F3 Knoxville

Speedway Hills

THE SCENE: Low 60s and the rain held off till we were finished



Little Baby Arm Circles (F/B) x10; Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That

Started with Chumba-Burpees while still in the circle. Play Tubthummping, do Side Straddle Hops for whole song, do a Burpee when they say “I get knocked down”

Mosey to the hill by the canopy where there are lots of cameras for 11s with Monkey Humpers and Pickle Pounders. We did Bernie up the hill and ran down.

Mosey to hill by the backstop, picking blocks up on the way, for 7s doing with Skull Crushers and Grave Diggers. We did Polar Bear Crawl up the hill and ran down.

Mosey to hill at the far side from the backstop for 5s (Q should have done 7s at each location) doing Pull Thru Merkins and Thrusters. We did Murder Bunny up the hill and ran down.

Hello Dolly x10; LBCs for time

Welcome to Pennies and Trousers


“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭19:14‬

What we take in with our ears and eyes is what the words of our mouths become and will be what we mediate on in our heart. Reading the Bible, praying, and spending time with others that have similar beliefs all help us take in good things so when we are pressured and squeezed by life, what comes out is honoring to God.

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Speedway BOMB Mod

THE SCENE: A cool 50-ish degrees, a little breeze.  Very nice for beatdown at #thespeedway (Seymour).
SSH x20, cherry pickers x5, Abe Vegoda x12, Michael Phelps, mosey around the parking lot
Partner up.  Pax 1 runs around the outside of the parking lot while Pax 2 does the list.  Flapjack until goal is reached.

  • Burpees x50
  • Bent over rows x100
  • Block curls x150
  • Squats x200
  • Scissors x250 (single count)
  • Repeat

Imperial Storm Troopers x10, Mountain Man Pooper x15, Flutter Kicks x10, Box Cutters x10

Rep Sleepy, Grouch, Streaker, Doctor, Cow Patty, Zombie, Shenanigans, Banjo

John 15:19 – If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

As HIMs in this world, YHWH calls us to be different.  It is easy to conform to the ways of this world when society tells you what a man should be when in reality, our only example should be Yeshua (Jesus).  He showed us what it was to love unconditionally, teach without belittling, motivate without yelling, and be not of this world but in this world because the world will hate us when we are not conforming to its standard.  We should always be on the lookout for the enemy attacking us and trying to tell us that “it’s not that bad, is it really?”  Everything we do, we should do for the glory of YHWH because even if nobody else is looking, he is and he’s the only one that matters.

CSAUP (Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless – especially at this time) in Oak Ridge on May 6 from 9 PM to midnight.  #thespeedway guys are only going on Tuesday and Thursday so strong encouragement to post at other AOs to get more involved.  Convergence (all Knoxville area AOs get together for massive workout) in July at JUCO.

Speedway DORA-cide

THE SCENE: Unseasonably cold for the middle of April but we didn’t stay cold long



Cherry Pickers x5; Abe Vigoda x5; SSH x20; Tempo Squat x10


Mosey to one of the small soccer fields and did some partner work. One partner did ran a 5 cone suicide doing burpees at the cones, increasing by one at each cone while the other partner worked through the exercises. Everyone was working through the exercises a second time when recover was called.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Big Boys
  • 300 Squats

Rep Sleepy afterburner (Overhead Claps x40, Seal Claps x20, Grady Corn x10); Flutter Kicks x20; Boxcutters x10; LBCs for time

12 HIM that included 7 FNGs

Leave no man behind and no man where you found him

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