F3 Knoxville

Will Power has limits


THE SCENE: 23° wonderful dry and windless

Grasshoppers (thanks Dartgun for the introduction to those), SSH, Butt kicks, Reverse Planks, grady corns and tempo merkins
Mosey to the guardrail for 10 colds dips, then at each stopsign or crosswalk burpee till the 6 arrives and do 1 more.  We were going to go around campus but the east side was too icy so just a big arch to the lake and back where we did 4 corners.

  • 1st Corner: 20 SSH, 15 High Knees, 10 Butt kicks and back up the ladder. Bonus: mtn climbers
  • 2nd Corner: 20 Flutter, 15 Freddy, 10 Reverse Planks.  Bonus:Superman
  • 3rd Corner: 20 Merkins, 15 Dry docks, 10 Wide merkins. bonus: Welsh dragon
  • 4th Corner: 20 Jump Squats, 15 Squats, 10 Pistol squats.  Bonus:  Toy soldiers

A little CMU time to make sure they were  not too cold or frozen to the ground.
American Hammer and Hello Dolly
“so shall my word be that goes out
from my mouth; it shall not return
to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which
I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11 ESV
Being out here we’ve found our limits
We also have limits when it comes to will power.
I read about a guy who had a resolution for a Cold shower every day.  He grew to like it, then hate it.  But he put on 15-20lbs because he used up his will power and didn’t eat right or do other things.
In my case, step goal streak.  I let my steps and hitting my goal every day this year take up too much of my thought, family time and will power.  Didn’t blow off the important things, but could have done them better.
It’s less about streaks and goals and more about habits, character and who we really are.

Prayer life or Cold showers?
Step goal or time face to face with your wife and kids?
Sticking to some strict diet or getting deeper relationships with some men at f3?
Becoming more accomplished in your career or becoming more like Christ to those you work with?

None of these are mutually exclusive, but at some level they are.  God is infinite. We are not.
Choose how you will spend your 2023 wisely.
Choose habits and trends that produce more fruit where you really want to see it.
2 Tim 4:5 As for you, always be sober minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelsit, fullfill your ministry.
“1 Tim 4:8 For physical training is of some value,
but godliness has value for all things,
holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

Convergence January 7th.