F3 Knoxville

Modified Tabata

THE SCENE: 71 and wet-ish

0 burpee

left over right

1 burpee

cherry pickers

2 burpees

35 SSH

3 burpees
Mosey to the CMU pile and pick up a coupon. We have 2  sets of 35 intervals. 2 minutes of work and 10 seconds of rest then on the to the next. I will list the work below.

  • curls
  • freddy mercury
  • air taps
  • welsh dragons
  • OHP
  • LBC
  • triceps extensions
  • merkins
  • squat thrust

time got away from us. we fellowship moseyed back to the AO

Gentlemen, the date for the Dog Pound’s CSAUP is being moved to Saturday, August 21. 2ish hours of a boot camp workout, followed by a feast of biscuits and gravy. CSAUPs are fun and challenging, and a great way to meet other F3 men from around Knoxville. We will be working in TEAMS of 3 (you’ll be added to a team if you are by yourself). Sign up here…


The Ol’ Switcheroo

THE SCENE: 70ish. Beautiful.



  • SSH IC | Windmills IC
  • BACs | Rockettes IC (Right Leg First)


Partner up. Alternate working your way through the list of exercises and running to the next station and back. After both partners have done all three exercises, advance to next station. Rinse. Repeat. Enjoy.

Station 1

  • Diamond Merkins
  • Lunges
  • Box Cutters

Station 2

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Squats
  • Flutter Kicks

Station 3

  • Shoulder Taps
  • SSH
  • BBS

Station 4

  • Inch Worms
  • Single-Leg Bridge
  • Imperial Walkers


  • Fellowship Mosey™️
  • Hello Dolly
  • Freddie Mercury
  • BBS



We talked about the impact our words can have on the people around us.

It was a pleasure to be in the gloom with a group of HIMs that do such a great job engaging in community, stepping up to lead, and checking in with each other.

Thanks to Mermaid for trading places for a day.

Spinning Bear Mountain + Bleacher Mountain

  • Welcome – A hot 77 for 5:30am..
  • Warmup-  35 Windmills, 15 Cherry Pickers, Plank Cross Hold (left knee to right elbow) + Merkin, Stretching Inchworms + Merkins.
  • Workout: 
    • Tabatta Bear Mountain: Bear crawl up the Racket Club Road starting at the bottom. Crawl for 40 seconds, rest 20. Each successive crawl is 90 degrees to the right. So 40 seconds of straight bear crawl, then 40 seconds of side crawl to the left. Then 40 seconds of reverse bear crawl. Then 40 seconds of side bear crawl to the right, then 40 seconds of straight bear crawl.  Sort of reminiscent of  https://f3knoxville.com/the-tabata-bear-on-the-rock/ without the crabs and alligators.  I was so glad that Anchorman, Pool Boy and Mermaid were there to see this version two of the bear mountain. We crawled all the way to the door of the racketball club! Great job gentlemen!
    • Bleacher Mountain: (aka. 12 minute Bleacher AMRAP)  Run as many up and downs on the bleachers as you can in 12 minutes.  We also included the stair case going down to the track for good measure and so we could tally mark with chalk our up/down reps.
  • WarmDown:  Ring of leg fire – Leg lifts in a circle facing out.  Each person runs around the circle tossing the legs down to the ground of the fellow HIMS.  Do another round of this but also through in some random burpees for a dash of chaos.  It was a hot mess – but fun!
  • Words:  Often times the hardest part of the workout is the words at the end, but I wanted to encourage yall to not let it be.  Life is not all sunshine and rainbow s , so don’t be afraid to share anything that’s on your heart. It doesn’t have to be composed. Just share. We’ll support you.  God may or may not give you an encouraging word to share – it’s ok.  We are partnering with you and so is God.  This weekend Rick Dunn gave a great sermon on God’s providence and love of us. ( https://middlebrook.fellowshipknox.org/sermons ) One of my favorite verses were mentioned 1 Thesalonians 5:24 “God is faithful and He will do it!” … It’s a great sermon, I encourage you to listen to it if you have the chance.  Trust in Him today.

CMUesday Gorilla Complex

THE SCENE: Low 70s, almost no humidity.  Really a perfect morning to throw some CMUs around.

