F3 Knoxville

Hold the Line

THE SCENE: 76 w/ 100% humidity.

SSH and Tempo Squats IC x21 Each, Cherry pickers x5,


Hold the Line:
21s – Merkins and Single Leg Squats
  • when done, Star Jacks/Burpees til 6 up
  • Duck walk or Lunge across the court together
21 gun salute
  • 21 curls, OHP, triceps x 5

Dealer’s choice x3min.

16 PAX


Man A Post vs Hold the Line
To man a post is a good thing. You stand your ground against incursion protecting a defined territory. The challenge is, you can forget why you are on the post, and instead be motivated by the need to dominate and succeed or by your innate fear of failure and incompetence. You can end up focusing on the task as it relates to you only.
I have spent most of my life manning a post. Trying to be successful, competent and do what is right…at least when someone is looking. When I got married the post changed, and it did again when we started having kids, but I was still manning a post.
A year ago tomorrow Kim started chemo for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and we had no idea how much help we would need. We were still in a “man the post” mentality and I took the day of chemo off and prepared to head back to work the next day. She came downstairs and couldn’t keep her eyes open. I quickly called a friend who had been through chemo a few years before and she came over within 20 minutes. Hannah Jackson held the line with us.
2 weeks later we had moved out of our home (with the much needed help of F3 men) and were staying with Mayberry and his crew as our house was finished up. We hit the second treatment, while staying at their house. Kim’s hair started falling out, she was a wreck so they gave us their master bathroom so I could shave her head. That was the single worst experience of my entire life, but they held the line with us, and we cried and laughed around the fireplace together afterward.
Manning a post is about personal responsibility, personal ability, personal integrity and can get confused with pride, self-congratulations and pseudo-independence.
Holding the line is about everyone else. It is about whom you are protecting, what you are protecting against and with whom you are locking shields.
You can man a post WHILE holding the line but don’t get confused, the post is important, not because of the importance of the man on the post, but because the LINE is important,. Look for ways to hold the line with the HIMs around you, and even more with and for the sad clowns who don’t know they need the help, protection and comfort. Don’t just man a post…hold the line.

It was gross out this morning, slimy and sultry, but the men out in hard work. Even when we did the 21 guns, they kept pushing for the most part. This was my first Q in a long time, and it was worth it.


THE SCENE: High 60’s, 94% humidity. A great morning to sweat and sharpen some iron!

20 SSH 4ct IC
10 burpees
5 cherry pickers
10 burpees
10 windmills

3 rounds:
10 CMU curls
10 CMU overhead extensions
10 CMU mowers – each arm
10 Lion Kings (David first killed a lion)
10 burpees

Indian run to base of Matterhorn
3 rounds:
10 merkins
10 BBS
10 squats
Bear crawl (1st round) to Backbone
(David also took on a Bear)
5 pull-ups
5 toes to bar
5 chin-ups
5 knees to chest
Run to summit
10 burpees
Run back to base

Indian run back to AO

10 burpees (that makes 100!)
25 hello Dolly’s 4ct IC

Abacus, Biscuits, Homebody, Junk, La-Z-Boy, Snitch, Turtle, Waxjob, Yo-Yo
We all know the story of David and Goliath. And I feel like 100 burpees mixed with the Matterhorn is worthy of being called a Goliath. Goliath was a giant of a man, standing 9 ft tall. He was a seasoned, battle-hardened warrior. His spear was longer than David was tall. His shield weighed more than David. The Israelite army trembled in fear of this beast who, every day for 40 days, would come out and taunt them, challenge them, ridicule and slander both them and their God. Our God. Even King Saul was too afraid to challenge the giant, instead offering great rewards to the man who did.
Enter David. We all know about David the king, but let’s look at him at this point in time. He was the 8th and youngest son of Jesse. He was the smallest, the weakest, the least significant of all his brothers. He was relegated to be a farmer and tend the flocks as his brothers were fighting in Israel’s army. He was such an afterthought that he didn’t even make the initial lineup when the prophet Samuel, led by God, came to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the next king of Israel. They had to go call him in from the fields. Even Samuel himself didn’t think that it would be David.
So David the shepherd, in his late teens or early 20’s, is sent by his father, Jesse, to deliver food and provisions to his brothers on the front lines. He arrives and hears Goliath insulting and slandering God and is overcome with righteous anger and asks why no one has stood up to this man for God’s glory. His brother gets angry and rebukes him. But David, standing for the Lord, presses on and confronts King Saul. Saul offers this young boy his armor and sword, likely the best equipment in all of Israel. David refuses, choosing only a few river stones and his sling instead. This boy, having already killed a lion and a bear barehanded, walks out onto the battlefield, dressed in shepherd’s rags and carrying a slingshot. Goliath laughs at him and ridicules him. But David, standing firm in his faith and fighting for our God and His glory, slaughtered the giant with a single stone.
Goliath takes many forms today, including the 100 burpees we just tackled. It could be that you’re facing an illness, work stress, family struggles, addiction, whether it’s substance or porn or even just comfort (we don’t like to step out of our comfort zones very often, guilty here too). It may not be one single thing. It may be a bunch of little things that, stacked up, take on the form of this giant. But whatever it is, whatever you’re facing, remember that you aren’t facing it alone. You have a power in you that cannot be shaken, cannot be uprooted, that cannot fail. If you stand firm in your faith, if you are being obedient, if you are fighting for Him and the glory of His kingdom, all you have to do is call out to Him. He will come meet you where you are. No matter who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve done, whether you’re the greatest or the least of your clan. Stand for Him. Fight for Him. Lean into Him. He will lead you to victory. That’s my encouragement and my challenge to you. Our God is greater than anything else out there. He is the one true God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Whatever is your Goliath, stand for Him and all else will fall into place.

