F3 Knoxville

Nice And Threesy

THE SCENE: Hot and Sticky.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Welcome back Cat Gut – you are here on your own volition

SSH x 25 IC
BBQ Squats x10 IC
Tie Fighters 12 + 12 IC
Pickle Pounders x 15 IC

Mosey to the Baseline
High Knees / Mosey back
Butt Kickers / Mosey back
Skips / Mosey back
Bear Crawl / Mosey back
Side to Side / Mosey to Circus Maximus

Gather into groups of three for exercises at 2 stations.  PAX 1 does the first exercise at station 1.  PAX2 runs to take over at the next station.  PAX3 then runs back to station 1.  Exercises are AMRAP till your buddy appears.  The two stations were at either end of Circus Maximus.

  • Station 1
    • Merkins
    • Squats
    • Big Boys
    • Plank Jacks
    • SSH
  • Station 2
    • T Claps
    • Lunges
    • American Hammer
    • Windmills
    • Flutter Kicks

We stopped for Rocky Balboas on the way back, then closed out with a bicycle race.
A perfectly divisible by 3 total of 12.
A friend of a friend passed and that reminded me to live every day as if it is your last.


Sandbaggin’ it

THE SCENE: Muggy. Just muggy. Started sweating just doing Cherry Pickers.

For possibly the first time ever, YHC started out with something other than SSH:
5x Cherry Pickers IC
15x Tn Rocking Chairs IC
10x Tempo Merkins IC
10x Tempo Lunges IC
5x Cobra Burpees OYO

Everyone grab a CMU and mosey over to the Dragon. There are 16 cardboard stations laid out a couple feet apart along the path, with a 90lb sandbag at the end.
Starting at the sandbag, everyone mans a station with no skips, leaving the ones at the end unmanned (YHC was prepared for a crowd…)
First PAX schleps the sandbag straight up the grass hill and back down around the path while everyone else does the exercise at their station AMRAP until he gets back.
He hands the sandbag to the next PAX while everyone moves up a station, and then goes to the last manned station.
Once everyone has done each station and carried the sandbag, everyone goes down to the end where the unmanned stations are, grabs a cardboard, and brings it back where they were. Repeat the AMRAPS/Sandbag carry.
For the third round, there are now two options at each station. Each PAX picks which exercise to do at each station.
Round 1:
Calf Raise
Twist Lunge
Ice Skaters
Squat Thrust

Round 2:
Wood Choppers
Tricep Extensions
Bent Rows
Up/Over Merkins

Round 3:
To each his own.

Bring the blocks back to the AO. Props to Repeat for schlepping the sandbag and Lebowski for doubling up on the CMUs!
8 PAX managed to avoid drowning in the wet air.
My mother in law passed away from Alzheimers about a month ago. As the disease progressed and took more of her mind, she forgot who anyone was. But she never forgot the Lord, and still talked to Him and about Him to all of us. At her Celebration of Life service, we played the old hymn “It Is Well”, because even until the end she knew that it was well with her soul. Ended the COT by singing that hymn.
Thanks to Matlock for calling out the CMUs! The PAX moved a lot of weight today!
Off the Chain coming up August 21st! Sign up! Also sign up for Hardship Hill… This will be year 4 and it’s bigger and better every year!

Ode to Cat Gut


Warmed up with 20 SSH on 4ct, 10 tempo merkins, 10 4ct plank jacks, 5 burpees OYO, 6 Cherry Pickers, a little this and that,  and a lap around the parking lot.
Partner up for DORA’S.  Partner one grabs rock and performs first part of 150 reps of

  • Curls
  • OH Press
  • Tri Extensions
  • Flutters with Rock

While partner 2 runs suicide.  Switch out when partner 2 is done with one suicide.

When completed mosey down cardiac to Skunk Hill.  Pay our respects to Cat Gut and run up Skunk Hill for 10 burpees OYO.  When done, mosey to base of cardiac.  10 jump squats at bottom, mosey to first curve for 10 more squat jumps, bernie to second curve for 10 squat jumps, then run to top for 20 dips.  6 up did 20 LBC’s in cadence.

Mosey to top of Dragon Tail for a route 66 with merkins.  When done, over to cloud for set of 20 butt touches and 20 step ups.  When done head back to AO

Just enough time for some Freddie Mercury and Heal touches.

Romans 10:8

Spoke on the importance of scripture and how it is our guide.  When we face the difficult in our lives, it is a reminder that we are not alone.


The ladder at the dragns tail

THE SCENE: 86 and warm

1 Burpee

5 cherry pickers

2 burpees

some of these and some of those
Mossey down to the tail of the dragon. Partner up and work with your partner to

  • first station
    • squats
    • lunges
    • Welsh Dragons
  • Second station
    • V-Ups
    • Air Taps
    • BBS
  • third Station
    • Merkins
    • Pickle Punders
    • Monkey Humpers
  • 4th station
    • CDD
    • Hand release Merkins
    • Sholder taps

Ring of fire but we ran out of time

Off the chains event. Be there of be lazy 😉

The Crown

THE SCENE: The 4th of July is over and great as our country is, we might be a little self absorbed and could stand to consider somebody else’s homeland for a minute. 

Fish & Chips x25 IC

Camilla Parker-Bowles x10

The Bollocks (everybody is good for ten more years, Science promises!)

The Picadilly

Harry Kane on baseline. Kyle Walker to the other side. Bear crawl to pick a rock.

The Denmark, which I forgot in the warmup.

Round the circle AMRAP laps. Many authentic and respectful English excercises, including the Wanker, the Tosser, and some others that I don’t remember.

Up mini cardiac for another Denmark,

15-10-5: Dips, HR Merkins, LBCs, Flutters, Al Gore until 6, all on our way down Cardiac.

Coolio guided us to safety, and Crab Legs stretched us out to end things.

The big praise was that QVC showed up today
Followers of Jesus, as a whole in this country, may not be recognized as being “peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy” (to quote the apostle James). Surely it’s our responsibility in the public square and on twitter as much as it is in our personal relationships.