THE SCENE: Neutral
Cherry Pickers, SSH, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats
Mosey to large west side parking lot.
Perform 3/4 quarter pounder with exercises performed at three different light poles across the parking lot. Sprint to first light pole and perform 25 merkins, bernie back. Sprint to second light pole and perform 50 squats, bernie back. Sprint to third light pole and perform 75 SSH, bernie back.
Mosey back to the coupon pile while performing 3 burpees at every sign along the way. (45ish burpees total)
Grab a coupon and mosey over to stadium hill.
Perform 25 reps of CMU exercises at the bottom and 25 squats at the top of the hill for three rounds:
- Curls
- Tricep Extensions
Put the coupons back and mosey over to the courtyard.
Perform 20 box jumps/step ups, 20 squats, & 20 lunges before sprinting around the sidewalk in the grass courtyard. After each round, increase the distance of your sprint by running down to the next cut through in the courtyard. Performed three full rounds.
Mosey back to the AO.
No time.
21 HIMs
Discussed the story of Job. He had everything taken away from him due to nothing he himself did. However, Job refused to give up on God. Job’s three friends come to him three different times with some not so great advice.
It’s easy for us to think we know what the answer to other’s problems is and to inadvertenly offer some not so great advice ourselves. Job’s friends had no idea why Job was in the predicament he was in, but made their own assumptions and gave advice based on those. Let’s strive to understand that we do not always see the full picture when others are struggling and we may have a different perspective than they do.
The one piece of advice that we can always give with 100% certainty is to look to God for strength and support.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.