F3 Knoxville

11’s and Dragons


THE SCENE: 74 and steamy



SSH IC x 20
Cherry Pickers IC x5
Arm Circles Forward and Back IC x 10 each
Dive Bombers IC x5
Squats IC x10
Rocky Balboa IC x20


  • Mosey to sophomore hill. 25 Flutter Kicks IC at the bottom.
  • Bernie to top of hill and mosey to the corner


  • Split into two groups and and do the following for 11’s
    • Rows at wheelchair ramp
    • Squats at the trailers


  • Mosey to coupon pile and perform the following once through:
    • Squats x20
    • Curls x20
    • Heavy Hammers x20 (2-count)


  • Mosey to duck pond with a stop halfway for some Freddy Mercury’s led by Erector. Split into two groups for a Welsh Dragon Competition:
    • Welsh Dragons for 3 minutes. Team with most cumulative reps wins!
      • Team 1 (42 reps) – Team 2 (44 reps) – close one, but Team 1 falls to the dragon this time


  • Mosey to crosswalk and form a line along the curb. Hold Al Gore while last man in line bear crawls to the front of the line (Indian Run Style).  Next man follows when bear crawler is 4-5 men ahead. Continue this until next crosswalk


  • Mosey to the flag and Jail Break from Survivor’s parking spot.

No time
12 HIMs

Was Napoleon revolutionary or revolutionary? Thought taken from bottom of page 24 in “Freed to Lead” book.

We often think that we must be inventive and creative to have impact whether it be leading a workout, being a father, a husband, or at work. Napoleon invented nothing new, but instead took all of the best parts of the  inventions and creations before him and put them to good use. We can do the same in all aspects of our lives. You don’t have to come up with new ideas or inventions to lead a good workout, to be a good husband, to be a good father, or to be a successful employee. Find others that have found success before you and borrow the best parts that will work for you. This is how we can find success and move forward.

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