F3 Knoxville

Spring Training

The Scene: 48 and Skunky

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


High Knees 15x IC
Arm Circles Forward / Reverse 15x IC
Cherry Pickers 15x IC


  1. Base-running: have cones set up in shape of a diamond. Do “21” merkins at home, 21 squats at first, 21 burpees at 2nd, 21 BBSU at 3rd. (21 was Roberto Clemente’s number and I loved him). Rinse and repeat x2.
  2. Mosey to rocks
  3. Explosive baseball type exercises with rock:
    – 40 overheads
    – 40 “swings” (switch hitter)
    – 40 presses (official MLB roster consist of 40 players).
  4. Mosey to Matterhorn
  5. Back peddle 1/2 way up hill (like you’re going back on fly ball…) and then sprint to top. At top complete the 6-4-3 double play of 6 merkins/4 squats/3 burpees. Mosey down. X5
  6. Mosey back to AO via stairs and parking lot


We live in an action-packed/fast paced society where we want everything quickly. Today was a Baseball/Spring Training workout. People don’t like baseball- it’s too slow, too boring… look for the details of life that need and deserve your attention. Enjoy the moment, the details of life. Slow down and be in the game!

Conquer the Kraken!

44 and Clear

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x25 (IC)

Form two lines and mosey to Everest.  Stop at front parking lot
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Squats x20 each leg (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)
– 10 Burpees

Warm-up at Everest
Start at the base of Everest.  Perform the following:
– Rd 1: 10 Count, 10 Merkins, run up Everest, 2 Froggie Squats
– Rd 2: 20 Count, 20 Merkins, run up Everest, 4 Froggie Squats
– Rd 3: 30 Count, 30 Merkins, run up Everest, 6 Froggie Squats
– Rd 4: 40 Count, 40 Merkins, run up Everest, 8 Froggie Squats

Mosey to field on Northshore side of the Asylum.  Once there, form two groups.

The Kraken
Group 1
Spread out to 8 cones.  Complete exercise at that cone and run around the cones counter-clockwise to the next cone (make the whole loop + one cone). Rinse and repeat until you complete the whole loop or until tie is up.
– Cone 1 – Dry Docks x30
– Cone 2 – Narrow Squats x30
– Cone 3 – 4ct Flutter Kicks x20
– Cone 4 – Star Jumps x30
– Cone 5 – 4ct Shoulder Taps x20
– Cone 6 – Reverse Lunges (each leg counts as 1) x30
– Cone 7 – 4ct Hello Dollys x20
– Cone 8 – Smurf Jacks x30

Group 2
Start at cones.  Complete 30 reps of the exercise then shuttle run.  Repeat, each round subtract 5 reps and add one shuttle run each time.
– Rd 1 = Superman Swims
– Rd 2 = BBS

Switch after 8 minutes.

Mosey to SP.  Stop at half-way, circle up and do the following:
– 10 Burpees, 10 BBS
– 8 Burpees, 8 BBS
– 6 Burpees, 6 BBS
– 4 Burpees, 4 BBS
– 2 Burpees, 2 BBS

4ct Flutter Kicks x25 (IC)


Number off and Name-O-Rama (43 PAX, 4 FNGs – Baby Face, Curves, Putt-putt, Sk8town)

One of the reoccurring themes of Western civilization is the pursuit of comfort and convenience. Down time isn’t bad, everyone needs time to recharge, recalibrate and refocus, and there is no sense in making something harder than it needs to be.  But when we seek to eliminate all discomfort and struggle we loose something…the growth that comes from overcoming adversity.  There is a reason that most champions have notoriously difficult training regimes, without challenge there is no growth.

Fredrick Douglass (1818-1895) was an African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. After escaping from slavery in Maryland, he became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York.  Rather than allowing those evil circumstances to define him, he allowed them to strengthen him and gave himself to a higher cause. Read the strength in his words, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle.”

Challenges change us.  As former Navy SEAL Eric Greitens says in his book Resilience, “The magnitude of the challenge × the intensity of your attack = your rate of growth.”  This is true not only physically, but mentally and spiritually.  HIMs are men that push against the status quo, both externally and internally.  They wake each day looking for ways to get better and make their world a better place.  They recognize it requires sacrifice, but count the cost and move forward.  HIMs are able to see past the immediate challenge to the greater purpose that guides them.

This PAX was pumped and ready this morning!  Mummblechatter was high and everyone gave 100% the whole time.  For YHC, this was a special one.  The men of F3 Knoxville have been inspiring me for a little over a year now, and show absolutely no sign of letting up.  Everyone once in a while you get to be a part of something special…F3 Knoxville is one of those times.