Some SSHs (about 20); Baby arm circles both ways (about 10); Imperial Squat Walkers, 10.
Gorilla Complex: Curls x 8; Overhead Presses x 8; Triceps Extensions x8; ALPOs x 8; Run across AO parking lot to other side and back.  Rinse and Repeat for a total of 8 times.

Bump and Grind: One group starts running up Baby Everest and then down the Dragon back to the AO, where they bump the group from Station 1 to Station 2, Station 2 bumps to Station 3 and Station 3 does the run and then back to Station 1.  Each station does each exercise in succession – AMRAP – until bumped.  We only got about halfway through.

  • Station 1: Start with Curls, next time around Overhead Presses, then Up and Overs, and finally CMU Rows
  • Station 2: Kettlebell Swings; Goblet Squats; CMU Lunges; CUM Push and Pulls;
  • Station 3: Hernias (CMU V-ups); Sidewinders; Sledge Hammers; Flutters with CMU overhead

Circle up for some Waxjob led Side Crunches.

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Phil 2:4.  I had an experience the other day where God put somebody in my path and counseled me to be patient and listen to what they wanted to say more than to their words.  I tend to hurry conversations along, pulling only information I think is important for me to do what I think I need to do.  What God wants me to do is listen more so I can spot times when I might be able to help somebody.
Prayers for Rainbow’s friend Paul, who is struggling right now; for Waxjob’s family and mother-in-law Karen, who is close to the end of her earthly journey; and prayers for Snag and his Dad.
Wesley House work day on June 26.  Sign up and show up!

Blame it on the Rain…that never came

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • Take a lap around the island
  • SSH IC x 20
  • Squats (4ct) IC x 10
  • Merkins (4ct) IC x10
  • BA Circ FWD/BWD IC x 5
  • Cherry Picker IC x 5
  • Free Stretch – Whatever serves you best

Mosey to the Far Soccer Field

  • Cones are set up 10 yards N/S 30 yards E/W – Perform exercise and run the remaining length of the field to finish. The movement from cone to cone resembles a switchback or a level in Donkey Kong.
    • Round 1
      • Run N/S – Gorilla Shuffle E/W
    • Round 2
      • Bear Crawl N/S – Karaoke E/W
    • Round 3
      • Burpee Broad Jump N/S – Smurf Jack E/W (looked more like a squatting bird)
  • Unbroken – All PAX starts at the corner of the soccer field. Perform Exercise to failure and then take a lap around the field. Perform each exercise x3 before moving to the next. AMRAP 20 Minutes
    • Shoulder Taps to failure x3
    • Squat Hops x3
    • Heel Tap Mountain Climbers x3
    • Exercise cadence looks like this:
      • Shoulder taps to failure
      • Run a lap
      • Shoulder taps to failure
      • Run a lap…
      • You get it!!
  • Mosey back to the AO
    • Perform the Following exercises & reps OYO
      • 50 Squat Hops
      • 100 Walking Lunges
      • 150 SSH
      • 100 BBS
      • 50 Squat Hops

The BBS checked this box.

A Dirty Dozen – One PAX downrange from Denver…North Carolina – Welcome Mater!
Picked up the Q Source for some inspiration. The last section in the QS is all about growing an effective Lizard Organization. A couple of key notes are: Effective Organizations are built through Relationships – Not Rules. A Man who is Freed to Lead only needs Purpose to drive him forward. Too many rules are like shackles. Q Source gave the example of how Jesus was the original model of a Lizard Organization. In Matthew you can read about Jesus’ 2 Commandments that he gave. (Paraphrasing) Love the Lord God with all of your Heart, your Soul & Mind. 2nd – Love your neighbor as yourself. Matt 22:34-40

Driving to Coffeeteria I realized that I missed the opportunity to talk about reflection in our organization. AKA our family unit. Are we building our family unit through relationship or through rules? Is our family purpose so big and clear that our M’s & 2.0’s are “Freed to Lead”? Or do we just have rules? The next circle would be our job or place of employment. Although we may not be able to affect change from the top down in our work organizations, we can vow to maximize relationships where we’re at. We can create and grow healthy relationships with our co-workers and team.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

We had a solid showing of PAX this morning. Including our Unicorns Doubtfire & Tank. The PAX were completely ready to be Merkining ourselves silly, while having buckets of rain poured on us. However, it was beautiful, sunny and amazing morning to be outside with some sweaty dudes.

Wesley House Workout, Work day & Off the Chain CSAUP – Check slack for details.