F3 Knoxville

Plant Trees

The Scene


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Motivators (Dumpster Dive picked to start from 5)

Cherry Pickers

Runners Lunge w/ reach

Tempo Squats



Challenged everyone to go for at least one more rep above what they think they could do during this workout. We are capable of more than we think. 



Mosey to the CMU Pile and grab one that we will work with throughout the beatdown


We set up around the parking lot for 3 rounds of each exercise with a run around the median in between. Exercises as follows:

3×20 walking lunges (After 20 walking lunges, leave cmu, run around the median back to where you left off.)

3×10 thrusters (Between each thruster take 2 steps) median run between each round

3×10 Big Boy Situps (Knuckles to ground behind your head, heel tap at the top) median run between each round

Some 10 counts were sprinkled in by various HIM’s


New dock work up next

While group 1 went through a plank variation the second group laid down on the ground next to the dock then got up and immediately got onto the dock. 3 rounds then tap a HIM doing a plank to let them know it is their turn. The below planks were completed in the three rounds: 

Standard Plank

Crab Plank

Freestyle plank


Grabbed our CMU’s and headed back toward the CMU pile


We circled up and complete 4 rounds of the following:

40 Rocky Balboas

10 CMU swings


We then moseyed back to the AO.



We had enough time for 1 minute of flutter kicks


14 HIM’s


“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”-Greek Proverb

I changed the quote a little since none of us are old. “A society grows great when wise men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”-Greek Proverb

Challenged everyone to break out of any self-centered loops we find ourselves in a begin to lay the groundwork for the next in line, even if we won’t reap the benefits of our labor. 



The desire of my heart

THE SCENE: Downright PERFECT May morning. Crisp and cool.

  • Projectivators
  • Little baby arm circles
  • Moroccan night clubs
  • Tempo merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Pickle pointers
  • Tempo squats


  • Mosey on down to the parallel bars for 30 merkins and 10 dips
  • Mosey over to the pool wall for 10 wall-pees
  • Mosey to the recruiting center, grab a block
  • Circle up by the pull up bar and black betty
    • Work it circuit – 45/15
      • Black Betty dead lifts
      • Pull ups (optional chain for weight)
      • All others rotate thru:
        • Curls
        • Goblet Squats
        • OHP
        • Heavy Lunges
        • Derkins
      • After each full rotation
        • 30 flutters (4-ct)
        • 30 big boys
        • 60 second plank
      • We got through 2 rotations.
    • Mosey on back to the flag

No time.

Genesis 3:6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

Desire is a powerful thing. The desire for wisdom led to the fall, and each of us today continues to cope with our own desires. There are different approaches to dealing with desire, but at the root they generally take a few forms. You can attempt to sate a desire by giving in to it, and in some cases this is appropriate. If you are thirsty and desire water, drinking water is often a good solution because slaking your thirst will truly address the desire and is ultimately healthful. In this case, the desire supports good management of my body’s needs. Most desires also have feedback mechanisms. In the case of thirst, the pleasure of drinking correlates pretty well to the need, quickly falling from ecstasy to neutrality and eventually becoming painful as need becomes glut. This desire seems to me to be well ordered, and consequently, you don’t often see folks struggling with their desire to drink water, although it isn’t unheard of.

Many other desires need to be managed more deliberately. Not all feedback mechanisms operate promptly, and sometimes by the time we see the real consequences, it is too late to turn back. In addition, other desires often ask more than an equal portion of our time and energies; it is physically impossible to sate all of my desires. If we try, they compete with each other, growing, pushing against each other. Those desires that have the slowest consequences and the provide the greatest pleasure will naturally expand to consume all they can manage. Thus, desire becomes disordered and sinful.

Romans 6:12 Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.

