F3 Knoxville

15 Strong at Asylum

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Hot, humid and overcast

SSH IC – 21
Arm Circles up IC  10
Arm circles dow IC  10
Michael Phelps a/r
Cherry Pickers 11
Mosey to bottom of stairs and around the cones and back up
Grady Corn IC 20


Mosey to stop sign
11’s – Rocky Balboa – Squat – to cone
Mosey to wall
Peoples Chair against wall for 60 sec
Mosey to second wall
Peoples Chair against wall for 60 sec
Mosey to Admin Bldg
Get Partner
Heal dips – partner runs to tree on lawn,  does 1 squat
Step up, partner does 5 squats
Bench dips , 15 squats
pause, rinse and repeat
LUnges, 1 squat
Freddy Mercury, 5 squats
Imperial Walker ,15 squats
Ring of Fire – 3 rounds
Mosey back to AO with cooler
Down Stairs
Bear crawl around cones, then run back up stairs
20 2 count american hammers
LBC – 30 IC



Following up on the 5 things that Steam mentioned on Tuesday,  one of the 5 is habits with the T in habits = Time . The time factor is huge when you look at things you are doing. Simplifying your life will open up your available time and make room for high impact activities. Simplify

Personally, as an engineer I tend to over complicate things in order to make whatever I am doing the absolute best.  Often times that the effort ends up taking longer and really wasn’t worth the extra effort. Look for the simple solutions that are good enough.

I recently was notified by Google that my storage was at the max, so I needed to buy more space or reduce storage.  I had over 14,000 emails in my primary box.  Over the years I had subscribed (intentionally and unintentionaly) to various companies and they kept sending me email some sent something once every few days or more. I don’t even open 99% of them and took me forever to reduce these and I realized why in the heck did I subscribe since I did not read any of them.  I also don’t delete the uncritical ones after I read them, so I ended up where I am today- 14.5 Gb of  emails because I didn’t file them and delete them correctly to begin with.

Facebook – I don’t post but I check it once a day.  This is time that I can never get back

News feeds on my phone, 95% of what I read is pretty much worthless

TV- I watch the morning news while I have been doing my physical therapy exercises daily since Feb 10, pretty much every day.  I can get the essentials in less that 10 minutes and can use the rest with better input.

Paying someone to do the tedious tasks.  I change the oil and do most of the maintenance on my vehicles.

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak (Hans Hofmann)

Point is, these things can suck your time and keep you from finding your higher level purpose, keep you away from those in your life that need your time and of course from doing Gods’ work. So take a close look at the things or habits that have made your life un necessarily complex and find a way to simplify.

Pray for @Bluebird in his upcoming trip to Greece
August 6 – Work Day at Cerebral Palsy Center – need help!