F3 Knoxville

Running Through Cards

THE SCENE: 61 and feeling nice

SSH IC x 30

Tempo Squat IC x 10

CMU OH press IC x 15

Drop CMU at other end of Grinder and run loop from playground to Apex and back to Grinder. Return to Grinder and await card game with two decks of cards. Every time card is drawn, 2 Blockees performed for buy in before designated exercise. Exercises for cards as follows:

Cards 2-8: # of down and backs running width of grinder

Cards 9-10: thrusters

J: 10 burpee CMU jump overs

Q: Run loop we warmed up with

K: 10 down and backs

Ace: bear crawl, crawl bear width of grinder once

Joker: 5 dry dock, 5 wide merkins, 5 diamond merkin

*If done early with card, perform air squats until PAX ready to go*

CMU OH flutter kicks IC x30

LBCs to close final 20 seconds

10 total HIMs
I grew up loving the Rocky movies. It was the underdog story that really interested me. Recently I was watching a video that referenced Buster Douglas and Mike Tyson fight where Mike Tyson was heavily favored. Mike Tyson was coming into the fight undefeated. Buster Douglas was knocked down in the 8th round of the fight and no one gave him a chance to come back in the fight. He kept swinging and knocked Mike Tyson out/ won the fight in the 10th round. With his back against the wall, knocked down on the mat and the whole world thinking he would lose, he kept swinging and prevailed. When life has us against the ropes and knocks us out, just keep punching because it’s not over.

When asked about what helped him keep going to win the fight, Buster Douglas said his mother gave him the motivation. She had just died but told Buster he would win and knock out Mike Tyson. Just remember there is always someone in your corner standing behind your punches no matter who may not believe in you.



Monday Funday

THE SCENE: Beautiful weather

SSH IC x15
Windmills IC x10
LB Arm Circles (forward only) IC x10
Run a loop around the basketball courts. Along the way there were 8 cones with exercises at each one. The exercises are below. Once a round was completed, run a suicide. Each lap add another suicide.

  • Cone #1 – 10 Burpees
  • Cone #2 – 10 Lunges (each leg)
  • Cone #3 – 15 Dry Docks
  • Cone #4 – 20 BBS
  • Cone #5 – 20 Squats
  • Cone #6 – 30 Ankle Touches (2 Count)
  • Cone #7 – Bear Crawl across basketball court
  • Cone #8 – 10 Bodybuilders

Box Cutters IC x15
LB Crunches for a minute to cash out

9 men this morning
My wife and I are taking off in an RV to travel the country soon. While out there, I’m going to need to find a way to hold myself accountable and be self disciplined in my workouts. I talk about self discipline a lot but it’s very important to me. Pretty much nothing good can come without self discipline. The best things we can do start from within and take work to come to fruition.

We need to fill up the Q calendar!

Church Of The Kraken

THE SCENE: Low to mid 40s and clear


PAX did SSH while each man did a burpee, just 5 this morning so we went around the circle twice. Lined up and did lunges to the next line and then inchworm merkins back to the start.

Mosey to the gravel church parking lot across the street. Kraken set up this morning with 8 stations. Start at any station and do the exercise listed then run a full lap and go past the exercise you did to the next one. All exercises were 20 reps.

  • Burpees
  • WW2 Sit-ups
  • Mountain Climbers (2-ct)
  • Flutter Kicks (4-ct)
  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Shoulder Taps (2-ct)
  • Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct)

Overhead Claps IC (4-ct) x25; Leg Raises IC (4-ct) x10; Overhead Claps IC (4-ct) x25; Hello Dolly IC (4-ct) x10; Gas Pumps IC (4-ct) x10; Tempo Merkins IC x10; LBAC for time

Five men came out to worship at the church of the kraken this morning.

Shared part of my personal experience and testimony on waiting for God’s timing. Before I got married 17 years ago my wife and I had talked about how many kids we wanted to have and even had agreed that because she is adopted we would like to adopt some day as well. We were real busy telling God our plans and of course God had other plans in store for us.

After about 8 years of struggling with infertility we made the decision to adopt. We thought this would be a quick process and were so excited to hold our son/daughter. Of course, God had other plans. After about a year of paperwork, home studies, and red tape we were finally approved to adopt a kid. We just had to wait for the call. About six months later our agency called us and said they had a 1 year old girl that was being given up for adoption and would we be interested. Of course we said yes and hurriedly started packing our things to head to Florida the next day. The next day we got the call that the mother had changed her mind and not to come. Although tough, we chalked it up to not being right in God’s timing and just continued to wait.

