F3 Knoxville

Slip n Bleed

THE SCENE: 40s n cloudy


SSH x 20

squats x 10 ic

merkis x10 IC

hill billies x10 IC

goofballs x10 IC(never again, its lame)

run to the tennis court. Side shuffle all base lines and run side lines


  • Partner up. P1 pushes 45lb steel plate(hairburner) while P2 does 10 merkins
  • Once P2 finishes, he runs to catch P1 and P2 pushes the plate. P1 one does 10 merkins
  • Every other time its your turn to do exercise, do 10 squats to mix it up.
  • we took turns pushing the plate around the park trail
  • Between partners, we pushed the plate half mile! It was a lot harder than I thought and I lot better than I thought! It was pretty brutal.
  • FINS slipped and his knee scraped the ground and was bleeding. Hence SLIP N BLEED!
  • once we completed the loop, we did BLACK JACK on the grinder
  • start with 1 Lunge(each leg) run to the end and 20 merkins.Go until you get 20 lunges each leg and 1 merkin, always equal to 21 aka black jack.

James Bond

Hello Dolly(FIA version Bruce Jenner)


Side tri rises

Pickle pounders in honor of pinnochio spending time with his wife.
11 pax
Chase the Lion!
Love reading Chase the Lion ! Keep living men!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

99 Problems but the rain ain’t one

THE SCENE: 50 and pouring rain

DORA warmup – partner farmer carries CMU’s to the bathrooms and back

  • SSH x100
  • Arm circles x150
  • BBS x200

99 Problems (99 reps of each exercise) – Run down to the troll bridge and back between each exercise. Exercises:

  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Curls
  • Mountain Climbers (4 count)
  • Flutter Kicks (4 count)
  • CMU OH Press
  • Step Ups
  • CMU Dead Lift
  • Shoulder Taps

Dr. W x10 IC
11 Men

Short version – Don’t spend your life chasing the small, incremental moments of happiness. Find the joy in what you naturally do every day in life.

“Happiness is an emotional response to an outcome. If I win, I will be happy, if I don’t I won’t. It’s an if-then, cause and effect, quid pro quo standard that we cannot sustain because we immediately raise it every time we attain it. See, happiness demands a certain outcome, it is result reliant and I say if happiness is what you’re after then you’re gonna be let down frequently and you’re gonna be unhappy much of your time. Joy though… Joy is a different thing, its something else. Joy is not a choice, it’s not a response to some result. It’s a constant. Joy is the feeling that we have from doing what we are fashioned to do no matter the outcome. See, joy is always in process it’s under construction. It is in constant approach alive and well in the doing of what we’re fashioned to do and enjoying. The easiest way to dissect success is through gratitude. Give thanks for that which we do have, for what is working. Appreciating the simple things we sometimes take for granted. We give thanks for these things and that gratitude reciprocates. Creating more to be thankful for.It’s really simple, and it works. I’m not saying be in denial of your failures. No, we can learn from them too. But only if we look at them constructively as a means to reveal what we are good at. What we can get better at, what we do succeed at. We don’t always do our best, and since we are the architects of our own lives, let’s study the habits, the practices, the routines that we have that lead to and feed our success, our joy, our honest pain, our laughter, our earned tears. Lets dissect that and give thanks for those things. No matter what you choose, do not let it jeopardize your soul.”

Habitat for Humanity project on 3/9.

Bomb Shelter C.S.A.U.P. 2019

Low / Mid 30’s

Fins on Q to get things warmed up!
LB Arm Circles F/B
Large Arm Circles F/B
Tempo Squats
Cherry Pickers
Toe Touches
Jump Rope

Mosey .6 miles to the first beatdown location at the Elementary School.
The Ancient Kraken! (Designed by Pinocchio!) 8 Excersises with Mt. Suckmore & 5 Burpees:
After each exercise run around the Kraken, up Mt. Suckmore, Complete 5 Burpees and continue around the Kraken to the next exercise.  Rinse and Repeat for 30 min…

  • T-Merkins (x16)
  • Dr. W (x10)
  • Bobby Hurleys (x20)
  • Star Jacks (x30)
  • Mr. Spectacular (x12)
  • Shoulder Tap Merk (x12)
  • Single Leg Dead Lift Squat (x10ea.)
  • Alternating BBS (x20)

Just over 2 miles to the next beatdown location. The Murph & Mary at the Alcoa Bridge. Pax split in half and began with the Murph beatdown. Once completed they began Mary (OYO) for a rinse and repeat until the 1 hour time limit was completed.

