F3 Knoxville

Be Worth Imitating

THE SCENE: Nearly perfect with a nice gloomy fog rolling in at the end

Somewhere between 5 – 12 of the following….Cherry Pickers / Baby Arm Circles (Fwd/Bwd) / Harry Rockettes / Hillbilly Walkers Tempo Squats


Mosey to the back parking lot slowing down at the speed bumps as desgined with 5 Burpees at each bump.

Spread out across parking lot

Bear Crawl 1 space then did 1 merkin, Bear crawl 2 spaces then 2 merkins, working up to 5 spaces and 5 merkins then back down to 1 – BBS waiting for the six

Lunge 1 space / 1 Bobby Hurley / Lunge 2 space / 2 Bobby Hurley – work up to 5 then back down to 1 – scissor kicks waiting for the six

Lazy Dora – Battle Buddy Up

100s – Partner 1 does Shoulder taps while Partner 2 holds plank – alternate at 25 reps; run a lap around parking lot (approx .25 miles) at 100 reps

200s – Partner 1 does LBCs while Partner 2 does a 6in leg hold – alternate at 25 reps – lap at 100 and 200 reps

300s – Partner 1 does Squats while Partner 2 holds Al Gore – alternate at 25 – lap at 100 and 200 and 300 reps

Mosey over to Circle with St Patrick

10 dips / 10 inclines / 10 declines / 10 box jumps – run to end of parking lot and repeat, PAX got around 3 cycles before Recover was called and Mosey back to the flag.

Finished up with some Hello Dollys

12 HIMs


It was a year ago this week that I attended my first F3 workout at JUCO on Guardrail’s VQ.   I came to show support to a friend fully knowing that 5:30a workouts and me weren’t going to happen.  In fact, I am pretty sure I showed up 5 minutes late and missed the only part of the workout I could do.   Well fast forward a year and now I can’t sleep past 4:45a on a Saturday.   So annoying, but such a blessing.    Nonetheless, as had been said many times the workout is what gets a guy here but it’s the fellowship and faith component that keeps them coming.   That is true for me and hopefully many of you two.   Reading Phillipians 3 – full of great wisdom but it was versus 17 that really reminded me of how important F3 is to me.   Paul speaking…”Brothers, join in imitating me and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.”   Through this time, my appreciation for community and being surrounded by other godly men has grown deeper and deeper.   I need it just like I need water and sunshine.   Just like we need each other to push and motivate us through a workout, even more I need that daily inspiration and Christ-like examples in my life that each of you represent.   I love seeing all the 2.0s in the pictures from Shamrock as the example you all set for these young men is making a difference.   There are so many men out there that need a community like F3.   Men living in isolation and despair, with hope so far in the distance.   It has been great to see Shamrock grow so quickly.   I encourage each of you to keep reaching out to those in need and being someone worth imitating.

Garage Things.


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
51 ℉ 94% 51 ℉ 2.2 mi/h S

I am not a professional.

25 SSHs.
10 Baby Arm Circles forward.
10 backward.
3 Cherry Pickers.

Mosey to car trunk and pick up PVC piece and weight(plate) to create ab wheel.  Along side walk use ab wheel.  5 x straight out.  2 x out to right.  2 x out to left.

Mosey to football field divide into teams of 3 or 2 HIMs.  At 50 yard line is pile of trinkets.  On “Go.” everyone runs to trinket pile and picks one up.  On trinket is exercise, each HIM does that listed exercise 30 times at the 30, 20 times at the 20, and 10 times at 10.  (So a team of 3 would be doing 3 different trinkets. Everyone does their own.) Upon completion, throw trinket in your teams completion pile.  Then rinse and repeat with more trinkets.  ~20 minutes.  Team with most trinkets wins.  Yeah.

Mosey to bleachers.  Winning team gets to lead the charge.  Up and down bleacher steps from one end to the other.  At the bottom, each time, 10 jump squats.  Then up and down back with 10 Heal Drops at the bottom.

Mosey to sidewalk with ab rollers.  10 ab rollers straight.  Using PVC pipe, 10 American Hammers.

Mosey to St Patrick 30 dips, 20 box jumps, 20 dips, 10 box jumps, 10 dips, 5 box jumps.

