F3 Knoxville

JUCO Circuit

THE SCENE:   25ish and clear.  Perfect for a beatdown.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Phelps
  • Turkey wings
  • Projectivator
  • Grady corns
  • Squatting Grady
  • Merkins
  • Bouncing Y


Mosey to the big lot.  Sprint across, turning 90 degrees at each line.  (sprint, side shuffle, bernie, side shuffle). Mary at the end.

Mosey to sophomore hill.

  • 10 iron mikes
  • 15 star jacks
  • 20 squats
  • Sprint to the pull-up bars – max pull ups.
  • Sprint to the coupons
  • 20 shoulder presses
  • 25 curls
  • 30 triceps
  • Sprint back the beginning
  • Repeat the circuit


Mosey to freshman hill – tip the scale

10 burpees, run up the hill, 10 merkins, run down the hill

9 burpees…11 merkins

8 burpees…12 merkins, etc. until recover is called.


Mosey to the docks.

10 carolina dry docks – jump off the dock and run to the other

10 bobby hurleys – jump off the dock and run back to the other.

Repeat a few times.


Mosey to the courtyard.  Broad jump the length of grass.  Bear crawl back.  Repeat.



PAX choice


Me and 11 of the best men I know.  One 2.0


From Psalm 78, “I will utter dark sayings from of old, things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us.  We will not hide them from their children but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might, and the wonders that He has done.”

The Word this morning was repurposed from this week’s F3 newsletter.  The newsletter talked about how the purpose of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of YOUR leadership – in your communities, churches, workplaces, and – most importantly – in your home.

Whether or not he intends to, every father is discipling his children to something.  What we want to be doing is discipling them to virtue.  To know the character and instructions of God.

I shared part of my story – how for years I felt like a failure at discipling my family.  I would begin reading them Scripture or a Bible study…then stop when circumstances interrupted our routine or when it no longer “felt right”.  I would pray with them regularly…then have long seasons of drought.  I felt unsure of what exactly I was supposed to be doing – and unqualified to do what I thought family discipleship meant.  In my confusion, I became resentful about the whole thing.  I knew I was not leading my family well but couldn’t find a form and rhythm that felt like it worked.

Can any of you relate?

It’s just a little thing – but what finally clicked for me a few years ago started with a book.  A short story that is meant to be read during the Advent season – one chapter every night.  Our family developed a routine: everyone gets a blanket, a hot drink, and piece of candy, then gathers on the couches in the living room.  I’d read one chapter from the book, Jotham’s Journey.  Each reading also includes a few questions related to the narrative – but also tying in discussions about God, living righteously, and Jesus’s birth.

We enjoyed that time so much, we did not miss a single night during Advent.  And here’s the key…at the end of those 25 straight nights, our family had formed a new habit.  We sustained our rhythm after that Advent season and to this day – five years later – we follow roughly that same pattern almost every evening.

There are a thousand different ways you can intentionally mentor your sons and daughters about the most important things in life.  This is just one thing that worked for me after a hundred other things failed.  Establishing a lasting routine.

If you are, as I was for a loooong time, confused and frustrated with trying to find a routine to lead your family, maybe you’ll try the path that worked for me.  I have five of those books to give away.  There is nothing special about this book – but I’m sentimental about it because of my own experience.  If five men will read them to their families, please take them.  Advent starts on Sunday.  Read it every night with your kids until Christmas.  Work to have a new family habit take root.

It does not have to be profound or complicated.  Read a passage of Scripture – do one of the hundreds of free family studies on the YouVersion Bible app.  Find a way to lead your family in virtue.


If you didn’t get a book and want one, DM me on Slack with your address and I’ll have it shipped to you.   


Christmas party at Butterknife’s home Dec 3rd – sign up!

Up, Down, and Around


Few clouds, 39 Degrees and dry


1. Cherry Pickers (x5), 2. BACF (x10) 3. BACB (x10), 4. SSH (x20), 5. Mountain Climbers – (40 on your own), 6. Toe Merkins (30 OYO)


Mosey to the coupon pile with 3 stops for Mary (Boxcutters, Freddie Mercury’s, Flutter kicks).

At the coupon pile, grab a CMU (for some exercises). Will start with 10 burpees and then run a lap around the Physical Plant building. Will lap after each exercise group, so after first lap you will do 20 OHP, lap, etc.

(10) Burpees

(20) OHP

(30) Curls

(40) SSH

(50) Squats

(40) second plank

(30) Tricep Press

(20) Merkins

(10) Upright Rows

Mosey back to COT with 3 stops for (Bear Crawls, Scissor kicks, Imperial Walkers)


19 HIMS including RUSH


Thankful to be back after a week + absence. I went to Nashville for a few days to visit my parents. Thought I had avoided the local school bug being gone but it turned out that I caught a case of the flu anyway. It was a very mild case but I did have fever on and off for two days. I worked from home and recovered over the weekend.

