F3 Knoxville

Legs and Fat Amy

THE SCENE: A crisp 42 degrees but we warmed up pretty good.  The sky was super duper clear.

SSH x20 IC, Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC, LBACs x15 IC both ways, 5 Cherry Pickers, Train Run around stations to explain – front man carrying CMU
3 stations, 3 HIMs start at opposite end stations (Station 1 and Station 3), approximately 50 yards between stations in a S pattern (following walking path at AO),

If you cross paths with another HIM while running between stations, both HIMs drop for 1 Burpee

  • Station 1
    • 20 Decline Merkins
    • 20 Box Jumps or Steps Ups (2-ct)
    • 20 Squats
    • 20 Star Jacks
  • Station 2
    • 20 Side Crunches Rt
    • 20 Flutter Kicks 4-ct
    • 20 Side Crunches Lt
    • 20 Hello Dolly 4-ct
  • Station 3
    • 20 Merkins
    • 20 LBCs
    • 20 Squats
    • 20 Carolina Dry Docks

Circle of Death
Trousers, Streaker, Rep Sleepy, Doctor, Halfday, Grouch
“I may not face Goliath, but I’ve got my own giants” Elevation Worship – Same God

It is important to remember that just because we think our problems or worries are not worth sharing with others, does not mean that they are any more or less than the next man’s.  I often find myself thinking, “Who am I to complain when there are so many more people in this world who struggle with far more important things?”  To summarize what Rep Sleepy said, these are the challenges God chose for me to sharpen me.  Our Heavenly Father knows what we need to be stronger in this world and as he refines the silver, he finds the things in our lives he needs to skim off the top of the silver.  As followers of Christ, we need to lift each other up and understand that this thing called life can suck sometimes but we have a hope of eternal peace when we get to be with our Creator again.  Nobody is more or less important than the next nor are that fellow believer’s giants.

Brolympics next Saturday, November 5

Baby Giraffe

THE SCENE:  Crisp, windy, mid-40s

Mosey around church
Tempo Squats x10
Modified Twists In-Cadence x10
Little Baby Arm Circles In-Cadence x10
Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles In-Cadence x10

15-1 breakdancers/v-ups, sprints, bear crawls, and some holds
Mosey to lower parking lot
Start at first cone:
15 Breakdancers (1 each leg)
Walking Lung to second cone
Sprint to third cone
Bear Crawl to second cone
15 V-Ups
Reverse Lunge to first cone
Repeat to 1

Mosey around church to flag
45 seconds on, 15 seconds off:
Mountain Climbers
High Plank

Romans 8:1-11: what is your mind-set?
Brolympics 11/05

Rolling The Bones at the Speedway

THE SCENE: Warmer than it’s been – perfect weather for a tough beatdown.

F3= Fitness. Fellowship. Faith
F3 Workouts:

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion
  • End with a Circle of Trust


All in cadence:
Side straddle hops
Tempo Squats
Seal Claps

Overhead Claps


Mosey to lower lot with CMUs.  Pax line up at start line with CMUs. Each pax rolls a pair of dice, riffle carries CMU to 1st station and do double  # of reps of that exercise. Pax farmer carries CMU back to start line. 

Roll again.  If not doubles, pax does the same thing as above.

When pax rolls doubles, they do that # in blockies at start line, then riffle carries CMU to next station and does double # rolled of that exercise.

If pax are at the same station for 5 rounds, on the next roll they must do that # in blockies, then move to next station and do double the # at the new station.

Stations (exercises are all with CMUs):

  1. Pull through merkin
  2. Bent row
  3. Goblet squat
  4. Arm curls
  5. American hammer
  6. Skull crusher
  7. Overhead press

Mosey back to the flag.  Jailbreak was called by someone who shall remain nameless. 

  • Flutter kicks – in cadence
  • Cherry Pickers – in cadence. 


“I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:1013 ESV

noun – a state of happiness and satisfaction.

 When think of being satisfied, what comes to your mind?  For me, it’s when I’m full from a meal. I can’t eat another bite – I’m satisfied. 

So many people don’t know what it means to be satisfied. What it means to say, I’m full.  What it means to say, I’m content.
So many men sacrifice their marriages, their children, their friendships because they don’t know how to say, I’m satisfied. 

The opposite of contentment is gluttony. But gluttony is more than just over eating. It is the greedy pursuit of more stuff: money, power, praise, acceptance, food, alcohol, etc. 

Paul’s secret to contentment was this: I can do all things through Christ.  Christ was enough for him. His pursuit wasn’t material things – his pursuit was Christ. 