Another 4 or so months later we get another call that we have been matched with a mother that is pregnant and expecting a baby boy! We of course are excited and say yes and start financially supporting the mother. We pick out the name Sebastian for our son and are over the moon excited to hold him in our arms. Then we get the call that rocked our world. The mother had a falling out with the agency and left them entirely. We would no longer be getting out son. We are now emotionally wrecked over losing a child, financially hit because of the money we would never get back from the birth mom, and struggling with the why. Looking back I know it was still just God asking us to wait and trust Him.

Another several months past and we get another call. We have been matched again. I must say that we said yes again but with much trepidation. We flew to Florida and got to meet the birth mother. The next seven or so months go smoothly and all is on track for us to adopt our baby girl. The birth mother could still back out but we were just relying on and trusting in God that this was His plan. We sat at the hospital for ever waiting on her arrival and on April 3rd, 2014 we held Carrie Isabella in our arms. God had showed us His timing was perfect and that His plan was what was right for our lives.

But you see, God has a sense of humor. Three years later, my wife that can’t get pregnant, got pregnant. So now we have two baby girls that were brought to us in God’s timing and there is no way we could say or believe that to be true any other way. I challenge you, when you are facing a difficult time remember that God is in control and His timing is perfect.



Circle of Life

THE SCENE: 42 degrees, no wind

SSH IC x 20

Little Baby Arm Circles Forward IC x 10

Little Baby Arm Circles Reverse IC x 10

Imperial Squat Walkers IC x 6
Mosey around tennis court to get the blood circulating.  Pick up CMUs at grinder and head down to the greenway Circle of Life that stretches from Alcoa Rd to the fountain.  Exercises written in chalk at various stations around the Circle.  1st lap 5 reps, 2nd lap 10 reps, 3rd lap 15 reps, 4th lap 20 reps….then work back down the ladder as time permits.

  • CMU Swings & CMU Overhead Presses
  • Peter Parker 2ct
  • Jump Squats
  • Shoulder Taps 2ct
  • Big Boy Situps
  • Bernie for a stretch
  • Run for a stretch
  • Merkins
  • Crab Walk for a stretch
  • Run up Crumpet Hill to tree and back down
  • Burpees
  • Repeat until time runs out.  A few made it through the round of 20.  Most Pax were somewhere in the round of 20 when time ran out.  Making it through the round of 20 = 50 reps of each exercise.

No time

Ecclesiastes 3:

A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:

    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.


There is a time for all things and that is the way it is intended.  Try to focus on being present in each of those times.  When the sad or difficult times come let’s not become depressed and pine for the “good old days”…Be present in the difficulty and try to help those around you.  When the happy times are here enjoy them and be present….rather than be burdened by regrets and things in the past.  If there is a time for all things then be present in that time when in happens.


Destroy the Death Star

THE SCENE: low 50s

Imperial Squat Walkers

C3P0s – cherry pickers 3 count x 10

Hi-Low Rens – tempo squats x 10
3 different missions all with a partner

Mission 1- Training on Dagobah

With 1 partner with BTTW seated position counts out the reps of the partner.  The exercises are as follows:

  • CMU Curls x 20
  • Overhead press x 20
  • Big Boy sit-ups x 20

Switch and repeat x 3

Mission 2 – Destroy the Death Star

10 cones are in a big circle.  Start by doing with your partner:

  • Merkins x 10
  • AT-AT Walk (bear crawl) to next cone
  • Dry Docks x 10
  • BB8 (somersault) to next cone
  • Merkins x 10
  • AT-AT Walk (bear crawl) to next cone
  • Dry Docks x 10
  • BB8 (somersault) to next cone

After completing one round run a victory lap. After finishing the second and final time run 2 victory laps.

Congrats you destroyed the Death Star!!!!

Mission 3- Chewy Carrying C3P0

1 partner carries 2 CMUs to the end of the grindstone and leaves them and runs back to their partner.  While the one partner carries the other does:

  • Round 1 – Burpees
  • Round 2 – Squats
  • Round 3 – Shoulder Taps

Rinse and Repeat until recover.


Chewbacca claps (overhead claps) until time.

13 Hims were strong with the force.
Top 8 wise advice/quotes from Yoda
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
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