F3 Knoxville

The 12 Pains of Christmas

The Project

THE SCENE: 28F –  Cold and clear

  1. Projectivator
  2. Overhead clap
  3. Cherry picker
  4. Windmill
  5. Seal Squats

Reindeer death march (indian run w/ burpee) to a hill in the parking lot of ORAU campus.

12 Pains of Christmas:  Just like the song, starting at 1, do the number of exercises and all previous exercises, then run up the hill to touch the “North Pole” (light pole).

  1. Burpee
  2. Imperial Squalkers
  3. Basilisks
  4. Merkins
  5. Big Boys
  6. Lunges
  7. Side straddle hops
  8. Prone rows
  9. Diamond merkins
  10. Heels to heaven
  11. Squats
  12. Burpees

Mosey to the Friendship Bell and perform 30 dips.  Kickflip said he loves dips, so we mosey’ed to the dip bars for 10 more dips and 20 inverse rows.

Dealer’s choice: Bobbit – LBCs, Borg – Freddy Mercury


Don’t make Christmas a pain.  Remember why we celebrate it.

Genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1 and Luke 3)


  1. Audience (Jews – Matthew vs. Gentiles – Luke)
  2. Matthew starts at Abraham and goes forward
  3. Luke goes backward to Adam
  4. David’s son:  Solomon vs. Nathan
    1. Matthew is Joseph’s lineage
    2. Luke is Mary’s lineage
      1. The text says “Joseph, the son of Heli”
      2. Heli was Mary’s father and adopted Joseph for inheritance since he had no sons of his own.
    3. Other explanations


  • Oak Ridge Christmas Parade this Saturday
  • Emerald Youth Christmas Store

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