F3 Knoxville

With vs. For

The Dog Pound

The Scene: 41 Degrees, crisp and cool

F3 Intro and Disclaimer


Cherry Picker, Baby Arm Circles, 10 Burpees, High Knees (short and sweet)

The Thang:

Mosey to tennis court:

100 Burpees
200 LBC
300 Merkins

50 “fence jumps”/bear crawls across pone tennis court/spring to end/50 “fence jumps” x2

Mosey to “pee rocks”:

50 curls/2 overhead runs in 2 lines

Mosey to Lake Trail:

30 Merkins OYO
Group Mosey on Lake Trail

Mosey back to AO

Finished with 10 Merkins



The Share (BOM):

Love with vs Love for. Too often we want to do FOR our family/friends/co-workers instead of doing things WITH them. “WITH” love encourages, models, walks beside, and holds people accountable. In F3 we have a model of what it looks like when others love us, hold us accountable, and encourage us through the tough times.

It was a great morning and the 25 strong pushed it and got better!