Off the Chain CSAUP – July 18
Sign up posted on Slack
1st 50 to sign up get patches

Don’t Believe the Fishing Lies – This One Was Easy

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and muggy like a guy with a ski mask and knife

Cherry pickers, tempo squats x 6, high knees with 3 burpees, butt kickers with 3 burpees
Mosey to the sanctuary parking lot

Fell in mud (just me)

  • Down and Back – From the sidewalk, run to the first parking island – 10 merkins, 10 squats, 5 burpees and return to the sidewalk. Advance to the second island, repeat. Continue to work at remaining islands up to the far sidewalk and then hit descending parking islands for a total of 9 stops+.
  • Using the posts of the covered walk to the sanctuary:
    • 10 squats (touch the ground with one hand) and then lunge to the next post (repeat for 5 min)
    • 30 second wall sit
    • 3 burpees per post and then bear crawl to the next post (repeat for 5 min)
    • 30 second plank
    • 10 Monkey Humpers and walk on your tip toes to the next post (repeat for 4 min)
    • 10 American Hammers and Imperial Walkers to the next post (repeat for 4 min)
    • 10 Twinkle Toes and Bernie to the next post (repeat for 4 min)
  • Mosey to the AO


17 HIMS – Butter Knife, Slappy, Curry, War Zone, Trolley, Pringle, Cheatsheet, Dumpster Dive, Bekky, Mermaid, Waxjob, Curveball, Pom-Pom, Tuba, Baby Boomer, Music City, Dogbite, Commission.


The people of Nineveh were wicked and God intended to bring his wrath upon them. Before he did though, He told Jonah to go to the city and warn them to repent. Jonah tried to physically hide from God by boarding a ship and fleeing to another city. The ship soon found itself in a great storm; the crew and the passengers were all in a panic with the exception of Jonah. He was found resting in the hull of the ship. The others, rightfully bewildered about his lack of concern pressed him for an answer regarding his non-action. He confesses that this storm is his fault and that if they just through him overboard, the waters will calm. They throw him over, the the storm passes and a massive fish swallows Jonah whole.

Jonah spends three days in the belly of the fish where he repents and readies himself to carry out God’s will. The fish vomits him up on the beach and the Lord calls upon him a second time to preach repentance to the wicked citizens of Nineveh. The city is large, about three days of walking from one side to the next. Jonah walks for a day, 1/3 of the way into the city and begins preaching that God intends punish the Ninevites. In a wicked city, you’d expect Jonah to be mocked, beaten, surely run out of town but the people of the city had their hearts pricked by his message. From the least to the greatest, they repented. The King himself issued a decree that no man or animal was to eat or even drink water for three days and that they were to remove their garmets and wear sack cloth in hopes that God would forgive them. The Lord saw their hearts and he indeed forgave them.

If you have ever tried to talk to a large crowd (much more a whole city) about God, it NEVER works that way! Yet here an entire city repents and draws near to God. Surely Jonah was out high fiving, strutting around the city, weeping tears of joy…Jonah Chapter 4:1 But it greatly displeased Jonah and he became angry. 2 He prayed to the Lord and said, “Please Lord, was not this what I said while I was still in my own country? Therefore in order to forestall this I fled to Tarshish, for I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity. 3 Therefore now, O Lord, please take my life from me, for death is better to me than life.”

Whaaaaaat?! Why would he…how could Jonah feel that way? Didn’t God just show you mercy and forgiveness a couple of days ago?

1 John 4:20 If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.

Don’t think it is enough to just not hate your brother, this scripture says that if you do not love him, you cannot love God. How can you love someone you have not seen if you don’t love the person you have seen? There is no greater love than spiritual love; we have to be thoughtful about studying and sharing with others. There is no shortage of physical love that needs to be shared as well. We cannot turn a blind eye to hurt, injustice or suffering. We are HIMs – we see a need, we fill a need.

We prayed for our nation and we prayed for Mermaid’s coworker, Rick, who is still in ICU.
Keep it real!

Leg Demolition Day

THE SCENE: Low 70’s and clear

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, LBAC x fwd/bck, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats

Starting at the entrance to the AO off of Fox Lonas:

Perform 20 squats, 20 merkins, and 20 BBS then lunge to the next speedbump. Once at the speedbump, sprint to the next one. Repeat till time was called. (3 full rounds)

Mosey to the CMU pile and grab a coupon.