While away and as we move into a time of Thanksgiving, I thought about how fortunate I was to have a job that allowed me some flexibility while I was sick. I was thankful to have loving parents to visit, thankful for my kids, and my close friends here in Knoxville. I’m also thankful for the men continuing to lead and encourage here at F3.

1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

In 1st Thessalonians, Chapter 1, Paul is writing to the church there in Thessalonica and gives thanks to them for their work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope in times of great suffering and persecution. They became examples and encouragement for other Christians in the area and they did this with the “joy of the Holy Spirit”. Paul was thanking God for them. At the end of the chapter, Paul says “you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.”

In many ways, you guys today are encouraging others with how YOU lead and serve. And I want to thank God for each one of you. You are being an example and positive influence to me and those around you. That makes a difference and it deserves recognition. So take some time to think about that. Think about and be thankful for how God has chosen you to be his sons and how he has called you out to shine light. Remember that as sons we have already been delivered from the wrath to come. Take that reality into the upcoming holiday season. Keep your eyes on Him and you will not only be more thankful for his blessings, but you will also continue in your blessing of others.


THE SCENE:  Cool, moist, dark
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Phelps
  • LIH
  • Moroccan Nightclub
  • Werewolves
  • O.A.T. Planks
  • Doubletap squats


Mosey to King College lot for “Toss O’ War”.  Form 2 teams for a competition.  There are two lines of cones separated by 200’, and a 20# medicine ball in the middle.  Perform exercise at your cones, sprint to the ball, and throw it as far as you can toward the other team.  You cannot touch the ball while it is in the air, but once it hits the ground you can stop it.  Play for 5 minutes, then call a winner.  Exercises were;

  1. 25 Carolina dry docks
  2. 30 O.A.T. Planks (15 each side)
  3. 25 4-count flutter kicks
  4. 20 Iron Mikes
  5. 40 Merkins
  6. 20 Doubletap squats
  7. 20 mountain climbers
  8. 35 LBCs
  9. 15 Shoulder taps (4 ct)
  10. 30 Imp lunges (15 each side)
  11. 25 Star Jacks
  12. 15 Donkey Kicks

Mosey to AWW Hill for “Wolves Hunt the Rabbit”.  There are 14 trees going up the hill.  One PAX – the “rabbit” – starts at tree #5 and does 2 burpees per tree, then sprints to the next.  The rest of the PAX – the “wolf pack” start at tree #1 and does 1 burpee per tree and sprint to the next.  Will the wolves catch the rabbit?

Mosey to the steps to nowhere.  One PAX names a core exercise, then sprints to the top of the steps and back.  Continue until all PAX have gone.

2 rounds of Howling Monkeys.  Run back down.

Run back for another round of Toss O’ War.


2 minutes left – dealers choice


Me and 15 of the best men I know

Wolves are both fierce and tenderhearted.  We should be as well.

  • “The righteous are bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1).
  • “Blessed is the one who remains steadfast under trial” (James 1:12).
  • “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13)

When life requires it of you, be ready to spring into action with zealousness – fierceness – intensity! You should be alert, vigilant, fearsomely protective, fiercely loyal to your pack…   Continue to be strong in the ways that count.

But simultaneously

be soft in the ways that count.

  • Be tenderhearted with your loved ones (Ephesians 4:32).
  • Show humility.  Have sympathy for those less fortunate.  (1 Peter 3:8)
  • Avoid arguing.  Speak evil of no one.  Be gentle and courteous (Titus 3:2)

Be approachable and relatable for your kids – and be patient with them.  Show affection and make yourself emotionally available to your wife – pamper her.

To be a wolf is to be a fearsome warrior, but it is also to be tender nurturer.  You are called to be both.


