F3 Knoxville

Walt Disney World Workout

THE SCENE: Clear, mid 60s.  A perfect morning to visit the parks!

Side-strattle hops, baseline lunges
We took a tour of some of my favorite attractions at each Walt Disney World theme park.

  • Magic Kingdom (Splash Mountain): 5 sets of stairs
  • Epcot (Spaceship Earth): Thank the Phoenicians for the “Alphabet”
  • Hollywood Studios (Tower of Terror): 21 burpees (1 for each seat in the elevator)
  • Animal Kingdom: Bear Lion Crawl through Kiliminjaro Safari (across football field and back)


  • Overhead claps x25
  • American Hammer x10
  • Shoulder taps x15
  • Little baby crunches until time

7 HIMs and one 2.0

Many of you know awhile back we were looking for a daycare for our 6 month old and we were quickly running out of time.  I wasn’t worried.  I was praying about it along with other friends and family.  I had confidence God would provide and he did!  An availability came up the week after my mother-in-law could no longer keep him.  God answered our prayers but what did I do after he provided?  I went about my life.  It probably took be a full week until it hit me….I never thanked God for providing!  Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”  I did the supplication part of that verse but not the “thanksgiving” part.  Sometimes we come to expect things of God, family, friends and there’s nothing wrong with that.  In fact, we should expect certain things from God, friends, and family.  I expect my wife to love me, be patient with me, share life/family responsibilities, etc.  But that does not mean we should stop being grateful!  Remember as you go throughout your week to show gratitude to those around you.


We discussed allowing 2.0s to continue to be a part of our workouts.  No one present raised concerns.  Some voice their support of allowing 2.0s to come.  Reach out to Smuggler if you have any questions or concerns.

Dora 200

 60 degrees and clear, perfect for a morning beat down



Some SSH, Deep lunge across the court, straddle stretch back. Mosey to the Oval Office.

A little Dora action- one partner works while other runs 100m, completes 5 burpees, and 100m back.

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 CMU goblet squat
  • 300 CMU curl and press
  • 200 BB Sit ups
  • 100 lunges-2 Count (originally CMU swings but I forgot what I wrote down)

Mosey back to AO

Alternate flutter kicks and LBC for remaining 3 minutes

6 and one 2.0

As I go through life’s struggles, as I pity myself and wonder why, I am reminded of a few people in history that I can learn from. Jesus faced the ultimate struggle and sacrificed for us all. Paul struggled and suffered throughout his entire ministry. James reminded us about struggle: Dear brothers and sisters,[a]when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4


None finished this beat down, guess we will have to try again

Hardest way to 10

THE SCENE: Seems like the humidity backed off a tad. Maybe 99%? It was warm and sweaty…

20 SSH, 10 tempo merkins, 10 imperial squat walkers, 10 hillbillies, little of this, little of that.
Run to the lower trail wood bridge. Work back up toward the troll bridge trail.

  • Forward 2 light posts, stop for 10 dry docks
  • Back 1 light post, stop for 10 Big boy twist situps.
  • Rinse and repeat until the troll bridge trail
  • Keep cycling through the reps until the six catches up
  • Sprint back up to the grinder

Part 2: count to 10

Start with 1 rep each, then run and come back for 2 reps, then 3, etc.

  • Hand release merkin–>regular merking–>clap merkin (in that order is 1 rep)
  • Crunch–>BBS–>WW2
  • Get up–>squat–>squat jump
  • CMU shoulder shrug–>upright row–>CMU swings
  • Run to troll bridge and back to increase reps by 1(aiming to get to 10 or until time)

Pax roulette 30 Overhead claps, 25 some sort of shoulder thing, 20 box cutters, LBC to cash out
4 HIMs and 1 2.0
Heard this the other day and made me think. Salvation is not earned by moral perfection, so it cannot be lost by a moral failure. What matters is believing loyalty in the one true God. Made me think of the age old conversation on the predestination/free will dynamic. From our limited perspective, the exact nuances don’t really affect our day to day. What matters is we cling to God day in and day out and give Him our loyalty. Think of the characters in the Bible. God always forgave a repentant person for a moral failure. But where people went wrong was going after other gods or elevating themselves as gods. This week, let’s throw our lot in fully with the God who covers our moral failures and desires our loyalty and relationship.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Drop and give me 25

THE SCENE: You’d think water would evaporate, but nope… so it rained but not from the sky.

20 SSH, 10 cherry pickers, 10 LBAC forward, 10 backward,
Around the Greenway, stopping at each sign, drop and give me Merkins, BBS, Iron Mikes

Reps: 25, then 20, 15, 10, 10, 15, 20

Part 2: AMRAP of…

  • 5 pullups
  • 5 bench jump overs
  • 5 lines of bear crawl
  • 10 smerf jacks
  • Run back to start

Crunch-o-rama: 30 crunches, 30 bicycle, 30 prayer crunches, 15 gas pumps
9 including one 2.0
Men are known for having only 2 emotions: anger and sadness. Obviously, we are meant to have more emotional depth than that, so let’s look at the Bible for any examples. Our Lord, Jesus, is a great example of righteous anger. Anger not motivated by hate, but by justice. In America, we are known to be observers over actors. As men, we need to act when we see injustice. We need to get angry and do something about the wrongs done to others. With sadness, our Lord, Jesus, is again the perfect example. When Lazarus, His friend, died, Jesus wept. We can find solice in the fact that our King felt the same that we do over loss. We need to be able to express that and lean on one another in those times of sorrow.


Long Tall Dora

THE SCENE: Hot and humid

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x8 IC
    Classic Dora.. just a little longer. When doing an exercise involving a CMU, partner runs to tree and does 20 SSH. If the exercise does not involve a CMU, the movement is to farmer carry CMU’s to the cone and back. Exercises alternate between using a CMU and doing without.
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 On-the-shelf (each side) – CMU
  • 100 Merkins
  • 100 Thrusters – CMU
  • 150 Peter Parkers (2ct)
  • 150 Dead Lifts – CMU
  • 200 BBS
  • 200 OH Press – CMU
  • 250 Squats
  • 250 Curls – CMU
  • 300 OH Claps (2ct)
  • 300 Calf Raises – CMU

This would’ve been better suited for an hour long Saturday workout, we needed more time!


  • 20 x LBC’s
  • Cash out with merkins until time

4 men and a 2.0!

Everyone has heard the term “you always make time for what’s most important to you”. It’s true, wherever your priorities lie, you will find the time to make it happen. Pay close attention to what has become those priorities in your life and if they align with what truly should be important to you.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”  –  Matthew 6:21

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.