F3 Knoxville

8 minute abs, and solving baseball problems

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Maybe it’s starting to cool down?  At least a little?

SSH x 20, CP x 5, Imperial Squat Walkers x 10.  Short, to the point.
There’s a pattern here: Run up the hill to the top of the Dragon, and down the dragon and then back to the AO, talking out our issues as we go.  Upon hitting the AO, we have 8 min of work, 1 min for each exercise, doing as many as you can.  Then run again.

  • First 8 minutes is Abs:  gas pumpers; Freddy Mercurys, side crunches left, then right, V-ups, LBCs (with a 2 sec hold at the top), flutters, American Hammers
  • Next 8 minutes after run down the dragon is arms and shoulders:  (Grab a CMU for some of these) Merkins, Overhead press, In-outs (or back and forths – not sure what to call these.  Move the CMU into your chest and then straigten the arm out and then back against the chest, so on and so forth), Curls, Carolina Dry Docks, Lat pulls while on your six, and more Merkins.
  • Next 8 minutes- Head to the Cloud this time for leg work.  Really, after the run, we only have a few minutes, so call audible, do about 45 seconds each of box jumps on the benches, squats and lunges.  If we’d had time, we would have included step ups, mountain climbers, more box jumps, Iron Mikes and a couple of other leg exercise I can’t remember.
  • Recover to the AO.

None, no time.

Life is so much better, easier, nicer when we show grace to others.  God has shown us the ultimate grace.  How we treat others is not about who they are.  It’s about who we are.  Gibbler’s addendum:  the brother of murder victim in Dallas, who demonstrated tremendous grace in forgiving the person who shot his brother, is the ultimate example.
So, we want home run and strike out celebrations in baseball and maybe a shorter season.  Also, we are tired of the hypocrisy of rich celebrities taking up the mantle of climate change while flying around in private jets and living in gigantic mansions.   Those were some of the discussions on the mosey.