F3 Knoxville

The KY Derby

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Clear skies & breath reminded you of a KY Derby morning

SSH I.C. x20, Cherry Picker I.C. x7, TN Rocking Chair I.C. x10, CMU Lunge to bball goal

Choose a battle buddy. Buddy takes a CMU break around the park completing x10 squat jumps, x10 SC Shoulder Taps, x10 SC Iron Mikes along the way. Other buddy performs the circuit of x20 reps each:

  • CMU Curls
  • Calf Raises
  • CMU Upright Row
  • LBC’s
  • CMU Thrusters
  • Bent-over CMU Row

Rotate when your runner returns

2-count Mountain Climbers x20, Hello Dollys x20 OYO, Flutter kicks I.C., Tempo deep squats to time (30 total)

15. Welcome back Radioshack!

There’s no lasting fulfillment in being the greatest -AND- you’re a lot less likely to win. It’s so obvious when you think about it. Why do the worlds greatest athletes leave to form Super Teams in LA or Tampa Bay?

Teams are memorable. If I asked you- you could name more aware winning sports teams, bands, company’s, & military groups than great athletes, rock stars, billionaire’s or master brewer’s. It’s why you know about Miracle on Ice in the 1980 Winter Olympics, but can’t name a singular athlete who competed in the Olympic Games that decade.

Most of us are struggling with something. Some of our members speak about how they’re in a negative head space or know someone working through health issues, but what you don’t know is that when you work with intensity here at F3, I’m watching you & it’s pushing me to be better. As a byproduct, my coworkers are getting a better version of myself, my wife admires me more, & I’m standing here to encourage you back. So keep showing up for your teams, because they’ll be there to lift you higher when it’s time.

So where are your winning teams? Good news. You’re already playing on a few. It’s your job to make each team better. 

  • Show up to F3, because you push us when you do
  • Stick to the budget your family made, because paying for that long term savings goal in cash is way more satisfying than your guilty pleasure
  • Play to your strengths at work & help others shine doing the same
  • Cut the habit you’re working yourself up to do, because the post guilt you feel causes you to hide from your inner circle such as your family & God

God knew the hardships & the joys in life would require a team. That’s why he sent his disciples out in pairs, & sent Eve to Adam.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 – Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

Thoughts for Hammy to recover. Be with our PAX & Country.