F3 Knoxville

Run The Rock

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and 85% humidity


SSH x10, Guardian (in honor of our guest from Cleveland) run to the fountain carrying a 20 pound rock

The person with the rock runs counter clockwise around the loop while rest of the pax runs clockwise. Person with rock gives rest of pax an exercise as he passes them. (20 reps of all exercises) When person with rock gets back to the start he sets down the rock and joins the pax running clockwise, next man to get to the rock picks it up and goes counter clockwise.

Guardian run back to the Grinder; Boxcutters x10; LBCs for time

11 HIMs this morning including Undertaker from F3 Cleveland


“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,” Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬

“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭

When we go through difficult times in our life we can have peace and hope through Jesus. No matter what you have faced, are facing, or are going to face hold onto the promises of God.

Pray for Drifter’s wife as her leg continues to heal

Men’s breakfast at Swerve’s church on 8/14. Drifter will be the speaker. Cost is $5. Please let Swerve or Rep Sleepy know if you plan on coming.

I got your 6

THE SCENE: Warm, sunny, and muggy. Seems like we say that a lot right now.

Jog from end to end of Grindstone, 5 goofballs at far end, run back 5 more goofballs. Bernie end to end, 5 goofballs at each end.

Thang 1

Partner race- ( Q realized if you want pax to actually challenge themselves, racing may not always be best) – we did two rounds of this

  • Race starts at end of Grindstone, near pavilion.
  •  Bearbrawl from start to first cone, switch partners and bearbrawl till second cone.
  • From second to third cone, teams are doing partner plank jump overs. One partner holds a plank the other partner jumps over them and then goes into plank. repeat till you get to the end.
  • each pax then did 10 pullups or 20 body rows and 20 Derkins
  • Once each pax completed exercises, repeat the jump overs and bearbrawls, starting with jump overs.
  • This was intended to be a race, all three groups finished around the same time. Handed out burpees trophies- 5 for 1st, 10 for 2nd and 15 for 3rd

Thang 2

Pax split into two groups.

Group A had Hanging knee raises- 20 and Bulgarian split squats 20 ( 10 each leg)

Group B had Balls to the Wall for 30 seconds and a wall squat till 6 finished in group A.

Pax switched, completed two rounds.

Thang 3- Bucket Barraged- Picked up the biggest CMU at the BS and Indian ran from Grindstone to Mt. Crumpet taking the scenic route up the side of the mountain to the top.

Pax lined up arms distant apart. Q started off , handed CMU to next pax and than ran to end of the line, CMU moved down the Mountain in that fashion, pax handing off and running to end of the line. We completed 4 rounds, 2 down and 2 up rounds.

Pax transported the CMU back to the Grindstone via an Indian Run taking the long way back and going over the troll bridge.

Wall Hold Push ups- Feet on wall 5 derkins, walk up wall two more steps 5 more derkins ( all done IC)

Pax choice on the rest of the Mary- Q apologizes i do not recall the specific exercises we did.

Value the time you have with your kinds now. i look back on my daughters younger years and hate that i put time with friends especially vacations over her. I wish i had those times back, relationships change, kids grow up and you cant get that back.

Modified Murph

THE SCENE: 67 degrees and clear

Short mosey to show the run course of the workout
Modified Murph workout, replacing pull ups with sit ups. Broken into 10 sets for the pt with a run at each end. The run totaled a little short of a mile each time

  • 10 big boy sit ups
  • 20 merkins
  • 30 squats

Those who finished the thang early started another round. No time for Mary
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
A man was traveling India when he stopped at a village that used elephants for travel and other purposes. The elephants were tied up with ropes they could easily have escaped.

