F3 Knoxville

IPC Memories


THE SCENE: JUCO, low 40s and foggy.


Cherry pickers IC 5

Harry rockets IC 10

Squat jacks IC 15



Mosey to Jucant

Alternate 10x merkins and 3 burpees  at each pole on the way up and alternate 15 squats and monkey humpers on the way down

Throw in some flutter kicks and planks at the top as we wait for the six.  Freddie mercury and pickle pointers to round it off at the bottom.


With CMUs:

Dora style Murder Bunnies 1 min on/off

Other partner does rifle carry

Alpo lifts x 30

Heel taps over CMUs x50


Jump squats with hold at the bottom counting down from 6


Side abs IC x 10

Hello dolly IC x 20

Pickle pounders IC x6

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!


It’s easy to go through your day to day activities and only think about the things you need to do or that make you happy.  When was the last time you offered to help someone or made some sort of random act that benefitted only someone else?

One of the foundational aspects of being a man is demonstrating unselfish activities for others or within your family to your wife and kids.

We’ve all probably heard the verses (Luke chapter 10 for example) about loving your neighbor as yourself, but do you ever act on that?

Don’t forget to help others or do something that may seem small that might specifically set someone’s day off on a positive trajectory

Not only are you helping others by the actions that you’ll take, but as an example…you may change the way they start the day by having a simple cup of coffee ready for them when they wake up…but you’re also setting an example for you kids or someone else that may watch you go about of other way to be unselfish.

I challenge everyone to think of something…maybe we should start small and say pick out one thing that is selfish that you do and work on that. Focus on changing that in the next….week,month,year depending on how big of an aspect you decide on


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.

Coat donation.  Bring any mens, women’s, and kids jacket to the AO for collection.  These will be donated to the less fortunate and homeless organizations.  The winning AO will get to pick the community service project.

Wednesday 11/18 at 5:30 we need about 5 volunteers.  Contact Judge Judy for more info.