F3 Knoxville

Tuesday at the Bomb Shelter

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Cool and raining


-Little baby arm circles

-Cherry Pickers


-Overhead Claps
Make your way from the pavillion to the scrap yard in the following manner:

-5 WW2’s, transition into a Getup. Inchworm, then 5 Merkins. Bear Crawl five hands and repeat.

Once at the Scrapyard: 20 reps of Dips, Big Boys, Bodybuilders. Rinse and repeat until the PAX is finished.

Let’as go for a mosey: Running and pausing at every third light pole to AMRAP whatever the QIC calls out.

Back at the AO we farmer carried CMU’s while a battle buddy AMRAP’ed WW2’s

LBC’s, Flutter kicks and Overhead Claps

Flopper, Neighbor, Swazye, Hellbender, Fins, Mitten, Pinnochio, Napster, Goldfinger, Iceman, Butterfingers, Drifter, Taco, Tin Man, Flash, RadioShack, Moses, Espy
It was a short word but here’s the rub: I made one short Facebook post after the convergence and over the course of the next day and a half had 10 potential HIM’s from various aspects of my life ask me about it and how they can get involved. Two of them are now posted at different AO’s in Knoxville and I’m in the process of head locking the rest. The lesson here is to be vocal, not in a boastful way, but in a way that inspires potential HIM’s around you to break out of a tired old rhythm and find the potential within themselves. Speak from the heart about what F3 means to you!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Standby for info about the promised Bomb Shelter t-shirt order, Details coming to the group me this week!