F3 Knoxville

Take Stock and Block



Clear, 58 Degrees, Perfect


1. SSH (x20) 2. Willie Mays Hayes (x10) 3. Morrocan Nightclubs (x10) 4. BACF (x10) 5. BACB (x10), 6. Shoulder Taps (x20) 7. Tempo Squats – (x10),


Tennis Ball Mosey (hat tip to KickFlip) – Run and Pass duos with drops to do 2 Burpees, around Career Path Way to CMU pile. Partner up and Grab CMU or coupon.

Dora Style with one partner beginning the exercise and the other taking the short loop in the back right corner lot. After 100 collective reps, move on to the next exercise.

1. OHP

2. Curls

3. Tricep Press

4. Heavy Squats

5. Bench Press

6. Upright Rows

7. Skull Crushers

Mosey back to COT with 2 stops for Mary (Freddie Mercuries & Flutter Kicks)


18 HIMS (1 2.0 – Stiff Arm) including 10 RUSH


I get a weekly email from a site called Parent Cue. It’s a online resource for parents, with tools and tips on helping you raise your kids, whatever their age. Anyway, I rarely look at the emails, usually deleting them, but this week I took a closer look.

The short article was titled 3 Steps for Better Relationships (Even When You’re Busy). Again, I started to delete it and then I thought…Relationships! That’s the single most important thing in our lives…
They are why we exist.
They shape everything about who we are.
They give us joy, and heartache.
They are a source of our happiness, and our pain.
They drive us to succeed and sometimes to fail.
Our memories are filled by them.
They give us purpose.
They give us meaning.
We have access to our Creator because we have a relationship with his son, Jesus.

So I looked at the 3 steps and the first was to make a list of your key relationships. Your spouse, your girlfriend, your parents, your kids, your in-laws, your close friends, and Yourself! I don’t think I’ve ever done that, but I think it’s a great idea!

Number 2 was that we are to assess our relationships…Overall and then Individually… Things like…
How do we connect in our relationships?
What keeps me from being fully present with family and friends?

How well do we truly know each other?
What energizes or drains me about this relationship?
Am I the real me around this person?

Just inventory your close relationships and what they mean to you.

#3 was to Make a New Commitment for your relationships. Like putting into action things you can do to build and restore some key relationships.

The Bible has so many things to say about our relationships. You can start with Jesus. He was asked about the greatest commandment in the Law and he said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Then he said love your neighbor as yourself.

Think about our group here and we know that Proverbs 27:17 says “Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another”. In Hebrews 10 says “let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, but encouraging one another.” That’s what we do!

If you’re married it says in Ephesians 5:28 that husbands should love their wives as their own bodies and that He who loves his wife loves himself.

Think about those challenging relationships! The joke insert here would be “the in-laws”! Ephesians 4 says “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up…that it may give grace to those who hear”.

1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, maintain constant love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins.”

Relationships are important! We have God given instructions to bring life and be a reflection of his light to those closest to us.
That won’t be easy, but that’s the point of the article…
Make a list of your key relationships, assess those relationships, and put into action a plan to build and/or restore these key relationships.