Prayers for Wanderer and his father, Solomon

Prayers for Data

Prayers for Booster and his family

Hat tip to Levi Lusko


Mission Accomplished

THE SCENE: A brisk 40 degrees but clear skies, gentle breeze and good visibility

Some side straddle hops, tempo merkins and squats, local cherry pickers, Projectivators, and climbing the mountain.
Rugby shuttle run to the CMU pile

The mission: Gather the required hash (tally) marks for each exercise group.  Most hash marks required multiple reps to count, and approved modifications to earn a tally were included:

  • Bodybuilders
    2 burpees (w/ merk) : 1 BB
    3 burpees (no merk): 3 BB
    1 hash = 5 BB, 10 with, 15 w/o
    20 hash marks required
  • Pull-ups
    10 Bent Over Rows : 1 PU
    1 hash = 5 PU, 50 BOR
    20 hash marks required
  • Running Laps
    1 hash = 1 lap
    20 hash marks required
  • Clean & Press (with CMU)
    2 squats : 1 C&P
    4 OHP : 1 C&P
    1 hash = 10 C&P, 20 squats, 40 OHP’s
    40 hash marks required
  • Freddy Mercuries
    2 Big Boys : 1 FM
    5 LBC : 1 FM
    1 hash = 10 FM, 20 BB, 50 LBC
    40 hash marks required
  • Clock Merkins
    20 merkins : 1 CM
    30 knee merkins : 1 CM
    1 hash = 1 CM, 20 m, 30 km
    40 hash marks required

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  Victory Rugby Shuttle Run back to the flag

With 3 minutes to spare, did some LBC’s, pull backs, and hello dolly’s to close off the beat down

Bible Verse:

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God you will receive what he has promised.” (Hebrews 10:36, NIV)

Keep Doing the Right Thing.  In Genesis, Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused of a crime, and put in prison.  It was thirteen years of injustice and disappointments.  But he kept doing the right thing until one day he was suddenly called out of the prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dream and subsequently made the prime minister of Egypt.

God wasn’t asking Joseph to defeat his brothers, to escape his captors, to prove his innocence, or to break out of prison.  God was simply asking him to outlast the opposition.  God may not be asking you to overcome some of the challenges you face that are unfair and situations that feel like they are lasting forever.  He may just be asking you to keep doing the right thing in bad situations, and to outlast them.  He is asking you to be faithful.  Then you will be able to say along with the Apostle Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day…” (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

-Credit to Larry Blakeburn of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, TN
Thanks everyone for making my VQ as memorable as I had hoped!
2.0 Workout this Saturday at the Project; and otherwise I’ll leave this up to the AOQ if there’s anything new.

#The Project: coming to you next Tuesday – can you beat their time?

Ring Around the Mosey


Few clouds, 59 Degrees, 93% Humidity (not 100!!)


1. Cherry Pickers (x5), 2. BACF (x10) 3. BACB (x10), 4. Tempo Squats (x10), 5. SSH (x15), 6. Mountain Climbers (x10)


Mosey up the Hard Knox hill & grab the guardrail for 25 dips.

Pick up a rock for each hand and 25 Front Claps and 25 OH Claps

25 Merkins OYO.

From that corner we will Lunge Walk to the next short corner and do (5) Burpees. Mosey to the far end and then Bear Crawl to the next short corner. Will then do 5 Burpees, 25 Squats. Mosey to the far end and then Lunge Walk to the next corner. 5 Burpees, 25 Squats, 20 Shoulder Taps, etc. Mosey, repeat…

After each lunge/crawl we add a set:
(5) Burpees,
(25) Squats,
(20) Shoulder Taps,
(15) SSH,
(10) Leg Raises,
(5) more Burpees to end.

6 total exercise stops & 3 full laps around.

Mosey down and east along Hardin Valley Rd. back into the east parking lot. Did some Mary and some Flutter Kicks (x15). Mosey back through the lot to the COT

At COT finished off with Hello Dolly (x15), Side crunches (x15) each side, Heels to Heaven (x10), LBC’s (x15)


17 HIMS including (1) 2.0, (9) RUSH


What is Fellowship? The dictionary defines it as A Community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience.

Sounds kind of shallow by definition but we do need fellowship. We need deeper fellowship. It’s a cornerstone of this group.

I believe it’s true that we also need friendship. We all know men that simply don’t have many friends. They are married, too busy, they just prefer to be alone. If married, your Wife shouldn’t have to carry that stress or burden of being our only friend and we know that isolation is not good for us. (Proverbs 18:1 – Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment).

We need each other!

In John chapter 15, Jesus tells his disciples “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

How can we love someone we don’t know? How can we lay down our life for a friend if we don’t have any friends?

There are lots of lonely men out there and they need friendship. Understand that in Christ you have been saved through faith by grace, and not by anything you did or can do. Nothing. When we realize that, we are free to share with other men who we really are.

I believe God calls men to take the lead, make sacrifices. Look at where we are right now!

There’s little good to be gained without some form of pain.

So take a chance to reach out and get to know someone, even of it means rejection. Maybe make it a goal to learn something new about someone here every morning. That’s where Fellowship leads to real friendship.


Prayer for Butterknife and his family after the passing of his Uncle Kevin. Room Service’s father had some test results that were not positive. Prayers for his treatment going forward. Data and his boys.