F3 Knoxville

Familiarity Breeds….

THE SCENE:   35 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Moroccan Nightclub
Cherry Picker
Abe Vigoda
Tempo Squat
Mountain Climber


Mosey to the library parking lot.

Five Lines 50’ apart.  Starting at Line 1, perform the exercise, then rifle carry to the next Line.  Repeat to the end.

Line 1:  Curl press
Line 2:  CMU Swings
Line 3:  Goblet Squat
Line 4:  Alpos
Line 5:  Thrusters

Round 1:  10 reps
Round 2:  15 reps


Pyramid Partner Run

P1:  Bernie back, sprint forward
P2: Exercise

  • 50        Burpee Jumpovers
  • 100      Sumo deadlifts
  • 150      Al Gore Curls
  • 200      Heavy LBCs
  • 150      Single-Arm Rows
  • 100      Overhead Squats
  • 50        Blockees

CMUs on the Benches;

  • CMU pullovers x 20
  • CMU plank rows L x 10
  • CMU step-ups L x 10
  • CMU plank rows R x 10
  • CMU step-ups R x 10


  • Heavy freddy
  • Heavy Dolly
  • Heel taps
  • Mosey back with a jail break 


8 men, including Colonel from Johnson City and FNG Blind Date


Romans 12:9 (NLT), “Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.”

Last week, I ran across a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.  I don’t remember when or why, but I had tucked it into some notes that I keep – and while I was looking through those, I rediscovered the poem, “Those Who Love Us Best”.

It came at the perfect time.  It was a day before I left for Missouri to visit my parents for the weekend.  This poem reminded me of something my mother said to me when I was 16 – and was a self-absorbed, arrogant, ignorant, punk, idiot kid.  I don’t remember exactly what prompted by mother’s rebuke, but I do remember the discussion vividly – where I was sitting in the living room, the look on her face, my dog laying near my feet…  She says to me, “You treat everyone in the world better than you treat me…”.  She was spot-on.  She had me dead to rights.  She was absolutely right, and I knew that I was absolutely in the wrong.

Here is the poem that reminded me of that rebuke from more than 20 years ago

Those Who Love Us Best

There’s one sad truth in life I’ve found

While journeying east and west –

The only folks we really wound

Are those we love the best.

We flatter those we scarcely know,

We please the fleeting guest,

And deal full many a thoughtless blow

To those who love us best.

– Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Why do we sometimes say things to our loved ones that we wouldn’t think about saying to a stranger?  Why is it that the tone of our voice can be sharper and the volume of our praise be softer?

You’ve heard the old adage “familiarity breeds contempt”… but when it comes to our closest loved ones, that should be nonsense!  When it comes to our family, our goal should be “Familiarity breeds intimacy.  Familiarity breeds comfort.  Familiarity breeds security, unguardedness, relief, and joy”. 

Let’s work in that direction.  Here are some tips;

  1. Watch your tone of voice. It is amazing the tone people use with loved ones, but wouldn’t think of using with co-workers or friends.
  2. Laugh.  Replace your irritation with laughter, and ask yourself, “Is it really worth getting angry?”
  3. Model what you would like to see happen in your family.
  4. Show gratitude every day.
  5. Give more than you take.
  6. Learn to become a better listener.
  7. Smile at your family members when they walk into the room
  8. Tell your family members you love them every day


Prayers for Colonel, Repeat’s sister, Biohack’s family


Up 2, Back 1

THE SCENE: Mid 30s, nice and moony.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Cobra burpees x5 OYO
Standard burpees x5 OYO
Crabettes x15 IC
TN Rocking Chairs x15 IC
LBAC x15 each way IC
Alternate cherry pickers for a while
Shake it out
“Warmed up yet?” (no answer from the PAX)
10 burpees OYO
Don’t have time for the PAX to get the question wrong again…

Mosey to the light pole by the restrooms. There are cards set up along the path with exercises.
Start with the first card, mosey past the next card and do the third.
Then mosey back to the second card, and so on. 2 forward, 1 back.
So here’s what we ended up doing:

15 Embrace the Earth Burpees (Hand release out to the side)
Run a bit
5 hill sprints
Run a bit less
25 CDD
Run a bit
35 Box Jumps
Run a bit less
5 hill sprints
Run a bit
Bear crawl the parking lot, bernie back
Run a bit less
35 Box Jumps
Run a bit
30 BBS
Run a bit less
Bear crawl the parking lot, bernie back
Run a bit
25 Merkins
Time’s up, run back to the AO!
Got in about 2 miles.

15x Seated Heel Taps IC
15x Curious Dollys IC

15 today. Just the right amount of crowded on the running path.
Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.”
The way is the thing. Of course, the destination is good, but the way is how we get to know Him. Sometimes it seems the way sucks. Sometimes we won’t get to understand, sometimes we won’t get to see why. Sometimes it seems we’re moving backward. But that’s OK, because the one who is ordering our steps knows best.
I’m not sure which is worse: Hill sprints, or moseying back to the hill knowing you’re going to have to do them again.
Arsenal launch! Sandy Springs park in Maryville, this weekend @ 0700!

