F3 Knoxville

CMUesday Gorilla Complex

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Low 70s, almost no humidity.  Really a perfect morning to throw some CMUs around.

Some SSHs (about 20); Baby arm circles both ways (about 10); Imperial Squat Walkers, 10.
Gorilla Complex: Curls x 8; Overhead Presses x 8; Triceps Extensions x8; ALPOs x 8; Run across AO parking lot to other side and back.  Rinse and Repeat for a total of 8 times.

Bump and Grind: One group starts running up Baby Everest and then down the Dragon back to the AO, where they bump the group from Station 1 to Station 2, Station 2 bumps to Station 3 and Station 3 does the run and then back to Station 1.  Each station does each exercise in succession – AMRAP – until bumped.  We only got about halfway through.

  • Station 1: Start with Curls, next time around Overhead Presses, then Up and Overs, and finally CMU Rows
  • Station 2: Kettlebell Swings; Goblet Squats; CMU Lunges; CUM Push and Pulls;
  • Station 3: Hernias (CMU V-ups); Sidewinders; Sledge Hammers; Flutters with CMU overhead

Circle up for some Waxjob led Side Crunches.

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Phil 2:4.  I had an experience the other day where God put somebody in my path and counseled me to be patient and listen to what they wanted to say more than to their words.  I tend to hurry conversations along, pulling only information I think is important for me to do what I think I need to do.  What God wants me to do is listen more so I can spot times when I might be able to help somebody.
Prayers for Rainbow’s friend Paul, who is struggling right now; for Waxjob’s family and mother-in-law Karen, who is close to the end of her earthly journey; and prayers for Snag and his Dad.
Wesley House work day on June 26.  Sign up and show up!