F3 Knoxville

Go 4th and Be Godly – There Is No “Try”

THE SCENE: 60’s. A little damp ground.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

May the 4th be with you. In honor of Star Wars day, today we will be doing themed exercises. Some you know, some you might know, & some you might even be surprised Pool Boy is leading…

Cantina Night Club (Moroccan Night Club)
Cloud City Rocking Chair (Tennessee Rocking Chair)
Little Princess Leia’s (Little Mermaids)
Chewbacca Humpers (Monkey Humpers)
Hans Solo Release Merkins (Hand-release merkins)
Rebel Squadron Run (Falling Indian Run) past the track to the Cheatsheet merkin parking lot past the track. Do Chewbacca Humpers while we pass then fall in when 6 passes you.


Imperial Squat Walkers
Lunge between 2 parking spaces
Hans Solo Release Merkins
Lunge between 2 parking spaces (Bear Crawl optional)
Mosey to Coruscant Manufacturing Unit (CMU) pile

Death Star – A routine done with a deck of playing cards where each suit is an exercise and each card dictates the number of reps you do of that exercise all the way up to an Ace being 14 reps. Exercise complete when all 52 cards have been flipped:

Spades – Parking Space Light Speed Suicides
Hearts – Run down to the curb and back each
Clubs – Heavy Core (PAX drawing the two cards picks
Diamond- Hans Solo Relase Merkins
Additional stuff we didn’t have time for: R2D2 & C-3PO  (aka Dora)-
Partner exercises except each round your partner start with 1 Cloud City Rocking Chair
100 Chewbacca Humpers
200 Tie Fighters (100 each way)
300 Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the Rebel Base (Shovel Flag):

Light Saber Game for Dealer’s Choice.
Except Yoda Jacks

11 Jedi Knights

Do or do not, there is no try. Yoda says this and in some ways this is true & others not. But what I think Yoda means is what I’ll sum up in a different way:

God doesn’t expect more of us than we can do. Pause & think about that. He only expects what we’re capable of. But as we all know- & the past few weeks of study & rest I’ve done (legit or not, it’s a decision I made), I chose to do that.  You chose to get out here today & workout. Others chose to be on a business trip out of town, preparing for new life changes, or simply to stay at home. But you did it- you came here.

So now consider this:
“Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”
Have you heard the phrase ‘should implies can’? It’s simple yet profound. It’s similar to ‘do or do not, there is no try.’ If you should do something, it means you can. But even that is only what God has given us the ability to do. Today we got some bodily training on Star Wars day. But each new day, whether it’s Cinco de Mayo tomorrow, or another day 20 years from now or after this life, if we are disciplining ourselves for the purpose of godliness, it will have value now & forevermore.

Mandolin is back! Prayed for Mandolin, Long Noodle’s wife and him, Dumpster Dive traveling and Waxjob’s adoption & financial court stuff. Good to be back after studying for and taking the PE Exam. Hilarious commentary from Dumpster Dive (especially during prayer requests) today – great mumblechatter and had a lot of fun.
CSAUP Escape from Haw Ridge this Friday 9pm-midnight! See Slack for details. Shamrock Flag handoff May 15.

thespeedway crazy ladder

THE SCENE: Crisp, mid 50s and it was nice!
SSH x11, Cherry Pickers x5, Tempo Big Boys x10, Mosey around made up circle :).

Note: Cones are approximately 10 yards apart.

  • Inchworm to 1st cone
  • Body Builders x10
  • Inchworm back to starting cone
  • Murder bunny to 2nd cone
  • Skull crushers x20
  • Murder bunny back to starting cone (leave CMU)
  • Bear crawl to 3rd cone
  • Big Boys x30
  • Bear crawl back to starting cone
  • Pick up CMU and walk with CMU above head to 4th cone
  • CMU curls x40
  • Run the circle that was ran during warm-o-rama (leave CMU at 4th cone)
  • Get your CMU on the way back
  • Repeat

Australian Snow Angels x10, Tempo Squats with CMU x10, LBCs for time
Doppelganger, Cow Patty, Doctor, Pennies, Streaker, Blackwire (FNG), Waxjob, Halfday (FNG), Grouch

Exodus 33:19 – “… And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.”

As disciples of Yeshua, we are called to love all.  Lovingly correct sinful behavior of fellow disciples and love those who do not hold themselves to the teachings of Christ and law of YHWH as a means to show them Christ.

As I struggle with wanting to shake people out of their sinful nature (mainly those who are not disciples of Christ), I am constantly reminded that it is not my job.  It is my job to love those individuals and let the light of YHWH show through the love I am showing those individuals and let YHWH take care of the rest.  He is in control of everything and his thoughts are higher than mine and his ways are higher than mine.  Loving people is not the same as condoning a person’s choices.

CSAUP at Haw Ridge on May 6 from 9 PM to midnight.  Teams can still register.

Merkin Madness

THE SCENE: Cool and clear, perfect sunrise beatdown weather

SSH x 25 (4ct)
10 Burpees
Windmills x 10 (4ct)
10 Burpees
Little Baby Arm Circles x 10 forward/10 back (4ct)
10 Burpees
Tempo Squats x 10 (4ct), x 5 (8ct)
5 Burpees
Tempo Merkins x 10 (4ct), x 5 (8ct)
5 Burpees
A little of this and that
Cherry Pickers x 5 (4ct)
Bring Sally Up

Mosey to upper field.  Doing half field laps with 8 exercise stations.  2 rounds with whole field lap after each round.

