding is not confused by all the conflicting messages in our culture about the right way to live. The gift of understanding perfects a person’s speculative reason in the gaining of Truth. It allows for self-evident principles to be known. 

While wisdom is the desire to contemplate the things of God, understanding allows us to penetrate to the very core of revealed truths. This doesn’t mean we will understand the mysteries of God, the way we would a math problem, but that we become certain of the Truth of God. Such certitude moves beyond faith. 

Understanding moves past natural reason, which is no more than how we perceive the natural world with our senses. Through understanding, we see the world and our life within the larger context of the eternal law and the relation of our souls to God. 


Apparently, the light being messed up “Isn’t a priority” to the Parks and Rec Department. Let’s spam them this week to get it fixed.