F3 Knoxville

Being Pious Before the Lord


THE SCENE: Clear skies, cool(ish) weather, starting to get a *little* humid



SSH x10… Cherry Pickers x5…  LBAC x10 each way…  Windmills x10… Tempo Squat x10


Mosey to Flagpole: 

7s → Dips @ Flagpole / BBS @ playground

Mosey to Splash Pad

10s → Squats @ fence / Box Jumps at tables

Mosey to Dock with Rock

14s → Curls @ rock pile / 4 ct. Flutter Kicks at the upper table

Mosey to Bath House

7s → Pull-Ups or Knee-Ups @ Bath House / Merkins next to Bath House (ran out of time)


Half Fellowship Mosey™ Half Jail Break back to the AO


9 HIMs / 0 FNGs / Several Fart Sackers


Piety or Reverence is a deep respect for God. A person with reverence recognizes our total reliance on God and comes before God with humility, trust, and love. Piety is the gift where we pay worship and duty to God. 

Willingness to worship and serve God. Piety takes that willingness beyond a sense of duty so that we desire to worship God and to serve Him out of Love. Piety is the instinctive affection for God that makes or allows us to desire to render worship to Him. 

Examples of Piety in Scripture: 

-Abraham’s potential sacrifice of his Son in Gen. 22:12

-Jacob recognizing God’s hand guiding his life in Gen. 48:15

-Joseph would not consent to anything that would displease God in Gen. 39:9

Paul says in James 1:26-27 that true piety manifests itself also in a genuine love of neighbor. 

Practiced piety that is done “For the Love of God” will always enrich & nourish the participant. “By kindness & piety guilt is expiated” Proverbs 16:6


Prayers for Ribbed’s wife, Tweet-E’s friend for healing and recovery for both himself and his family. Hans’ job interview today. I (Blindside) am looking for an admin job for next year in Knox County Schools, and my wife is trying to get back into Knox County as a teacher after stepping away from the classroom for a few years to be with our kids.


  • Dog Pound is hosting a Murph on Monday, May 31st at 0700
    • I am Q-ing a Murph-Like Beatdown that morning at 0530 at The Equalizer
  • Convergence at Big Ball on June 12th is canceled due to another event taking place in that location that day. 
  • DogPound CSAUP: Off the Chain 2021 on Saturday, July 24th 0630-0930 Food, Coffeeteria, and a beatdown provided. Check Slack for the sign-up link