F3 Knoxville

Ring of fire 3

THE SCENE: 35, calm, wonderful and warmer than predicted.

Harry Rockets, Cherry Pickers, Maracan Night Club, Mountain Climbers and Tempo Squats
Mosey through the cones by the new building to the crosswalk by the Clayton Performing Arts building. Partnered up.   At each crosswalk/Cone we did some exercises, then mosey, sprint or bear crawl to the next.

  • 15 Money Humpers, 15 Peter Parker Merkins, 20 Flutter: Sprint
  • 15 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boy Sit Ups: Bear Crawl
  • 5 Burpee, 15 Dry Docks, 15 Flutter: Mosey
  • 5 Iron mikes, 20 Diamond merkins, 15 Heels to heavy: Bear Crawl
  • 10 Long Jump, 20 LBC: Mosey
  • 20 Monkey humpers, 20 merkins, 20 Flutter kicks: Sprint
  • 10 OH Press, 15 Triceips, 20 Heavy american hammers: Rifle carry
  • 15 Squats, 20 Curls: Cary
  • 10 Peter Parker Merkins, 20 heavy flutters: Rifle back

The group largely stayed together so on the way back we did 1 exercise at each station, detoured for 5 pull ups, monkey humpers and planks.  Ring of Fire at the start and pletny of time for dealers choice.

Dealers choice; we should be sore all over.
I recently learned how to catch a monkey.  string, rock and a coconut.  Put a small hole (monkey fist sized) in the coconut and put the worthless rock in it.  Monkeys are always very curious (George taught us that) and they will put their fist in there and hold the rock, then unable to get their fist out and then they will give up their freedom to hold on to what is worthless.


If you are holding on to sin or trying to live this life in your own strength it is like you are caught by choice.  The pebble may be your career or a secret sin or your fitness or a relationship you are holding on to so tight.  Whatever it is; you are not free. True freedom is only found in Jesus Christ.
John 8:36
So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

For those of us who have put our faith in him, we can still be dumb monkies and grab ahold of things that steal our freedom.  Is there some secret sin you are falling into that you are too stuborn to let go of?
Is your bank balance ore job potential or what people think of you something you hold on to tighter than what God thinks of you?
Examine your life and make sure you are free; and by that i mean a bond servant of Christ. There is no better place to be!

Q’ing isn’t hard.  Look at an old back blast and do it.  Hat tip to Kick-Flip who did this back on fathers day 2019.

You are a soul

THE SCENE: 65, pre fog, plenty damp

Reach for the stars, Let it hang, Baby Arm Circles, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Squats, Parking lot runs.

Derkins on the guardrail, 1 at a time, couting off.   Black Snake to Brick wall for 30 dips, then mosey to the coupon pile.

At the pile we american hammered one CMU across the street.  Riffle carry a different CMU to the top of the small stairs.  Curl carry a third CMU to a spot 20 ft away.

Then we split into teams and team 1 job was to clear a pile, Team 2 tried to get the CMU count in any pile to 12.  If a goal was achived the other team had to do 10 burpies.  The “winning” team had to reset the course.  It was fun, a bit too complicated, but kept us all moving.

On the run back we made use of the excerises from monday (ya, no rain) around the new building.  PAX each chose their own light pole or 3 to push it.

Had time for Flutter Kicks, Pickle Pointers and Protractor.
Proverbs 14:12  “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, leads to death.”

The application of this today is the tendancy we have to think of our body as most important, but we are predominatly spiritual beings who spend far too much time thinking of, working on, responding to the complaints and desires of our bodies.

The internet likes to give C.S. Lewis credit for this quote but turns out, he didn’t write it, but it still applies:
“You do not have a soul.  You are a soul and you have a body!”

God is making old things news.  “So we do not lose heart.  Though the outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”  2 Corinthians 4:16

If your muscles scream at you today, you can ignore them, your soul is way more important.


Favorite Things and Horrible Jokes

THE SCENE: 67 degrees

Cherry Pickers, Newtons Cradle, Tempo Squats, Maracan Night Club, Mountain climbers
Mosey to the base of jucamajaro, with a stop at the guardrail for some dips.

At every other line we did an exercise till the 6 was up and then did a few more.  Ran 2 lines, repeat.  Merkins, downhill merkins, Squats, LBC’s, downhill bbs, lots of abs on the way down.  This is where the jokes started and it was all downhill from there.

Dirkins on the guardrail, some SSH and other things till be bernie’d up the hill to the pull up bars.  3 pull ups, then we had to get some steps to make the middle bar closer.  1 CMU rifle carry, 2nd time Curls.  2 bricks was enough for the Q to reach the high bar, double carry down.  Indian run back with the line bernie and the back running to the front.  Jokes got so bad we did some Burpies and a ring of fire.

