F3 Knoxville

Playing Cards in the Rain


THE SCENE: Upper 50s with a constant drizzle

Moroccan Night Club IC x10

Harry Rockets IC x10

Tennessee Rocking Chair (also known out west as the Back Woods Poopin Man)….we’ll stick with the TN version, IC x10

SSH IC x 20

Burpees with a plank jack at the bottom, 5 OYO

Anniversary Q, the Deck…of…Pain (thanks to Trolley).  Rotate picking a location and exercise from the deck, with a 75% mosey between locations.

Rec Center – 10 Pull-ups, Al Gore for the six

Performing Arts – Burpee Broad Jump to stop sign, repeat for the six

ERC – Crawl bear up the steps with a mosey down the ramp x 3, plank for the six

Maint. Center – 50 CMU curls, wall site for the six with an extra 25 count

Bagwell center brick wall – Derkins x30, step ups for the six

Pond/Lake – 30 lunges, LBC for the six

Center quad brick wall – Dips x 30, then repeat another 30 half with each leg up – squat jacks for the six

Information center – 30 pickle pounders

Mosey back to flag

No time

Investing in others.  Building legacy. Advancing his kingdom – three part series

Part 1 (kick flip on mon): be grateful for those who have invested in your life.  Show gratitude.  Be humble enough to realize that many people paved your road.

Part 2 (commission on wed): Be a man who is investing in others.  Give of your time and experience.  Look for ways to lead by example. Counsel those who need counseling and share.

Part 3 (me): how to be a good mentor.  Characteristics of a good mentor are:  Listener, speaking truth, encourager, knowledgeable, and nonjudgemental.

Do you live in a way that can be considered an example to others?

“Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We’re all sinners and truly fall short of the glory of God but that doesn’t mean we should sit on the sidelines. We should constantly be seeking knowledge and relationships that we can learn from or teach in.

Mentors should still seek out other mentors. Some of the best mentorship’s are the ones that aren’t prescribed in any formal manner.

Think about how Jesus mentored the 12 disciples. He spent nearly all of his waking time in an effort to build them up

Proverbs 22:6 ESV

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 27:17 ESV

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

We can all think of at one person who has been a mentor to ourselves but have you told them thank you?


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