F3 Knoxville

Wrong Way Bunny Slope – The Equalizer 5-9-22


THE SCENE: Mid 50’s with a clear sky and wet grass

First ever attempt at a Warm-O-Rama in motion.  The PAX filed in behind the Q as we made our way towards the Smokehouse while knocking out the warm-ups below:

– Imperial Walkers; Lateral Plank Walks x 10 each way; Grady Corn IC x 5; Walking Lunge x 5 (2=1); Super Marios x 5 (2=1); Toy Soldier x 5 (2=1)

The PAX was divided into random pairs to complete AMRAP of the “laps” below in 30 minutes, with the start/finish line at the base of Bermuda Triangle

  • “A” Lap
    • Rifle Carry to the Rock Pile
    • Murder Bunny up the hill from the Rock Pile to the Picnic Pavilion
    • Complete 4 Over-The-Top Merkins at the Grill Pad (side > middle > side = 1 rep)
    • Rifle Carry to Bathhouse and complete 4 Pull-Ups
    • Rifle Carry to the finish and hand off the CMU to your partner before embarking on “B” Lap
  • “B” Lap
    • Run to the Full-Court, following a path that leads up the steep slope at the baseline
    • Complete 10 Reverse Crunches and 10 Merkins
    • Run to the Playground and complete 10 Dips
    • Bear Crawl from the Playground to the Road
    • Run to the finish before relieving your partner of the CMU and embarking on “A” Lap

0.75 lap around the track and two consecutive 10-counts at the AO
12 Monday HIMs
Don’t shy away from high standards.  Identify areas in your life where you’re checking the box too quickly.  In the workout, maximum effort was required in order to take a short break.  In life, you must have the discipline to only break once the work is complete.