“I can’t” = bullshit

Welcome and disclaimer

10 burpees
OMC Merkins


Mosey to the softball field, pause for the 6, pinwheels and squats

Field of dreams audible to the outfield due to mush.
Home 10 burpees 10 Merkins run to first

1st base – BBS until relieved

2nd base – Dry docs

3rd base – Domo squats

Sitting in the stands
Reverse BC up the bleachers (feet first)
BC across the bleachers
BC down the bleachers head first (audible cause bleachers were we and slippery)

Mosey to the steps and bear crawl down

On the Dawn Wall
10 Burpees at the bottom
10 Dry docs at the top

Mosey towards the AO pause part way for the 6 Merkins and box jumps

Lego Batman has 9 abs
Floor wipers
American Hammers



“I can’t” = bullshit. Is it that you “can’t” or that you “won’t”.  Michael Jordan once said “I can accept failure, what I can’t accept is not trying.”  We as men of this world get caught up in the societal message that we aren’t good enough, someone is always better, we aren’t strong enough.  In the end it’s the same message “you can’t do it.”

And so many men buy into this mentality. They don’t care anymore, they don’t workout, and they sure as crap don’t get up early and post to F3. But some men here are just as guilty of the “I can’t” attitude. “I can’t go up that hill, I can’t do nor Merkins, I can’t go any harder, I can’t finish.” And those “I’s” turn into “my’s”. “My legs hurt, my arms hurt, my back hurts, etc.”

So, what is your goal? What is you mountain to overcome? Are your tired of being the 6? Does it bug you not to finish a run? Are you pissed you can’t do pull ups, Merkins, or sprints? Maybe it’s not physical, maybe it’s to be a better husband, dad, boss, employee, coworker.

Here’s the deal, maybe you need help, maybe you need support, encouragement, and love. Well, welcome to F3. And while I have mostly been talking about it physically, we also need the love, support, and encouragement spiritually. Jesus wants us to share our lives with Him, and not just the bad times when we really need Him but the good times too. And He will give us strength to do all the things we want to do.
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength”

All things.  Not just the physical, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual, but ALL things through Him who gives me strength. We should all spend some time with Him, and ask about the things we “can” do and forget about the things we “can’t” do.

Party Time!

THE SCENEIce Cold 28 Degrees and Clear
F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

High Knees
Butt Kickers
SSH IC x 25x
Burpees x 11 x 3x

Mosey to the track
– Run .33 Mi (1 lap)
Merkins x 33
– Lap
Lo Plank Jacks (4 ct) x 33
– Lap
Mountain Climber (4 ct) x 33
– Lap
In-N-Outs x 33
– Lap
Bobby Hurley
– Lap
(Victory Lap if finish early)

BBS & Al Gore til we catch the 6

Mosey back to the AO
Suicide Run x 4
Caterpillar Merkin x 5
LBC (4 ct.) x 33


Today is my 33rd Birthday and I’m honored to share it with you men. When I turned 30 I was determined to make the next 10 years the best years of my life. I refused to believe that my best years were behind me. I was so mad that I was 30 I had planned on beginning an F30 campaign. I would gather my friends who were all about the same age, we would get “F30” T-Shirts made with nicknames and would sign up for all kinds of Mud Runs and make sure our best years were to come. God has a funny way about things… Instead of F30, he gave me F3 with a circle around it and instead of a cool name nickname like Maverick, I was dubbed La-Z-Boy. I’m thankful to be a part of this PAX and humbled by you all every time I come out!

Mumblechatter ended quickly with our Warm-O-Rama Burpees this morning. But picked back up when I mentioned how distraught I was at 30, some snickers and comments like “Wait til you turn 40 or 50!”. It’s great to be out with HIMs who can offer such great perspective on life.

Play the hand you’re dealt.

The Scene: 39 and rainy

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH 20
Around the world 10
Figure 8s 10
Squats 10
Jog around Pavalon

Deck of Cards
Each suit is an exercise, do # of reps on card. (Face cards are 10, Ace 1, joker 30 sec rest) no resting in between, constant movement.

Round one-Full Deck
Hearts- American swings
Diamonds- burpees
Clubs- Overhead presses 1/2 each arm
Spades- squats w/bell
(Equals 96 reps total for each exercise)

Three laps around Pavalon

Round 2 – Half deck
Diamonds-SSHs 3 count
Clubs- high pulls
Spades- BBS w/bell

Flutter kicks
Box cutters
American Hammers w/KB


Be a Christ Follower not just a Christ fan.
too many times we miss an excellent opportunity to share the good news with people we interact with on a daily basis. Whether that be coworkers, family, friends, or a complete stranger. One of the things that God specifically asks us to do is spread his Good News. To act on the great commission.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:19‬

Step out there, be bold, talk about the Good News and how it’s changed your life.