F3 Knoxville

Bold Tree Removal


THE SCENE: 67 °F, air nice ‘n thick

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Merkins, Side straddle hop and Chinooks
30 Guardrail dips on the way to Jucomajaro

  • Split into 2 teams of 4; at each line (100ft), team had to do 8 burpees and 8 squats to the tree
  • At the tree, 1 team cut branches off the dead tree with a saw that happened to be there while the rest of the team did a stationary exercise, then carried wood up the hill
  • The  other team was doing a moving exercise and took over sawing when they got back.
  • Stationary Exercises: Merkins, Burpees, Flutter Kicks and squats
  • Moving: Bear crawl, crab walk, lunges and bernie.

The tree was cleared from the road; only took a couple years.

Time for 5 whole big boy sit ups

The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.  Proverbs 28:1

Starting with a side bar: My non-running daughter prefers the version of this verse that says, “only the wicked run when no one is chasing them”  But I want to focus on the second half of the verse and the topic of Courage as it relates to being bold in facing failures aka shortcomings aka lies aka sin (that’s what God calls it) in our life.  Are we masters of “perception management” knowing what people think of us and keeping our image up? Or are we real, transparent and bold/courageous enough to be real with people and confess our sins to God and then to others?  It’s hard to be bold.  It’s hard to be honest, but that is what we are called to.

Allows me a silly analogy to the tree removal we did this morning.  Removing the clutter and lies from our life isn’t easy work and we get used to operating by just walking/working around them.  Pretty soon, we don’t even see them. But God will show us, through other guys in our lives most often, that we need to remove the things that block our full potential.   I hope the time off today for many of us allow us time to have God show us where lies are in our life.

The other part of this verse that got me thinking is this sounds like a chicken or the egg thing.  The Boldness can comes from Righteousness and Righteousness comes from Boldness.

So what starts it?   (Hint: The church answer works here)  God.   God starts the work in our heart.  Righteousness comes from God; and when being right with God can boldly face life.  But it takes courage to face the sin in our lives.  Only the Holy Spirit can give us the boldness to face our sin and that is through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

5K BYOS (bring your own steak) Tuesday night.  See slack for details.