F3 Knoxville

Follow the process

THE SCENE:  mid 50s.  Felt great.


  • Tempo merkins x 10
  • tempo squats x 10
  • oyo stretches
  • outhouse run

We followed the plan in the picture below     The man on the end each time does 25 reps…all others do AMRAP until he is done with his 25 reps.  Rinse & repeat on the other side of the parking lot.   Once the same man has been the “rep counter” on each end of the parking lot, everybody shifts down 1 station.   We got through 2 full circuits.



Junk, Doubtfire, Frosty, Butters, Wallball, Bartman

Talked about thinking before you pray…remember who you’re speaking to.  Also focus less on your own desires and praying that you’ll be used for God’s will regardless of your own personal scenario.


4×6 and Super Burpee’s

THE SCENE: Nice, rain washed parking lot. with clear weather.


Traveling warmup over to CMU pile.  Side straddles, bernies, lunges, zombee mosey,

Each HIM stacks 6 CMU’s 4 times.   The stack locations are:

  1. At base of hill bowl
  2. At top of hill bowl
  3. At base of hill bowl
  4. Back at CMU source pile

You can cary the cmu any way you want and as many as you want. But you should finish one stack before starting the next one.

When done with the 4×6 we did several of the new Super Burpees.


The super burpee is a 28 count burpee (with CMU) consisting of

Count Reps Exercise
1-4 2 Merkins (on top of CMU)
5-8 2 Big Boy Sit-ups (lifting CMU)
9-12 2 American Hammers (with CMU)
13-16 2 Bicycles (with CMU)
17-20 2 Curls
21-24 2 Push Presses
25-28 2 Tri Presses

Mosey back to AO.  Do modified Super Burpee without CMU like so:

Count Reps Exercise
1-4 2 Merkins
5-8 2 Big Boy Sit-ups
9-12 2 American Hammers
13-16 2 Bicycles
17-20 2 Squat Jumps

Booster, 5k, Bagger, Snaggletooth, Trolley

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  

Don’t let the past define you, you are free in Christ!  You are not a slave to sin anymore!

Please Please Please pray for Tabitha’s health and support for her kids.

F3 Olympics comming. https://f3knoxville.com/category/announcements/

50 Shades of F3

THE SCENE: 60 degrees.  Cool and cloudy.  And it didn’t even rain.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I am still not a professional
SSH x 25; Cherry Pickers x 10;Tie Fighters (BAC holding a lunge) x 10 back and forth.  Mosey to the back parking lot.

Run 1/2 lap, stop at station, and do the following exercises.  8 stops, 4 laps total. Do each pair of exercises like 11s, but 25s, counting up and down by 5.  Each exercise is done a total of 50x

  • Merkins / BBS
  • Rev. Lunges/Supermans
  • Burpees/Squats
  • Plank Jacks/LBCs
  • Smurf Jacks/American Hammers
  • Diamond Merkins/Flutter Kicks
  • CDDs/Hello Dollys
  • Iron Mikes/Squat Jumps

Run back toward AO with just enough time to Devin Hester up the hill with 10 BBS at the top

Box cutters x25 and finish strong with ATMs
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
A friend of mine passed away last week.  He had struggled with MS for about 20 years.  But he never complained.  He worked really hard just to be able to live independently, but he experienced joy in spending time with friends, going to church and he appreciated being able to live the life he had.  I need to think of him more when I struggle to get up for F3, when I feel burned out with work, or I feel worn out with family.  I need to embrace the blessings I’ve been given if I am to be the man God wants me to be.  In other words, quit belly aching and love more.
Prayers sent out to QVC, his son and his family for comfort and healing.

Bend into the wave

THE SCENE: In 60’s, cloudy with some drizzle.

Plank Lifts, 15 Plank Jacks, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Stretchers, 10 Windmills
Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Grab appropriate size boulder.  25 Overhead Presses, 25 Curls, 25 Rows, 25 Squats with Boulder at Chest.

