F3 Knoxville

Another Lap

THE SCENE: 37°F  and an Amazing Moon set to watch

Cherry Pickers, Hill Billy Walkers, Plank Dips 10 each side, Side Straddle Hops, 12 Clockwork Merkins

2 line indian run to Sophomore Hill, Bernie up the hill to Pull up bars.  6 stayed at the bars and did

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 10 Leg Raises
  • 15 BB sit ups

Mosey down the stairs to where the first team started for

  • 5 4 count Australian Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Heavy Squats
  • 15 (or till the group finished) CPR (Curl, Press, Tricep ext)

2 Rounds of that.  Then everyone grabbed 2 CMU’s and headed to the bottom of the stadium hill

Hot lava across the street (stepping from one cmu to move the other and never touching the street)

Carry 1 CMU up the hill for 10 Diamond Merkins on the block. Run to the top corner of the stadium for 20 Squats

Crawl bear down the hill to run the curb:  Then do it in reverse, Bear Crawl, Squats, Diamond Merkins, Hot Lava over and back and then back as time allowed.

We made it farther than last time then ran to the big parking lot and did merkins on each line, leaders doing more till the PAX was all together.

This time we had time for guardrail dips OYO, then bear crawl together across the street and finished with 10 guardrail dips in cadence.

20 HIMS (8 were rushing)

Repeated a Q from 2 weeks ago… because:

1) Leading doesn’t have to be hard – redo something you did or enjoyed doing, sign up and make it awesome
2) It’s also a picture of our spiritual walk
Consider the 3 main disciplines: Prayer, Reading the Bible and Worship
A) Prayer
Familiar (in a good way) or caught in a routine rut?   1 Thes 5 17 Pray without ceasing
Repeating yourself; been there done that attitude; or persevering, improving? Even if it feels like the same thing God wants to hear your heart. Consider the honor: You are communicating with God

2) Read God’s word: Psalm 119:16 I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.
Is it life giving or If it’s routine or boring ? Move from discipline>Desire>Delight
You don’t stop because it’s hard and you didn’t always love doing this

3) Worship: Gal 5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
Personal and Corporate worship: are we being Spirit led?
Was it your favorite or was it not not what you wanted it to be?
Not seeing the growth you want? Maybe it isn’t about you. Phll 2 In Humility, consider others of greater importance than yourself.
For Jesus Christ to be the main thing you can’t be the main character. Get okay with that and love others well like He did

The best corporate worship is when individual worshipers come together and magnify the name of Jesus together. Bring your best to the Lord; prepare your heart John 4:24 God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth

Don’t let Church be the only worship time of your week. If you only worked out once a week it’s not going to grow you. Likewise, find ways to worship God in Spirit and Truth all the time.

New AO location in Maryville coming early March

Light Pole Leapfrog

THE SCENE: 35ish, calm, and clear. Nice morning to sweat.

Promised on Slack to do zero burpees, so:

Zero burpees OYO
2 Burpees OYO
5 Cherry Pickers IC
4 Cobra Burpees OYO
10 Tempo Merkins IC
6 Burpees OYO
20 LBAC fwd/backward, OHC IC
8 Burpees OYO
15 4-ct Monkey Humpers IC
“Warmed up yet?” (No answer from the PAX)
10 Burpees OYO
“Warmed up yet?” (Still no answer from the PAX)
12 Burpees OYO
“Warmed up yet?” “YES!”
“OK, grab a CMU and head for the first light pole by the restrooms.”

Split into 2 groups.
One group starts at first light pole, other group at the second light pole.
While second group does reps at light pole, first group runs past them to the 3rd pole and begins reps.
Once the last man has started doing reps at the 3rd pole, first group stops reps and leapfrogs to 4th pole.
Each exercise was performed at 3 poles by both groups:

Squat Thrusts
Up/Over Merkins
BBS with CMU on chest
Wood Choppers
Overhead Press
V-ups with CMU
(Lawn Mowers and Squats would have been next, but ran out of time)

Mosey on back to the pile and put away CMUs

No time today, although V-Ups were the last item on THA-THANG.
15 strong for CMUesday. Good to see Showcase back out in the gloom, also graced by the presence of Francios, downrange from the Carolinas.
Repeat from a week ago Saturday, but none of these guys were there and I still need to hear it myself… We have a dog. She’s pretty smart. Knows what we want her to do. But when she’s in her bed, she doesn’t want to get up. Just looks at you like, “Nah.” “Time to go upstairs!” “Nah.” “Let’s go outside!” “Nah.” So I have to physically dump her out of her bed onto the floor. Can’t be pleasant. She knows what she should do. It would be better if she would just get up. I’m sure she knows the dump is coming. Wouldn’t happen if she would just get up. But she still doesn’t obey. Message received, God.