  • Murph
    • 1 Mile Run
    • 100 Pull-ups
    • 200 Push-ups
    • 300 Air Squats
    • 1 Mile Run
  • Mary (Designed by Fins)
    • BBS (x10)
    • Ankle Touches (x10ea.)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • Holly Dolly (x10 IC)
    • American Hammers (x10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • LBC (x15)
    • Bicycle (x10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • Flutter Kick (x10 IC)
    • Mountain Climber (10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back

1.8 miles to the next beatdown location. The Alcoa High School Football Field. (Designed by Mr. Rogers & Moses!)
Pax split into teams of 3 with 1 pax in each endzone and 1 at the 50 yard line. The pax member at the 50 completes exercise and release the pax member at the end zone. That pax member then runs to the 50, completes the exercise continues to the next end zone and releases the pax member. Rinse and Repeat. (1 hour total, with movements being 8 minutes each.

  • South End Zone Exercises:
    • Box Cutters
    • Leg Lifts
    • Mountain Climbers
    • Iron Cross Big Boys
    • Pickle Pounders
    • Bicycle Kicks
  • 50 Yard Line Exercises:
    • Peter Parker Merkins (x8)
    • Dry Docks (x8)
    • Body Builders (x4)
    • Bear Crawl (20 yards)
    • Hand Release Merkins (x8)
    • Big Boys (x10)
  • North End Zone
    • Air Squats
    • Bobby Hurleys
    • Reverse Pickle Pounders
    • Good Mornings
    • Monkey Humpers
    • Holly Dolly
  • After 48 minutes of movements the pax had the opportunity to “Cash Out”!
    • Moby – Flower 3:26 (High Plank / Low Plank – Bring Sally up / Bring Sally Down)

  • Alcoa Football Field Playlist:
    • Guns N’ Roses – Welcome to the Jungle
    • Ozzy Osbourne – Crazy Train
    • Sam Tinnesz – Ready Set Let’s Go
    • Imagine Dragons – Whatever it Takes
    • AC/DC – Shoot to Thrill
    • Beastie Boys – Sabotage
    • Linkin Park – Wretches and Kings
    • Carrollton – Shelter
    • AC/DC – T.N.T.
    • Sam Tinnesz – Wolves
    • Eminem – Till I Collapse
    • Carrollton – Made for This
    • Papa Roach – Born for Greatness
    • Dropkick Murphys – I’m Shipping up to Boston
    • Logic & Rag’n’Bone Man – Broken People
    • Metallica – For Whom the Bell Tolls
    • Moby – Flower

25 Pax!
What kinda “ripples” are you creating?  I spoke to the pax about the rock hitting the pond and the ripple effect.  Be a positive ripple in this world!

Just 3 reps

THE SCENE: 38 degrees


10 squads ic

10 imperial walkers x10 ic

10 imp squat walkers ic
1/2 mile loop, do 3 reps of said exercise at each light pole. Only do one exercise per loop. Once loop is complete, lunge 33 times , then begin the next loop w the next exercise. Exercise were;

  • Merkins
  • bobby jacks. Combo of Bobby Hurley’s and star jacks
  • cmu curl/cmu row


100 Peter Parker’s 2ct

200 flutters /4ct

300 lbc

12 pax
Friction, the right amount of friction is needed. Not enough, nothing happens , too much friction is counter productive.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Happy New Year!

THE SCENE: 55 Degrees and Soggy…

Side Straddle Hop x25, Little Baby Arm Circles 4 Count x (10 Fwd) x (10 Bwd), Cherry Pickers x 10

Sea Biscuit Time!

  • Burpee Box Jumps x 10, 15, 20, 25
  • Squats x 20, 25, 30, 35
  • Big Boy Sit Ups x 20, 25, 30, 35
  • Round 1 ( Run 1 Lap), R2 (2 Laps), R3 (3 Laps), R4 (4 Laps), R5 (3 Laps), R6 (2 Laps)

Ab-Kraken; LBC’s x 20, (4 Count) Captain Thor’s x 5,  (4 Count) Box Cutters x 10, Big Boys x 20

Seven men greeted the new year with some hard work! (Butterfingers, Drifter, Fins, Mr. Rogers, Proton, Snorkel, & Wood Shack)

The new year is here and by now we are already making those New Year’s Resolutions.  To help inspire you and make those choices a little easier I want to share a couple of quotes.

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” (As told to Gil Bailie by Howard Thurman)

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

-Theodore Roosevelt

In summary, I hope you each of you live this year with passion and enthusiasm, and find what makes you come alive.