On the grass football field, line up facing the small hill to the softball field. Perform the following sequence:

  • 10 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 10 CMU Thrusters
  • 10 CMU Swings
  • Bear crawl to the softball field fence and mosey back.

We completed five rounds of the above sequence.

Mosey down to the small parking lot across from the shovel flag lot.

Performed 11’s with Bobby Hurley’s on one end and Diamond Merkins on the other.

Called time before we finished.

Just enough time to knock out a handful of Imperial Walkers

17 HIMs with one FNG. Welcome Bekky!

At our church’s family retreat this last year one of the speakers discussed the differences in the needs of men and women, specifically as they relate to marriage. The top 5 emotional needs for men and women are very different and when we don’t take that into consideration in our marriages it is easy to neglect the needs of our spouses. Below are the top needs identified by the author of His Needs, Her Needs:

Become aware of each other’s needs and learn to meet them.

  • Men’s 5 most basic needs from his wife:
    • Sexual fulfillment
    • Recreational companionship
    • An attractive spouse
    • Domestic support
    • Admiration
  • Women’s 5 most basic needs from her husband:
    • Affection
    • Conversation
    • Openness and honesty
    • Financial security
    • Family commitment

Love seeing the growth out at Shamrock! Kudos to Mermaid for keeping the ball rolling and pushing the AO.
Dad Camp later this summer. CSAUP at Dog Pound in July.


THE SCENE: 74 degrees F, 82% humidity, partly cloudy skies.

SSH, Overhead/Out Front Claps, Imperial Squat Walkers, Plank Walk Outs


Meander mosey to Waxjob Hill

AMRAP:  8 Minutes Each Round/1 Minute rest

Round 1:  10 reps 3,4,5,6 Body Builder – Run Up Hill – 10 reps 1,2,7,8 Body Builder

Round 2:  10 reps 4 count Shoulder Taps – Bear Crawl Hill – 10 reps WWII Sit Ups

Round 3:  10 reps Carolina Dry Docks – Bernie Up Hill – 10 reps 4 Count Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to the Grinder

Round 4:  10 reps/leg Step Ups – Skip 40 yards – 10 reps Merkins

Box Cutters, Windshield Wipers, LBCs

Total of 21 including two young sons (Coconut and Nightmare) of 3 Rivers and FNG Palmetto (Darren Macy)
There was a lot of turbulence in the 1960’s.  They were marked by assassinations, a nuclear war threat, the Vietnam War, war protests, racial tensions, and a growing drug culture. I entered high school in 1966 into a newly expanded, air conditioned building in a small town 45 miles southeast of Houston, TX.  Lamar Consolidated High School was being integrated with the closing of A. W. Jackson, an African-American only high school.  With a student population of almost 2,000, things went very smoothly from my teenage perspective.

We are presently in a period that has some resemblances to the 1960’s when it comes to racial tensions.  In the 50 years since my graduation from high school, there have been far too many incidences that remind me of the deep rooted inequality and prejudices that still exist in our country.  Each time these incidences occur and at various other times I pull out a small clip from my wallet.  It is from March of 1970 and it has been in all of the wallets I have owned over the past 50 years.  It is a short letter to the editor of Newsweek magazine. It is titled, Absurdity and Insanity:

Well, I suppose that all of those white rioters in Lamar, S.C. (NATIONAL AFFAIRS, March 16), will go home, wipe the dust off their cars, shine up their “America, Love It or Leave It” signs, watch the evening news and be disgusted with the young revolutionaries, go to church on Sunday and, when election time rolls around again, vote for George Wallace who will protect them against all of these damn dissenters.         BOB MAYHAM

Given the events around the death of George Floyd, I decided to do a little research about the Lamar SC Riots and came upon an article about some of the black students riding the buses the day two of the buses were overturned by white rioters.  The article concerned a 50th anniversary gathering of several students.  Mary Timmons was 16 years old at the time and was in one of four buses stopped.  Hers was not overturned but I can only imagine the fear she must have felt.  A quick search on Facebook and I sent her a photo of the Newsweek clip and a personal note on Facebook Messenger.  I wrote on May 28th:

Dr Timmons.   I was reading about the terrible tragedy in Minneapolis with the merciless death of George Floyd. Similar travesties happens far, far too often. Each time I pull out this little short letter to the Newsweek editor from March 1970. I have carried it in my billfold since my senior year in high school, 50 years ago.  I was sharing this clip with a Facebook friend and giving her some background about it. Today in a Google search about the Lamar Riot I came across an article with your name in it. I thought I would share it with you. Much has happened in the past 50 years. Progress has been made but the rate of change has not been fast enough. You obviously endured great pain 50 years ago. May God’s grace continue to engulf you and help you be a light to others.

It wasn’t until June 8th that I receive the following:

Thank you so much Bob.

We never know whose lives we touch as we going through. God always has a purpose beyond our imagination. What we go through is not about us, but to help strengthen others during their time. I am so happy to be a witness in this hour we are in. I never thought fifty years later we would be facing the world of change. What is so beautiful is we have the world standing with us.

I was touched by her words.  Perhaps this time around we will get it right as a society, as a country, as incredibly blessed creatures of a loving God.

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