F3 Knoxville

March Madness Prep-work


THE SCENE: 34* (chilly after last week’s heat wave)

Cherry Pickers, Rockettes, SSH, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats

Suicide Ladder down parking lot (approx length of basketball court)

Perform 5 Bobby Hurley’s on one end and 5 Merkins on the other end of the parking lot. Increase your count by 5 for each round completed until the last round consist of 40 Bobby Hurley’s and 40 Merkins.  Congratulations! You just scored 360 points!

Basketball Circuit

Four stations of exercises were set up and HIMs paired up for some battle buddy action. At each station one HIM performed the exercise while the other ran “skill drills” down the parking lot lines. Stations were:

  • Free Throws (20lbs wall balls)
  • I’m Open! (50lbs sandbag curls)
  • Defense! (20lbs sandbag tricep extensions)
  • Granny Shots (40lbs sandbag kettlebell swings)

After the circuit was finished we passed the coupons in a ring of fire both standing and sitting. (Sitting yielded a much better workout.)

To top off the workout we ran sprints down the parking lot and bernie’d back for four rounds.


7 HIMs got ready for some B-Ball action

Romans 8:28 New International Version (NIV)

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

This is one of my favorite verses. However, I think it is often taken out of context. We are not promised an easy life on this Earth. Bad things can happen to good people, but this verse tells us that those things will be used by God to bring us closer to Him and ultimately closer to salvation. We also need to use this thought to help us keep our perspective in this world. Don’t allow trivial things to cloud your view of God. Keep looking upward.

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