LBC, Hello Dolly’s
12 HIM, half Rush, half not

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.  Romans 12:9-13

This passage made me think of the story I heard recently.  With all the horror of Afghanistan the story of one TN marine who was not slothful in zeal but was fervent in spirit and served the Lord by serving his dear brother, his interpreter from his time in Afghanistan.  His love, being genuine, flowed naturally to giving to the needs of others and showing hospitality.

Challenge 1: Read https://mydearbrother.org/ and as the Lord leads consider giving https://www.gofundme.com/f/my-friend-my-interpreter

Challenge: Memorize the above passage.

IPC on Friday!  Keep on pushing it.

Fill up the calendar or you’ll have more poorly planned Q’s that go from Jucomajaro to the pull up bars with jokes that make it feel twice as long.

Monday Mashup

THE SCENE: Typical Aug; none of that chapped skin, nice and moist air.

Cherry Pickers, Overhead Claps, Peter Parker Merkins, Mountain Climbers and Snowboarders

Animal movement across the big parking lot: Bear crawl, Crab walk, Frog jump, duck walk, inch worms.   Mosey the rest of the way to the coupon pile. Split up in groups to do 2 rounds of

5 Pull ups, 10 Leg lifts, 15 Big Boys, Wall sits till the group was done and came down together.

while the other half

5 Ausie Mtn climbers, 10 Snowboarders, CPR (Curl, Press, Tricep) till the other group got there.

Grab 2 coupons, Hot lava across the street, CMU carry up the hill for 10 Diamond merkins, 20 Squats and then crawl bear down the hill and bear crawl back up. Repeat Squats and Merkins.

Some work outs on the way back (Heel touches, tricep dips, box jumps/step ups, Planks)  No time for Mary

Welcome @ FNG’s:  Island hopper & Base Salary  (Yes, that’s Commission’s brother, who also happened to crash a fork lift into the base of the building during a safety audit)
Not an easy word today

“bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other;
as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Colossians 3:13″
Makes me think of the Lord’s prayer part that goes: and forgive our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Matthew 6:12
Quote: “Jesus never focuses on the failure. He focuses on the restoration.” Louie Giglio
Jesus was way harsher on the Pharisees than he was on those ‘living in sin’, caught in adultery or socially outcast b/c life wasn’t together
We need to take this as a reminder to search our hearts for these and others:

  • Pride, Arrogance ​
  • Selfishness​
  • Un-thankfulness​
  • Laziness​, gluttony, gossip, slander, not complimenting our wives and kids
  • Neglecting scripture/ worship/prayer/community ​
  • Putting out hope in: $, job, person, vacation​
  • Harshness & Impatience​, Complaining, Critical Spirit​These things are forgiven and confessing them allows for restoration! Know you are forgiven and in turn forgive others

Bold Tree Removal

THE SCENE: 67 °F, air nice ‘n thick

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Merkins, Side straddle hop and Chinooks
30 Guardrail dips on the way to Jucomajaro

  • Split into 2 teams of 4; at each line (100ft), team had to do 8 burpees and 8 squats to the tree
  • At the tree, 1 team cut branches off the dead tree with a saw that happened to be there while the rest of the team did a stationary exercise, then carried wood up the hill
  • The  other team was doing a moving exercise and took over sawing when they got back.
  • Stationary Exercises: Merkins, Burpees, Flutter Kicks and squats
  • Moving: Bear crawl, crab walk, lunges and bernie.

The tree was cleared from the road; only took a couple years.

Time for 5 whole big boy sit ups

The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.  Proverbs 28:1

Starting with a side bar: My non-running daughter prefers the version of this verse that says, “only the wicked run when no one is chasing them”  But I want to focus on the second half of the verse and the topic of Courage as it relates to being bold in facing failures aka shortcomings aka lies aka sin (that’s what God calls it) in our life.  Are we masters of “perception management” knowing what people think of us and keeping our image up? Or are we real, transparent and bold/courageous enough to be real with people and confess our sins to God and then to others?  It’s hard to be bold.  It’s hard to be honest, but that is what we are called to.

Allows me a silly analogy to the tree removal we did this morning.  Removing the clutter and lies from our life isn’t easy work and we get used to operating by just walking/working around them.  Pretty soon, we don’t even see them. But God will show us, through other guys in our lives most often, that we need to remove the things that block our full potential.   I hope the time off today for many of us allow us time to have God show us where lies are in our life.

The other part of this verse that got me thinking is this sounds like a chicken or the egg thing.  The Boldness can comes from Righteousness and Righteousness comes from Boldness.

So what starts it?   (Hint: The church answer works here)  God.   God starts the work in our heart.  Righteousness comes from God; and when being right with God can boldly face life.  But it takes courage to face the sin in our lives.  Only the Holy Spirit can give us the boldness to face our sin and that is through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

5K BYOS (bring your own steak) Tuesday night.  See slack for details.