This problem is further complicated by our own interference. Once we ate from the tree, we could discern between the outcomes we like and the outcomes we don’t, and this introduces the opportunity to use our power to modify the outcomes. Artificial sweeteners can modify my food to heighten the pleasure but reduce or eliminate some of the physical consequences. In the short term, this seems like a win. I can sate my desire without the trouble of getting fat. But a desire that is fed grows. While our power of discernment can be used to aid us in learning to regulate our desires, just as often we use it as a way to more fully give ourselves over to them.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Men, hear the good news. The Lord is not cruel; He does not test us in vain. He did not make us as a sort of prank, filled up with desires that we must reject to make our lives difficult. It is right for man to desire wisdom, but we must not grasp it for ourselves as we did in the garden. Rather, we must receive it from the hand of the One who made us. If we can learn to follow Him rather than our desires, He will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. He alone can satisfy the desire of our heart. He placed it there for that very purpose.
Great group today! Nine was a bigger group than I expected, stretched out the rotation a bit.
CSAUP TOMORROW! Family workout moved to May 14th with Skewer on Q.

Go 4th and Be Godly – There Is No “Try”

THE SCENE: 60’s. A little damp ground.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

May the 4th be with you. In honor of Star Wars day, today we will be doing themed exercises. Some you know, some you might know, & some you might even be surprised Pool Boy is leading…

Cantina Night Club (Moroccan Night Club)
Cloud City Rocking Chair (Tennessee Rocking Chair)
Little Princess Leia’s (Little Mermaids)
Chewbacca Humpers (Monkey Humpers)
Hans Solo Release Merkins (Hand-release merkins)
Rebel Squadron Run (Falling Indian Run) past the track to the Cheatsheet merkin parking lot past the track. Do Chewbacca Humpers while we pass then fall in when 6 passes you.


Imperial Squat Walkers
Lunge between 2 parking spaces
Hans Solo Release Merkins
Lunge between 2 parking spaces (Bear Crawl optional)
Mosey to Coruscant Manufacturing Unit (CMU) pile

Death Star – A routine done with a deck of playing cards where each suit is an exercise and each card dictates the number of reps you do of that exercise all the way up to an Ace being 14 reps. Exercise complete when all 52 cards have been flipped:

Spades – Parking Space Light Speed Suicides
Hearts – Run down to the curb and back each
Clubs – Heavy Core (PAX drawing the two cards picks
Diamond- Hans Solo Relase Merkins
Additional stuff we didn’t have time for: R2D2 & C-3PO  (aka Dora)-
Partner exercises except each round your partner start with 1 Cloud City Rocking Chair
100 Chewbacca Humpers
200 Tie Fighters (100 each way)
300 Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the Rebel Base (Shovel Flag):

Light Saber Game for Dealer’s Choice.
Except Yoda Jacks

11 Jedi Knights

Do or do not, there is no try. Yoda says this and in some ways this is true & others not. But what I think Yoda means is what I’ll sum up in a different way:

God doesn’t expect more of us than we can do. Pause & think about that. He only expects what we’re capable of. But as we all know- & the past few weeks of study & rest I’ve done (legit or not, it’s a decision I made), I chose to do that.  You chose to get out here today & workout. Others chose to be on a business trip out of town, preparing for new life changes, or simply to stay at home. But you did it- you came here.

So now consider this:
“Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”
Have you heard the phrase ‘should implies can’? It’s simple yet profound. It’s similar to ‘do or do not, there is no try.’ If you should do something, it means you can. But even that is only what God has given us the ability to do. Today we got some bodily training on Star Wars day. But each new day, whether it’s Cinco de Mayo tomorrow, or another day 20 years from now or after this life, if we are disciplining ourselves for the purpose of godliness, it will have value now & forevermore.

Mandolin is back! Prayed for Mandolin, Long Noodle’s wife and him, Dumpster Dive traveling and Waxjob’s adoption & financial court stuff. Good to be back after studying for and taking the PE Exam. Hilarious commentary from Dumpster Dive (especially during prayer requests) today – great mumblechatter and had a lot of fun.
CSAUP Escape from Haw Ridge this Friday 9pm-midnight! See Slack for details. Shamrock Flag handoff May 15.

