F3 Knoxville

The L and L express

Bomb Shelter
  • THE SCENE: Wet ground, thick fog, no rain, 100% humidity and 55. the gloom in dec in e.tenn now.
  • 6 Cherry pickers
  • indian run to the top of ButterBilly hill, we took the back way to get to the top, Q was pleasantly surprised that the paxs was surprised to be at the top. We did some frankenstein’s and knee hugs during our run all OYO


  • Thang 1
    • Starting at top of ButterBilly, run down to bottom. at stop sign Bernie up.
    • We completed this two times.
    • The lead group held at the top after rd 2, then we went and picked up the 6 and finished their 2nd bernie with them to the top
    • Mosey back down and to the entrance to the fountain loop
    • Thang  2- L&L Express
    • 4 stops (cones) set up around the fountain loop , equally distributed.
    • Cone 1- Iron Rockets- 10 reps
    • Cone 2- Jungle boy squats- 15 reps
    • Cone 3- Imperial Squat walkers- 20 reps 1ct
    • Cone 4- Mountain climbers- 25 reps 2ct
    • Each lap starts with 5 kranken burpees. Complete burpees than run loop, loop goes behind fountain, stopping at each cone and completing exercises.
    • Continue for time.

10 BBS 10 Vups for time

Excerpt from The Collision Learner blog by Dredd:


It need only make Paul and John jealous of one another and convince Ringo that it was not his place to intercede. It need only have me raise my voice to my daughter and convince me in the morning that the crack I had caused would heal itself. And, for our nation, it need only persuade some citizens to turn away from some others merely because the color of their skin is different. And then convince the rest of us that this is a problem that will take care of itself without Leadership.

It won’t. Whether family or nation, the Force that divides wins if the fathers ignore the cracks.

Don’t listen to that voice telling you to be Ringo. That’s the Force that divides. Listen to the other voice, the one telling you that a cord of three strands is not easily broken, that a house divided against itself cannot stand.

That’s the Father’s voice. Listen that voice. And act.”

F3 is about leadership. We must acknowledge our role in helping to unite our community. As we move into 2022, its clear we can no longer sit back and expect the crack to fix itself.