  • Clerkins x 1
  • CDD x 10
  • Swerkins x 5 (per side)
  • Sphinx Merks x 5
  • Reverse Grip Merks x5
  • Derkins x5
  • Dive bombers x 5
  • Spiderman Merks x 5 (per side)

Line up on baseline by goal.  Movement exercise to penalty box line.  Same movement, but reverse direction back to base line.  2 rounds with whole field lap after each round.

  • Bernie (to midfield)/Sprint (back to penalty box)/Mosey (to baseline) – only set to go to midfield
  • Broad jump/Reverse (more of a bunny hop backward)
  • Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear
  • Lunge/Reverse Lunge
  • Bunny hop/Reverse
  • Inchworm/Reverse

10 Burpees
Dead bugs x 20 (4ct)
Side Crunches x 20 per side (4ct)
LBCs x 20 (4ct)
American Hammer x 20 (4ct)
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
We spent a great deal of our time thinking about the What we are doing/going to do and also about the How we are going to do it.  We spend very little time thinking about the Why.  Why is what we are doing important?  Why does is matter and what purpose does it serve?  Simon Sinek posed this idea as a business tool and sales model, but it’s directly applicable to our lives.  For instance, why are you part of F3?  What are you hoping to get from it?  What are you planning to give back or give to it?  Why do you parent the way you do?  Why do you treat your wife the way you do?  For those of us of Faith, why do you believe the way you do?  Why do you follow Christ?  It’s ok if you don’t have an answer today to these questions.  I’m still exploring some of them myself.  But simply saying, “Because I’m supposed to,” or, “Because that’s how I was raised,” isn’t going to cut it.  Explore that Why.  Understand that and you may find that it’s easier to adjust your What and your How.
Prayers for Cosmo’s mom dealing with cancer, Praise for Tailpipe’s wife’s successful surgery and praying for recovery, prayers for fellow PAX (particularly at JUCO) dealing with injuries and illnesses
CSAUP @ Haw Ridge 5/6
Convergence @ JUCO 7/2

Ouch my BACK

THE SCENE: Perfect weather, low 60’s and low humidity

SSH X 20
Tempo Merkins X 10
Tempo Squats X 10
Baby arm circles forwards & backwards X 10
Cherry Pickers X 4
Quad Stretching
Mosey to the CMU pile and everybody gets one block.  Take half the blocks to the swings and half to the pull up bars.  Divide into two groups (6 people each) at the swings (using the swing as a pull up bar) do pull ups with your feet on the ground and your back parallel to the ground.  3 can go at a time, the other three do rows with the CMU until 20 are complete.  Rotate in and out until the second group tags you out.  The second group is at the pull up bars.  They are jumping into a pull up position and slowly lowering them selves down, then repeating X 10.  After you do 10, rotate to the CMU’s and perform lawn mowers with the CMU.  Once all 6 have had their turn on the pull up bars, mosey over to the other group.  Repeat entire sequence three times.

Anchor Man handled the Mary.
Slow Dead Bugs
Snow Angels
Flutter Kicks

I lost a dear friend over the weekend.  He was a longtime employee and coworker.  We talked about the impact of culture.  He embodied our work culture and he will be missed.  F3 has a strong culture as well, and it allows us to hold each other accountable and make each other better.  Culture eats strategy for breakfast, embrace it, make it your own, and use it as the great tool that it is to impact lives.

CSAUP coming up 5/6 at Haw Ridge 9-12 PM.

Bringing on the flowers @ Truck Stop – 4/16/22

THE SCENE: mid-50’s and drizzly

Feet together touch toes 20 seconds; feet apart and touch each – right, left, and middle for 20 seconds each; Grady Corns IC x 10; LBAC IC x 10 each way; mosey to the Shed
EV.1 – Tabata-Style extended warmup – 4 exercises, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, 4 sets of each exercise before moving to the next, and 30 seconds of recovery time between exercises.  Once the tabata was complete we took a run around the baseball field as a preview for what was to come.

1 – Side Straddle Hops

2 – High Knees in place

3 – Front Jacks

4 – Imperial Squat Walkers in place

EV.2 – The Flower Challenge – perform the prescribed exercise for each round, going along with the instructions given within the lyrics of the song “Flower” by Moby.  Lap the baseball field and return to the Shed at the end of each round.

Round 1 – Merkins (chest resting on the ground during the “down” phase)

Round 2 – Squats

Round 3 – Leg Raises (laying on your six with feet together, raise legs straight up to perpendicular without bending them, then lower them back down to 6″ off the ground.  Heels should never touch the ground during this round)

EV.3 – Mosey back to the AO parking lot for some light pole to light pole laps.  Perform each exercise from pole to pole and then back to the start

1 – Sprint

2 – Lunge / Reverse Lunge

3 – Imperial Walker

4 – Bear Crawl / Crawl Bear

100 yard dash x 2 – PAX gave it all they had in an all-out jailbreak length-wise across the parking lot (x2) to properly empty the tank
8 HIMs

“If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak.  We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.  We are far too easily pleased.”

CS Lewis – “The Weight Of Glory”

Don’t take Christ’s sacrifice for granted.  Accept the gift and take the holiday at the sea!

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gently and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  Matthew 11: 28-30

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.