F3 Knoxville

Crazy 8 Suicide

THE SCENE: A brisk breeze with nothing but clouds but luckily no rain

  • SSH x10
  • Windmills x6
  • Show work out moves

2 sides approximately 10 yards apart.  8 workouts (4 per side).  1 minute per work out (no reps; just go until time). 15 seconds to get to the other side via bear crawl, crab walk, jog, side shuffle, jog backwards.

Side 1

  • Thrusters
  • Side to side over brick (start with right and left foot on ground on right side of block, left foot up to block, right foot up to block, left foot down to ground on other side, right foot down to ground on other side; do it as fast as you can)
  • Stork brick row (one leg on ground, bend over with other leg going straight back, pick up brick with one hand, single row with brick, replace brick, back to upright position; alternate legs)
  • Superman

Side 2

  • Merkins over block (left hand on ground, right hand on block, merkin; left and right hand on block, merkin; right hand on ground, left hand on block, merkin – reverse)
  • Single leg v-ups (left hand to right leg; right hand to left leg)
  • In place lunge (leg forward; leg backward) with CMU, rotate side to side after forward and backward; repeat for other leg
  • Dirty 30s (30 suitcases, 30 American hammers, 30 second suitcase hold) – suitcase is similar to LBC but legs go straight out as your back goes towards the ground)

30 second suitcase hold
Espy, Napster, Drifter, Veep, Grouch
1 Peter 5:9-10 Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

While Peter is talking to those who are called to be shepherds of God’s flock, the idea of suffering rings true for all his sheep as he states in verse 9 by saying “knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.”

YHWY never said this life would be easy but he did say that we will always have him to go to battle for us and strengthen us.  He knows that our burden will be too much to bear at times and we should not go it alone.  We need our brotherhood and our Father to overcome the trials of the enemy.  We should always look to encourage each other and pray for each other and why Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Totem Pole (Climbing up to get down)

THE SCENE: Bit nippy but glorious morning before the storms come.

50 Side Straddle Hops (again)

Little Baby Arm Circle (forward and backward)

Single Mosey Lap
Totem Pole Style Workout.

  • 5 Merkins, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, 25 Lunges, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, 25 Lunges, 30 Step Ups, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, 25 Lunges, 30 Step Ups, 35 Dry Docks, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, 25 Lunges, 30 Step Ups, 35 Dry Docks, 40 Ankle Taps, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, 25 Lunges, 30 Step Ups, 35 Dry Docks, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, 25 Lunges, 30 Step Ups, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, 25 Lunges, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, 20 Big Boys, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, 15 Squats, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, 10 Dips, run a lap
  • 5 Merkins, run a lap

Flutter kicks and LBCs to wrap it up

Love my time here in Alcoa F3.  It has been over 3 years of hot, snowy, frigid, downpours and few perfect temp days of hard workouts but I loved every minute of it.  Going to miss the amazing history lessons from Hammy, trying to keep up with Snorkel, Veep’s odd funnel stories, beer rucks, heart felt messages from Drifter, carrying bowling balls, turkeys, and swords around like it’s normal, dressing up as Mario with Snorkel as Luigi, Waxjob Hill, The Educator, Mt. Crumpet, Hellbender Bend,  and I am going to miss all the encouraging words by each and every member that passed my way.  See you all in the gloom some day soon.

Welcome FNGs Boots and Opie.

Kracken at the Tracken

THE SCENE: Gloomy but warm at the Tracken

50 side straddle hops, since Moses asked for it

Tommy Boys OYO – Swing arms back and forth (fat guy in a little coat)

Little Baby Arm Circles forward and backward

Insert information about the workout.

  • Moseyed to the Tracken (track)
  • Began a Kracken, 8 stations, do 50 of the exercise listed, run a lap, pass the exercise you did and start over on the next one.


  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 Squats
  • 50 WW2 set-ups
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 Iron Mikes
  • 50 Monkey Humpers
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 50 Bobby Hurleys

Some Flutter Kicks LBCs to finish it out.

Just expressed gratitude for F3 and all it has done for me, at the beatdown and out in the real world.  I will truly miss this group and will drop in every chance I get.

Napster is moving, last day and Q, tomorrow at the Bomb Shelter

Runnin runnin and runnin runnin

THE SCENE: 55ish feeling GREAT

SSH IC x 21

Tempo Merkin IC x 10

Tempo Squat IC x 10

OH claps IC x 31ish

Battle buddy up. Before leaving Grinder, everyone draws a card. Person that draws the Joker keeps it in their pocket. Mosey over to the Kraken loop next to Crumpit. Everyone starts single cone. Battle buddies run in opposite direction around the loop. Once you reach each other, give each other 5 reps of whatever exercise (too many bodybuilders). If person with Joker passes you, gets to give 5 reps of anything to whoever he passes. Once member of PAX with Joker reaches cone, leave face up so that next person who passes can pick it up and become Joker for the loop. Just keep running.

Mosey back to Grinder.

Hold high plank and wait for 6.

Bear crawl to crawl bear merkin IC x 10

Peter Parker IC x 15ish

Hold Iron cross OH claps IC x 10 ish

Hold iron cross LBAC forward IC x 6

Hold iron cross LBAC reverse IC x 6

LBCs to close


13 HIMs including 1 FNG, 1 2.0 (lumberjack killin it always)
My favorite movie growing up was Sandlot. One of my favorite scenes from the movie was when the ghost of Babe Ruth was talking to Benny “the Jet” Rodriguez. Babe gives him some words of advice that I think we could all use in our lives.

“Let me tell you something kid, everybody gets one chance to do something great. Most people never take the chance, either ’cause they’re too scared, or because they don’t recognize it when it spits on their shoes. This is your big chance, and you shouldn’t let it go by…”

“Remember, kid, there’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you’ll never go wrong.”

Don’t be afraid to take a chance and go with your gut when you feel like you need to make a decision. As Christians, let the Holy Spirit work within you and lead you when necessary. Make the leap when you feel the push no matter how uncomfortable or painful it may be. Follow your heart.

Napster going away Q tomorrow at the Arsenal and Saturday at the Bombshelter. Make plans to be there!

Arsenal BB

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s and damp

  • SSH x 20
  • LB Arm Circles x 8 each way
  • Cherry Pickers x 10


Pair up.  While 1 is doing lunges and bear crawls across the 2 courts the other is doing the exercises keeping up with their own count.  The exercises x 50:

  • CMU Curls
  • CMU squats
  • Shoulder Taps
  • BB sit-ups
  • CMU Overhead Press
  • CMU Swings
  • Rinse and Repeat

(if you did not wear green between the lunges and bear crawls you had 5 burpees)

Did the ABCs but spelled Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Ended with Dealer’s Choice


14 were on hand

Which hard do you choose.