Shamrock – Faith in His story

THE SCENE: 59F light rain

Tie Fighters x10 both directions

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 20

Cherry Pickers 5


Mosey to Block Pile 

Rifle carry to the covered walkway 

Snow Angels x25 OYO

7’s: 1 Burpee – bear crawl toe taps forward – 6 Diamond Merkins -bear crawl toe taps back keep going until you hit 6 burpees & 1 Diamond Merkin 

10 – 4 count Twinkle Toes 

10 seesaw lunges right leg

10 – 4 count Twinkle Toes

10 seesaw lunges left leg

20 CMU Squats 


Run a lap

50 Bench Press

25 Curls

Run a lap 5% increase

55 Bench Press

30 Curls

Run a lap 10% increase

60 Bench Press

35 Curls

Run a lap 15% increase

65 Bench Press

40 Curls

Early Mary – Flutter Kicks with CMU & American Hammers

Return CMUs

Mosey / bear crawl back to AO.


14 including 1 FNG in-and-out
Slappy, Trolley, Betty, Honeydew, Mermaid, Waxjob, Hydro, Wanderer, Interpol, Cheatsheet, Baby Boomer, Jenner, in-and-out, Anchorman,

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

It goes on to talk about the ancients: Noah, Abraham, Moses and so on. What they went through in life and how God challenged them with tough situations. 

13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.

So they trusted that God had everything in control and they were just a small part of His story. 

I mentor a small group of high school guys and last week we asked each other “Do you truly believe that God loves you?”  

I asked them what about when things are going wrong in your life. 

One of my guys said that when he goes through a hard time in his life he just simply has to give it up to God and practice faith. I was humbled by his statement, because I had to admit to him that my go-to reaction to hard times is to try to figure it out and fix it on my own. I end up wasting a lot of time until God smacks me in the head and reminds me that He is there. 


Intent matters

THE SCENE: 34 and cool

Everyone needs a coupon

A Burpee

A Blocky

Some of these some of those

cherry pickers

Insert information about the workout.

  • 4 stations with a partner AMRAP one partner does the exercise while the other runs up and back to the next station.
  • first station
    • Curls
    • OHP
    • Murder bunnies
  • Second station
    • lunges
    • Wojo Squats
    • Mountain Climbers
  • Third station
    • Burpee’s
    • man makers
    • Hand release merkins
  • Fouth station
    • Freddie mercury’s
    • V-ups
    • Pickle Pounders

Live with Intention in our lives. A friend of mine is struggling with stage 4 cancer and now is paralyzed. He wants to live with intent for the remainder of his life. even if it’s short. Because this life it work laying aside for the glories that Christ. Live with Intent this week.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Another Lap

THE SCENE: 37°F  and an Amazing Moon set to watch

Cherry Pickers, Hill Billy Walkers, Plank Dips 10 each side, Side Straddle Hops, 12 Clockwork Merkins

2 line indian run to Sophomore Hill, Bernie up the hill to Pull up bars.  6 stayed at the bars and did

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 10 Leg Raises
  • 15 BB sit ups

Mosey down the stairs to where the first team started for

  • 5 4 count Australian Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Heavy Squats
  • 15 (or till the group finished) CPR (Curl, Press, Tricep ext)

2 Rounds of that.  Then everyone grabbed 2 CMU’s and headed to the bottom of the stadium hill

Hot lava across the street (stepping from one cmu to move the other and never touching the street)

Carry 1 CMU up the hill for 10 Diamond Merkins on the block. Run to the top corner of the stadium for 20 Squats

Crawl bear down the hill to run the curb:  Then do it in reverse, Bear Crawl, Squats, Diamond Merkins, Hot Lava over and back and then back as time allowed.

We made it farther than last time then ran to the big parking lot and did merkins on each line, leaders doing more till the PAX was all together.

This time we had time for guardrail dips OYO, then bear crawl together across the street and finished with 10 guardrail dips in cadence.

20 HIMS (8 were rushing)

Repeated a Q from 2 weeks ago… because:

1) Leading doesn’t have to be hard – redo something you did or enjoyed doing, sign up and make it awesome
2) It’s also a picture of our spiritual walk
Consider the 3 main disciplines: Prayer, Reading the Bible and Worship
A) Prayer
Familiar (in a good way) or caught in a routine rut?   1 Thes 5 17 Pray without ceasing
Repeating yourself; been there done that attitude; or persevering, improving? Even if it feels like the same thing God wants to hear your heart. Consider the honor: You are communicating with God

2) Read God’s word: Psalm 119:16 I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.
Is it life giving or If it’s routine or boring ? Move from discipline>Desire>Delight
You don’t stop because it’s hard and you didn’t always love doing this

3) Worship: Gal 5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
Personal and Corporate worship: are we being Spirit led?
Was it your favorite or was it not not what you wanted it to be?
Not seeing the growth you want? Maybe it isn’t about you. Phll 2 In Humility, consider others of greater importance than yourself.
For Jesus Christ to be the main thing you can’t be the main character. Get okay with that and love others well like He did

The best corporate worship is when individual worshipers come together and magnify the name of Jesus together. Bring your best to the Lord; prepare your heart John 4:24 God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth

Don’t let Church be the only worship time of your week. If you only worked out once a week it’s not going to grow you. Likewise, find ways to worship God in Spirit and Truth all the time.

New AO location in Maryville coming early March