The Whole Story

THE SCENE: Cool and clear

  • Projectivator
  • Easy lap w/ high knees, butt kicks, strides
  • Tempo merkins
  • Cherry pickers
  • Tempo squat


  • Death march to ORAU Hill the long way
  • After each exercise sprint up hill; mosey down
  • 1 minute merkins
  • 1 minute big boys
  • 1 minute squats
  • 1 minute plank
  • 1 minute merkins
  • 1 minute LBCs
  • 1 minute imperial squalkers
  • 1 minute plank

Mosey back to the flag. We stopped at the playground for some pull ups.

May the 4th is tomorrow.  When watching the Original Trilogy, you think the story is about Luke, but after watching the Prequel Trilogy, you realize that the story is about Anakin.  A story of redemption.

Also, God laid on my heart this week to be aware of the legacy I’m leaving.  I shared the tale of Steve Jobs.  He built a huge company that changed the world, but within months of his death, Apple launched a product he said they’d never sell:  the iPad Mini.

Our legacy is much more affected by the people we influence throughout our lives.  Our children, wives, friends, coworkers, and others.  The values we invest in them and the fruit of the Spirit we bear around them will make a bigger impact than the work of our hands.
CSAUP this Friday!  Family workout postponed to May 14th.

Count It All Joy

THE SCENE: A comfortable 59 degrees and clear


15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 temp merkins, 20 (4ct) Moroccan nightclubs, 10 squats


– “Around the World” team competition rules:

  • split into even teams (4 person minimum)
  • each team gets 2 CMUs
  • 1 team member runs to the first parking lot line with their CMU while the rest of the team performs a team exercise using the other CMU.
  • Once the 1 team member returns to the group, the team sends out another member to the next parking lot line. This process repeats until all parking lot lines have been visited by the team.
  • 1st team to make it all the way across the parking lot and return back to the rest of their team wins

Parking Lot Line Sequence:

5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats

Team exercises:

Cross the river

  • each team member sits one in front of the next as in a boat. While the whole team is rowing in place, the team member in the rear will pass the CMU to the front then send it back to the rear using the opposite side
  • repeat this until it is time to send another member out to the parking lot

Over the mountain

  • Each member gets into the mountain climber position one in front of the other in a straight line.
  • The team must pass the CMU to the front of the line and back to the rear of the line using the opposite side while remaining in the mountain climber position
  • repeat this until it is time to send another member out to the parking lot

Through the desert

  • each team member is separated about 10-20 steps from another in a straight line. As everyone runs in place, the team member holding the CMU in the back runs to the person directly ahead of them and passes off the CMU, then returns back to their spot behind.
  • the next team member then takes the CMU to the person ahead of them in the same fashion. This process repeats until the gear is in the front of the line. Once in the front, the CMU comes back to the rear of the line in the same way
  • repeat this until it is time to send another member out to the parking lot

Into the swamp

  • the entire team lines up in a straight line horizontally. Once given the verbal “go” there is no stopping until the whole team is across the designated finish line.
  • the team must cross the line as one unit
  • The team will move by crab walking, and the team’s CMU must make it across the finish line however means necessary but it must be at the same time as the whole team crosses together.
  • Once across, the team must come back if time permits

The End

  • Once 1 team reaches the last line (or time runs out and the team who made it the furthest is recognized) – everyone will stop and form up together
  • All CMU’s will be returned and the group will move back to AO


– Once back to the AO, the winning team lines up opposite the losing team(s). Each member of the winning team takes turns either choosing a card from a deck or rolling a die to determine the exercise that is to be dished out to the losing teams.


  • 1=merkins, 2=BBS, 3=squat jumps, 4=Carolina Dry Docks, 5=toe taps, 6=iron mikes


  • hearts= 8ct push-ups, diamonds= inchworms, club= lunges, spade= LBC, Joker= 10 burpees
  • multiply each exercise by the number on the card



11 HIMs

James 1:2-4 – count it a joy when you come across trials and hardships in your life because we can know that it is the Lord that is testing our faith which will produce patience and steadfastness. One day we will be perfect and complete in the sight of the Lord, and the trials we are put through are intentional. Built in to remind us of who we are to truly rely on!