David said something similar in Psalm 23 – “the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” Another way to translate that is to say, “ The Lord is my Shepherd, He’s all I need.”  

He’s all we need. That’s the secret to being content. Let’s stop trying to find fulfillment and happiness in things or people. Let’s commit to pursuing Christ and being satisfied in Him.


Brolympics – Nov 5th.
Christmas Trees – We are looking for people to donate Christmas Trees for families at Montgomery Village.  This will be done through Emerald Youth’s JustLead afterschool ministry at Woodlawn Christian Church.  Information will be put on Slack this week.

CMU Tabata w/ a Side of Sandbag Hot Potato

THE SCENE: 40 Something with clear skies and no frost.

Tempo Archer Squat, Cherry Picker, Windmill, TN Rocking Chair, Tempo Merkins – All x 10

CMU Tabata EMOM w/ Hot Potato

  • A – OH Press, B – Curls
  • A – Big Boys, B – Flutter Kicks
  • A – Goblet Squat, B  – OH Lunge
  • A – Pistol Squat Goblet,  B – Swings

Hot Potato (3x Sandbag Press and Pass) get caught at the buzzer and 5 Burpees

Tabata Mary AB, AB

  • A – Mtn Climbers, B – Crunchy Frog
  • A – Groiners, B- 100’s
  • A – Pickle Pounders, B – Freddy Mercury


Rep Sleepy, Shrimp Net, Smuggler


Like the Stone of Wisdom, friendship may be lying right in your back yard and you may never know it.  Your best friend may be a stranger to you, or you may lose him because you didn’t bother to hold him.  Friends must be cultivated by sincerity, frankness, and deeds of affection.  No one can remain your friend if you hide your soul from him.  You needn’t save face before your friend.  Your friend will save it for you.

Life is a chain of little events.  Close your soul to your friend, and he will lose sight of you.  And if you find your friend, give of your friendship and it will return to you tenfold.  Those who cannot give friendship will rarely receive it and never hold it.                             -Dagobert D. Runes

Go often to the house of thy friend, for weeds choke the unused path.     -Ralph Waldo Emerson


THE SCENE: Upper 30s with clear skies



Mosey to other end of parking lot where 40# sandbag was hidden; SSH x10 IC; Tempo Squat x10 IC; Indian Run to the road that goes up to the funeral home (now named Dead Man Hill)

PAX worked through exercises at the top of the hill individually while taking turns carrying the sandbag to the bottom of the hill for different exercises.

Top of hill exercises:

  • 30 Burpees
  • 140 Hand Release Merkins
  • 180 Jump Squats
  • 110 WW2 Sit-ups
  • 35 Iron Rockets

Bottom of hill exercises

  • 5 Sandbag Swings
  • 5 Sandbag CPRs
  • 5 Sandbag Thrusters
  • 5 Big Boys with Sandbag Press
  • 5 Sandbag Overhead Throws

Indian run back to the flag

Overhead Claps x50 IC; Seal Claps x25 IC; Grady Corns x25 IC; LBCs for time



Yesterday was my youngest daughter’s fifth birthday and I wanted to do this workout today to honor her because she has been a fighter since she was in the womb. But first some backstory. My M has PCOS. This causes cysts to grow on her ovaries and we had been told she would never be able to get pregnant. We were faced with a choice of expensive fertility treatments or expensive adoption and we chose adoption which ended with us having our older daughter. We decided that one kid would just be what we had but God had other plans. We figured out in April of 2017 that my M was pregnant. We were nervous and excited at the same time. My M ended up having chronic hypertension and inter uterine growth restriction. This caused our daughter to not develop properly in the womb and not gain weight. In late August my M was put in the hospital in an attempt to keep the baby in the womb and then on bed rest at home. The doctor was sure that she would be born sometime in September. My M was hospitalized again in late September but our daughter was still fighting and her best chance was to stay in the womb. Finally on October 20th when we went in for an appointment the doctor made the call that she was coming, ready or not. So Evelyn Grace Barrett was born at 3:43am on October 21, 2017. She was in the womb just shy of 35 weeks (35 Iron Rockets.) She weighed 3 pounds 14 ounces (30 burpees and 140 Hand Release Merkins.) She was 17.75 inches long (180 Jump Squats.) She spent 11 days in the NICU (110 WW2s.) I could easily hold her with just one hand still when we came from the hospital. Now through God’s grace and her will to fight she is a healthy five year old that you would never know had such a rough start to life. Men, this morning lets all remember that no matter the circumstances we each are facing, we are called to lean on Christ and continue to fight. I love each one of you and am proud to be in this fight together with you.

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