Mosey back to AO.  Stopping 2 times to use ab rollers.  10 times each stop.

Mary happened during mosey back to AO.
11 HIMs
Psalm 23:3.  He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Embrace the Earth

THE SCENE: Low 50s, light rain off and on.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
LBAC fwd, back, overhead claps all x15 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Cobra Merkins x5 OYO
Cossack Squats x10 IC

Mosey to the retention pond hill
11s with Embrace the Earth Burpees (hand release burpee, spreading arms wide to embrace the earth at the release) at the top, squat jumps at the bottom.

Mosey to the far parking lot by the practice field for random Tabata by roll of the die.
Each exercise gets 4 sets of 20s work, 10s rest.
Best I can remember, it was:
Butt Kickers
Calf Raises
Iron Mikes
Squat jumps

No time today!
10 strong this morning. Everyone got a little wet, but just once.
Proverbs 3:5-6:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

I was a little surprised by who was complaining about the wet this morning… 😀
Tomorrow, tomorrow, Bomb Shelter, tomorrow! Convergence a day away!

Avett Brothers

THE SCENE: Great fall morning.  50’s for temps

Start with SSH on 4ct (25), Tempo Merkins (10), Thai Fighters 4ct (10) Right and Left, Cherry Pickers (8), 2 Mosey laps around the lot then grab a CMU
Mosey to parking lot for:

25 Curls then Right arm farmer carry length of parking lot, 25 up over cmu abs, Mosey to open chapel 30 sec wall sit, Left arm farmer carry back down…Replace curls with (OH Press, then CMU Merkin, then Rocky Balboa) performing all other exercises in first circuit.  Complete 4 Rounds

Mosey to Cloud for some ab work:

25 4ct Freddy Mercury

25 4ct Hello Dolly

25 4ct LBC

25 4ct Heel touch



Return CMU’s and circle up.

Thought of the Avett Brother’s song “Head Full of Doubt” and the lyrics:

“When nothing is owed, deserved, or expected.  And your life doesn’t change with the man that’s elected.  If you’re loved by someone you’re never rejected, decide what to be and go be it.”

Remember that God is requiring us as men to be the change that is needed.  We can’t look to elections, or anything else.  God has equipped us to be leaders and we are to lead by example.  No outside factors can stop you from doing what God has put you here to do.  Go do it.

It’s just 6 reps…

THE SCENE: 60, wet, and raining. Truck Stop may have cushy turf fields, but nowhere to hide from the rain. Time to embrace the suck!

SSH x25 IC
Cherry pickers x5 IC
LBAC x15 IC each way
Grady Corns x15
Imperial Walkers x15 IC
Tempo Sissy Squats x10 IC


Start in the parking lot:
1 lap around the lot, 24 Merkins at each end for 48 total.

Mosey to the Watt Rd field:
1 lap, 12 Merkins and 12 Iron Mikes at each corner for 48 reps of each exercise.

Mosey back to field #1:
1 lap, 8 merkins, 8 Iron Mikes, 8 hand-release dry docks at each corner plus midfield for 48 reps

Mosey to the upper field:
1 lap, run in a figure 8 to make 8 stops
6 merkins, 6 Iron Mikes, 6 hand-release dry docks, and 6 8-count body builders at each stop for 48 reps

Sure doesn’t sound like much, but we’re outta time!

25x 4-ct LBC IC
25x Gas Pumpers
15x Side Plank Sags
2 rounds Row your Boat

7 HIM faithful this morning… About 6 more than I expected given Fall Break plus conditions…

For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:45

The rain today brought this verse to mind… We often hear this passage in the context of how good and bad things happen to both good and bad people. But the real context is in showing love to your enemies as well as your loved ones. Both sunshine and rain are physical manifestations of God’s grace, mercy, and provision. He gives these most basic blessings freely to all. Jesus is telling us that showing love to all regardless of their status is the most basic way to be children of our Father.

Good ol turf fields smelled like wet rubber this morning… Glad plenty of guys showed up so I didn’t have to decide whether or not to do this by myself… That last lap was only 6 reps of each exercise per stop… Not sure if I have ever looked less favorably at just 6.
3rd F next weekend at the Bomb Shelter – 0700