The man asked the villagers about this and was told that the same ropes were used from when the elephants were babies. They learned that the rope was too strong and by the time they were grown they accepted their limits and didn’t try to pull the rope anymore

Far too often we do the same. We accept limitations that we could overcome if we tried. It’s important to keep pushing ourselves and not accept limits

Thoughts are with Postpone and Pinocchio’s family as well as with Nair’s friend Viktoriya
2.0 workout 8:30am Saturday at Arsenal

Crazy 48s, Bomb Shelter edition

THE SCENE: Dry, but with the usual midsummer thick-as-pea-soup air.
Pretty sure the disclaimer happened… YHC was a bit late getting down to Alcoa.
25x SSH IC courtesy of Drifter
5x Cherry Pickers
10x Rockettes
10x Imperial Squat Walkers
10x LBAC each way

Crazy 48s on the grinder:
24 merkins at Pavalon end, 24 at the Scrapyard for a total of 48
Half-lap mosey around the park (about a quarter mile)
12 merkins and 12 iron mikes at each of the 4 corners of the grinder for 48 each
Half-lap around the park
8 merkins, 8 iron mikes, and 8 V-ups at each corner plus the midpoints of the long sides. 48 each again.
Half-lap around the park
6 each of merkins, iron mikes, V-ups, and 8-ct body builders at each corner of a figure-8 around the grinder for the last 48.

Just finished the last 48 right on time. No Mary today.
11 came out to kick Thursday square in the jaw.
My mother in law passed away from Alzheimers a couple of weeks ago. As the disease progressed and took more of her mind, she forgot who anyone was. But she never forgot the Lord, and still talked to Him and about Him to all of us. At her Celebration of Life service, we played the old hymn “It Is Well”, because even until the end she knew that it was well with her soul. Ended the COT by singing that hymn.
Terribly sorry about being late. But those 48s would have been a bit crazier if I hadn’t turned around for a pit stop.
So much to do! 2.0 workout next weekend, Off the Chain next month. Sign up!


THE SCENE: 69 degrees, 95% humidity, mostly cloudy

SSH, Arm circles, Plank walkouts, Imperial squat walkers.

Mosey across the AO and then skip back.

Mosey with CMU toward Mt. Crumpit, drop off CMU, and head to the fountain.

Progressive Light Pole Workout

Do these reps of the following exercises. (6-9-15-18-21)

WWII’s at Base

Merkins at Poles

Mosey back to the CMUs at Mt. Crumpit.

Partner 138’s

Modified Dora where one starts the doing 138 reps with CMU while partner run to back side of Christmas tree, does one burpee, and heads back down to pick up where partner left off.



Floor Presses

Bent Rows

Russian Swings

Triceps Extensions

Lawn Mowers (Each Arm)

Upright Rows

Note:  Most made it to the Russian Swings before heading back to AO.  138 Thrusters were a little much.

Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, LBCs.
9 HIMs
Heard a song from 1969 on the way to the beatdown, “And When I Die” by Blood, Sweat, and Tears and my watch recorded 69 degrees during our workout.  That’s appropriate because today is my 69th birthday.  The reps commemorated my milestone with a total of 69 merkins and WWIIs.  Divide the partner workout reps by 2 and that’s also 69.

The concept of goals came to mind as a topic to discuss.  I worked for a company for 42 years, 35+ full time and then another 6+ off and on after “retirement.”  We lived, breathed, and died by objectives – setting goals.  We had goals, stretch goals, super stretch goals, short term goals, long term goals, etc.  By and large goal setting and working toward them is good.  Personal goals are good too.  I’m not talking about New Years resolutions.  They are goals, but seldom do people, especially me, put much thought or dedication toward meeting them.

I remember a personal goal back around 1978.  I ran 5 or 6 days a week; mostly with two other guys. One was about 15 seconds faster per mile than me and the other about my speed.  I had a goal of running a 10k in under 40 minutes with my daily runs of around 3.5 miles at a pace of 7:30 +/-.  My first race, the second running of the Knoxville Expo 10K in 1979, I beat that goal with a 39:31 time.  My problem was that I did not have a goal set for myself after that.  I quit running for two or three months until I realized that I had set the wrong goal.  It should have been something like miles per week or runs per week.  Once I got my head right, I got back into it until plantar fasciitis put an end to serious running a few years later.

As I said, goals are good if we put thought into them, make them reasonable, make them a target that is tough to meet.  Our faith needs them, too.  They can be centered around Bible reading, quiet/prayer time, attending church, being an active volunteer in church, putting our faith into actions.

What goals do you strive to attain?  Give it some serious thought.

Remember Kim, Dan, and their children as they face Kim’s losing battle with brain cancer.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.