Eskimo Shoulder Shutter

THE SCENE: Low 20’s

Side straddle hop x 25, Cherry pickers x 5,  Tempo merkins x 10, Tempo squats x 10 , Wine Mixer x 10

  • Up the hill and grab fist sized rocks at the shopping center
  • Motivator – 12
  • 30 sec wall sits on the minute with arms in front
  • Dora – Bear crawl down, Bernie Back

    150 Hillbillies (four count)

    150 Swimmers (four count)

    150 Twinkle Toes (four count)

    150 Flexors (single count)

    150 Kickbacks (single count)

  • 4 corners (only got 3)

    10 burpees

    10 squats

    10 four count American hammers


  • Arm circles forward, over head clap, seal clap for last minute

17 HIMs – 11 Juconians, 6 Rushers

Exodus 17:8-13 8 Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim. 9 So Moses said to Joshua, “Choose men for us and go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.” 10 Joshua did just as Moses [i]told him, [j]and fought against Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. 11 So it came about, when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed; but when he let his hand [k]down, Amalek prevailed. 12 And Moses’ hands were heavy. So they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. So his hands were steady until the sun set. 13 And Joshua [l]defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

When you get tired battling for the Lord, who is your Aaron, who is your Hur? Who places a stone under you. Who will support your hands so that they will be steady until the sun sets? No one is called to fight the good fight alone. Spend yourself in battle yet surround yourself with good men who will support you so that we always take the fight to the enemy. Today, if you feel the fatigue in your shoulders, say their names, the names of those who support you. If you don’t have someone YET, then pray for a name to be revealed and the confidence to bring them alongside you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Dora’s Cold as Ice

THE SCENE:  Probably around 29 or 30 degrees at circle up but the wind chill was BURRR

Warmed things up with 20 SSH on 4ct, Thai Fighters 10 R and L, Plank Jacks on 4ct x10, Tempo Merkin x10, Windmills on 4ct x10…curb for Rocky Balboas x20 mosey to grab a CMU

Took CMU’s down to pavilion for some battle buddy DORA’S. 150 CURLS, 150 OH PRESS, 150 BLOCK MERKINS, 150 SQUATS…While one buddy did reps other ran up to light pole for 2 burpees then back to relieve partner one.

Once 6 completed the set: Rifle carry CMU’s back to pile and mosey to tail of dragon for Route 66.  Performed Route 66 with single count plank jacks.  When completed finished running up dragon and ended up at bottom of little everest.  Grab same battle buddy.  While buddy one runs up little everest for 2 burpees buddy two waits at bottom performing AMRAP LBC’s.  Each buddy got 3 trips up the hill. Recover to AO for circle up.


Back in time for 10 4ct SSH then 6:15

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.


Talked about not listening to the doubts we have in our heads.  That we can’t let our doubts get in the way of doing.  If we’re waiting to act when we are comfortable or have all the answers we won’t ever act.  God asks us to take the leap and trust he will be there.  We aren’t perfect and won’t be.  Don’t let that stand in the way.

2 Forward, 1 Back

THE SCENE: Just about the worst you can get… 34 and raining. Not much shelter available at the Truck Stop either.

SSH x30
Cherry Pickers x5
Windmills x10
Quad stretch
Tempo Squats x10
Tempo Merkins x10
Soggy cardboards laid out around the path with exercises and reps… Start at the first cardboard, then go 2 forward, do exercises and 1 back, do exercises, until there’s no more cardboard.

Layout was:
15 Burpees
25 Merkins
30 BBS
25 Catalina Wine Mixers
25 Monkey Humpers
25 Easy-Ups
5 Hill Sprints
25 CDD
15 Double Box Jumps
25 4ct Pickle Pounders

So the actual order was:
15 Burpees
30 BBS
25 Merkins
25 Catalina Wine Mixers
30 BBS
25 Monkey Humpers
25 Catalina Wine Mixers
25 Easy Ups
25 Monkey Humpers
5 Hill Sprints
25 Easy Ups
25 CDD
5 Hill Sprints
15 Double Box Jumps
25 CDD
25 Pickle Pounders
15 Double Box Jumps
25 Pickle Pounders

1 lap backwards to pick up the cardboard

30 LBCs
20 American Hammers
20 Gas Pumpers
15 Side Crunches each side
Stopped at 6:56. Sorry Judge Judy, you can dock my check…
Just 2 dudes out in the rain.
We have a dog. She’s pretty smart. Knows what we want her to do. But when she’s in her bed, she doesn’t want to get up. Just looks at you like, “Nah.” “Time to go upstairs!” “Nah.” “Let’s go outside!” “Nah.” So I have to physically dump her out of her bed onto the floor. Can’t be pleasant. She knows what she should do. It would be better if she would just get up. I’m sure she knows the dump is coming. Wouldn’t happen if she would just get up. But she still doesn’t obey. Message received, God.
I’m glad I-Beam showed up this morning. Definitely would have been a car-sack if I was the only one there, but as usual now that it’s done I’m glad to have done it.