F3 Knoxville

99 Problems

79 degrees and gorgeous

Disclaimer given by P-nut


Side Saddle Hop        IC x20
Merkins                       IC x15
Baby Arm Circle          IC x15
Reverse Arm Circle     IC x16
Imperial Walkers          IC x10
Calf Raises                  IC x15
Burpees                       OYO x5

Quick mosey down toward the entrance of Lakeshore Park and quickly back to the AO

99 Problems
99 Starjacks w/ uphill mosey to Asylum parking lot and back
99 Merkins w/ uphill mosey repeat
99 Squats w/ uphill mosey repeat
99 Mountain Climbers w/ uphill mosey repeat
99 Bicycles w/ uphill mosey repeat
99 LBC’s w/ uphill mosey repeat

DORAs w/Battle Buddy:
Alternating 150 yard sprints with 99 squats
Rinse and repeat with 99 Carolina Dry Docks

Ring of Fire
5 merkins, 4 merkins, 3 merkins, 2 merkins and 1 merkins

Hello Dolly      (Hooker)
Boat-Canoe    (Abscess)
American Hammer (Cap’n Crunch)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

14 PAX embraced the SUCK on a humid June Saturday. Lots of good mumblechatter and energy.

P-nut read from Galatians 6:2. He encouraged us all to bear one another’s burdens. We all have obstacles and troubles in life, and it’s important to share your burdens with other men. Let’s encourage one another.

P-nut took prayer requests, including Crawdad’s daughter Danielle (strep throat) and prayers for Edit’s safe completion of a triathlon event in Chattanooga this weekend.

It was energizing to see Jump Around back in town. We are grateful for two new PAX members (Buc and Kees) for posting three times in their first week with F3 (T-claps). Abscess is back and stronger than ever. Cap’n Crucnh showed all of us up by running 2.5 miles prior to the post. Woodshack invited an FNG (Mirror) and then didn’t post. From henceforth when this situation occurs (invitation extended without the host showing up), we will refer to this as “Woodshacking.”

It was a great, spirited day at the Asylum.


64 and breezy

Welcome and Disclaimer


SSH IC x 20
Baby Arm Circles IC x 10 each way
Chinooks IC x 10 each way
Imperial Walkers IC x 20

Mosey to boat parking

Elevens up grass hill
Merkin at bottom, squat jumps at top
Merkins until everyone is finished

15 Merkins after each
15 minutes worth

Mosey back to parking lot the long way

Ab cycle:
Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 10 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground

Ring of Fire – 10 Merkins, 9 Merkins

Turtle Reaches x 20 IC

American Hammer x 20 IC


Count off and Name-o-Rama

Hatred is all around us. Search your heart and rid yourself of any hatred you have. Give it up to he Lord

Romans 15:5-6
“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our

Feel the Wood

69 Degrees and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer
Burpees            IC x15
Cherry Pickers  IC x20
Tuck Jumps      IC x20
Squats              IC x20

Team Time
With arms locked at the elbow
Squats                IC25
Good mornings   IC25
BBS                    IC25
Merkins feet on shoulders IC5

Mosey to the pole, introduction to TimberMember, divide up in teams

Team A takes the pole
Squats                         IC x25 with pole
Goodmorning              IC x25 with pole
Shoulder presses        IC x10 each side with pole
BBS with pole             IC x25

Team B takes the ground
Merkins x20
BBS x20

Switch:  Team B takes the pole and Team A takes the ground

Mosey Pole to new location
Rinse and repeat

Mosey Pole back to the parking lot.  While in route alternate pole carry and Merkins between teams.

Donkey Kicks     IC x20
V-ups                  IC x20
Reverse crunch  IC x20
Star Gazers
Number-rama, Name-a-rama

Mayberry shared:

Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born of adversity”

I am thankful that we are all friends, and becoming brothers as we overcome the issues of not only getting up to make it to F3, but also coming together to trample the physical adversity and accomplish the workouts that are put in front of us.  Not only keeping eachother motivated to complete the task at hand, but to laugh and have fun doing it.

We are all in Knoxville for a reason, and we are all at F3 for a reason.  I do not believe that it just randomly happens, but that God is working in our lives.  We all have a plan for the direction we want our lives to go, but what we need to realize is that plan is going to happen according to God’s schedule and His plan for our lives.

“In his heart man plans a course, but the Lord determines his steps.”  Proverbs 16:7.  I encourage each of you to let God guide you on the course.

Burning Some Goo

68 degrees and muggy

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Saddle Hop        ICx20
Baby Arm Circle        ICx15
Reverse Arm Circle   ICx15
Imperial Walkers      ICx10
Merkins                      ICx15

Mosey to Saturday’s AO spot

High Knees                ICx15
Merkins                      ICx15

Mosey to treeline near Lakeshore main entrance; grab a Battle Buddy

Alternating sprints to treeline, while partner performs exercises:
100 Merkins
100 BBS
100 Squats
Plank when finished

Mosey to Everest

Merkins                      ICx15

Sprint up Everest to upper parking lot

Merkins                      ICx15
LBC                            20 OYO
Mountain Climbers     ICx15

Mosey back to the AO; pick up coupons

Gone in 60 Seconds
Overhead Press         As many as you can in 60 seconds
Weighted Squats       As many as you can in 60 seconds
Curls                           As many as you can in 60 seconds
Incline Merkins         As many as you can in 60 seconds

Return coupons; Mosey back to the AO

Boat-Canoe    led by Ratchet
Hello Dolly      led by Mr. Tumnus

Welcomed and named three new FNG’s…Snapper, Dirt Bag and Cash Back.

P-nut thanked everyone for coming out into the gloom. Read from 1 Thessalonians 5 and talked about how we can be the “light” and how to avoid “darkness.” Good things happen in the light, and we need to be the light in our homes, community and workplaces.

P-nut prayed us out.

The PAX came ready to burn some goo….and the goo was burned. Great mumblechatter and spirit from the PAX.

Merkin Circuit

64 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH IC x 20
Baby Arm Circles IC x 12 each way
Chinooks IC x 10 each way
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Mosey to greenway

30 Minutes of Merkin Circuits
Stations at each corner:
1st Corner – Merkins x 15
2nd Corner – LBC x 15
3rd Corner – Merkins x 15
4th Corner – Squats x 15
Plank it up

Each lap produced 30 Merkins, 15 LBC, 15 squats and 0.35 miles

Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 10 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground

Ended with 30 more Merkins
Count off and Name-o-Rama

Brotherly Love – “Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” – Galatians 6:10

* Bonds of brotherly love are a big deal to God because they represent the kind of bonds that exists between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
* Men are created to live, work, and fight in bands
* Your bonds of brotherly love should seek to liberate & strengthen and not constrict & consume.

The PAX pushed it today after a successful event beatdown in the push-up challenge from yesterday. Everyone completed at least 210 push-ups to start the day. Great job men!