F3 Knoxville

“I can’t” = bullshit


Welcome and disclaimer

10 burpees
OMC Merkins


Mosey to the softball field, pause for the 6, pinwheels and squats

Field of dreams audible to the outfield due to mush.
Home 10 burpees 10 Merkins run to first

1st base – BBS until relieved

2nd base – Dry docs

3rd base – Domo squats

Sitting in the stands
Reverse BC up the bleachers (feet first)
BC across the bleachers
BC down the bleachers head first (audible cause bleachers were we and slippery)

Mosey to the steps and bear crawl down

On the Dawn Wall
10 Burpees at the bottom
10 Dry docs at the top

Mosey towards the AO pause part way for the 6 Merkins and box jumps

Lego Batman has 9 abs
Floor wipers
American Hammers



“I can’t” = bullshit. Is it that you “can’t” or that you “won’t”.  Michael Jordan once said “I can accept failure, what I can’t accept is not trying.”  We as men of this world get caught up in the societal message that we aren’t good enough, someone is always better, we aren’t strong enough.  In the end it’s the same message “you can’t do it.”

And so many men buy into this mentality. They don’t care anymore, they don’t workout, and they sure as crap don’t get up early and post to F3. But some men here are just as guilty of the “I can’t” attitude. “I can’t go up that hill, I can’t do nor Merkins, I can’t go any harder, I can’t finish.” And those “I’s” turn into “my’s”. “My legs hurt, my arms hurt, my back hurts, etc.”

So, what is your goal? What is you mountain to overcome? Are your tired of being the 6? Does it bug you not to finish a run? Are you pissed you can’t do pull ups, Merkins, or sprints? Maybe it’s not physical, maybe it’s to be a better husband, dad, boss, employee, coworker.

Here’s the deal, maybe you need help, maybe you need support, encouragement, and love. Well, welcome to F3. And while I have mostly been talking about it physically, we also need the love, support, and encouragement spiritually. Jesus wants us to share our lives with Him, and not just the bad times when we really need Him but the good times too. And He will give us strength to do all the things we want to do.
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength”

All things.  Not just the physical, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual, but ALL things through Him who gives me strength. We should all spend some time with Him, and ask about the things we “can” do and forget about the things we “can’t” do.