Mosey on roadways to Outdoor Chapel.  20 Hello Dollies.  Sevens starting with six Burpees at one end of chapel and one Decline Merkin at stage end of chapel.  Elevens starting with ten Big Boy Sit-ups at one end of chapel and one Bench Dip at stage end of chapel.

Mosey north on roadway to parking lot that is just below Pickett’s Charge.  Do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to Dragon Tail.  We will do Route 66 up Dragon Tail with the following exercises (doing exercise at each light):

  • Squat Jumps
  • Dive Bombers

Mosey to sidewalk that is at front of Admin Bldg.  Do Bernie Sanders to steps of Admin Bldg.  Then do 20 Shin Lifts on a step of the bldg.

Mosey to AO.

Eleven men.  No FNG’s.


In a book I am reading called Tears of an Innocent God, the author, Elias Marechal, talks about a Rabbi that was the only survivor in a shipwreck at sea.  When asked how he survived, the Rabbi recalled, “Whenever a wave arose, I bent into it.”  In our lives we cannot expect all to go smoothly for us.  There are going to be calm and glorious times.  At such times it may be easy to love life, to love our families, to love God.  But there are going to be difficult times as well.  At such times the problems in our life may come like giant ocean waves in what seems like a shipwrecked existence.  The waves appear ready to knock us down and drown us.  At these times it may be very difficult to love our lives, love our families, love God or even believe there is a God.    We must expect the good and the bad.  We must learn to lean into the the waves.  As Elias Marechal states, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are both days to experience God.  We can do so in both good and bad times.  At Steve Earl implies in his awesome song, God is God, God is there and God has the power whether we like what is there for us are not.  Face the hard times.  Trust God and even appreciate Him in those hard times.  Lean into the waves and perhaps, if you can trust God enough, you may even find yourself, as Peter did with Jesus, walking on water, if only for a moment.

Brewski at Union Jacks immediately after workout.


THE SCENE: Mostly cloudy, 58 degrees, 96% humidity

SSH x20, Cherry pickers x16, Little baby arm circles x10 forward/x10backward

Jog parking x2, skip parking lot x1, mosey to base of ballfield hill.
7’s at the hill

  • Burpees at the base of the hill
  • Bear crawl up the hill
  • BBS at the top x2
  • Crab crawl down the hill
  • Mosey to the grinder

Bring Sally up, bring Sally down

  • Hit the ground/hop up to the music
  • Run the Bomb Shelter short loop
  • Merkins to the music
  • Run the Bomb Shelter short loop
  • CMU squat presses to the music
  • Run the Bomb Shelter short loop
  • Leg lifts to the music (60 degrees up/10 degrees down)
  • Run the Bomb Shelter short loop
  • BBS to the music

Box cutters, flutter kicks, LBC’s
12 HIM’s, no FNG’s

The following is from Wild Together, My Adventures with Loki the Wolfdog by Kelly Lund.

Wish You Were Here

The concept of being present is one that is so often said, but rarely lived.  I’m guilty of it.  I say I am going to be more present; I say I am going to  put my phone down and focus on what’s in front of me; I say I will put the camera down and just look with my eyes.  But I don’t. I get caught up and think secondary things are important in the moment, and then the moment is gone. 

Never has Loki had this behavioral flaw.  How could he?  He sees now and now only.  I am not saying that beyond my knowledge he doesn’t have a memory band of his past experiences.  Simply put, he is not worried about what tomorrow will bring.  The anxiety of the future, the disappointment of the past; that’s not a thing for him.

If now is all we have, all that is promised, let us not be fools and waste it.

As the Bible says, don’t worry about tomorrow. That won’t add an hour to our life. Tomorrow will worry about itself.  This is the day the Lord has made. Let us all be glad and rejoice in it.

Prayers for Moses and Sqeaker’s recovery.  Steer asked for prayers for his family.
F3 Knoxville 3rd Anniversary during weekend of November 3rd.