F3 Knoxville

Mettle Forger WOD

THE SCENE: Overcast, 46°F, Feels like 42°F, Humidity 80%, Wind 8mph from SW – by Klimat.app

  • SSH 25x IC
  • Cherry Pickers (slow for stretch) 5x
  • Little Baby Arm Circles 15x IC Forward & Reverse
  • Merkins 10x OYO


  • Mettle Forger WOD
    • Buy in: 100 Burpees
    • Part 1: (complete reps in any order)
      • 100 Dips
      • 100 Squats
      • 100 Mountain Climbers 4ct
      • 100 BBS
      • 100 Flutter Kicks 4ct
    • 1 Mile run
    • Part 2: (complete reps in any order)
      • 100 Merkins
      • 100 Handstand Merkins (instead of pull-ups)
      • 100 Lunges
      • 100 Hammers
    • 1 Mile run

No time for mary.

Sometimes we need help to get through tough situations. Family is there for us no matter what, but sometimes family is more than just blood relations. Even Moses needed help to hold up his staff for the Israelites to win the battle, even with God on their side. Trust in your family and your chosen family to lift you up when needed.


May 4th – 5k race at PHS at 3pm – https://runsignup.com/Race/TN/Powell/RunforthePanthers5k#

Workday at Fountain City Park to install a Buddy Bench and a Hopscotch court at 8:30am. Bring any tools you have to help with the installation.

Embrace the Challenge

Embrace the Challenge

THE SCENE:Oh the weather outside is weather…


SSH IC x 20

Cherry Pickers IC x 4

Randomly selected 2 HIMs to lead 10 minutes of the Q. (Yes, it was random @Cavelier, you selected my favorite number so it was out of my hands)


Evolution #1: @Wallball

Run slow, then run fast, recover

@Butters arrived on the run, he accepted 10 minutes of the Q.

Grab the gear and mosey to MRSA field 1

Evolution #2: @Wallball

The Frenchman’s charge + 50 Gorilla Humpers at each end

Evolution #3 @Wallball – 28 minutes up to this point

Split into 2 teams.

1 man strap into a ruck towing 90-100# sandbags, bear crawl to light, drop it and run to mid field, running summersault, run back, strap in and Berne back. Tag out.

PAX alternates between merkins, big boys, Squats, flutters. (20ea)

Evolution 4: @Cavelier – 10 minutes

Side shuffle the lines off the end line and goalie box, sprint to mid field along sideline, lunge to true mid, 5 burpees, lunge to other sideline. Rinse and repeat sprints and shuffles.

LBCs at midfield, back to true mid for 10 more burpees, somehow we made it back to the baseline but I don’t remember how

Evolution 5: @Waxjob (10 minutes)

Indian PAX hurdle the field (jump over planking PAX, full field)

15 pickle pounders

Bear crawl Slalom back to other end line

Evolution 6: @Butters (10 minutes)

PAX plank shoulder to shoulder, pull through sandbags and rucks from one end to the other. Reverse and repeat.

7’s to mid field 8 count body builders and diamond Merkins

MARY: (2 minutes)

Bust it back to the AO. Made it with 7 seconds to spare.


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!


I have been challenged at work recently with an expectation additional leadership. Basically, have to figure out what I need to be doing on the fly. I have come to see the correlation of this to life in general. We say a lot: “Embrace the suck” but we should also include “Embrace the challenge”. Today’s PAX embraced the challenges that were thrown at them and excelled. HUGE shout out to everyone for encouraging those thrust into these positions this morning.


Praise for prayers answered:

Waxjob has a contract on his house!!!

My father has had some heart trouble recently and we got some good news this week. Diagnosis isn’t as dire as originally suspected but still serious. Thanks to all the prayer warriors, it was drastically impactful and immensely appreciated.

Prayers needed:

Family that @Bartman works with had an unexpected death in the family. It’s hard to lose someone but especially hard when that family should have had a much longer time with them.

Waxjob needs a place to live for a month. If you know anyone that can rent a spot for a month, let him know.


Hardship Hill is coming up. Team Dog Bite is ready to get after it.

Barbarian Mace montage

THE SCENE: Drizzly

SSH: 15

Tempo squat: 10

tempo merkin: 10

tempo elfs: 10

10 burpees


merkins from hell (max reps–> iso hold–> ecc merkin)

2 rounds of 3 sets of 4 exercises

set 1

  • Mace Barbarian Squat
  • kettlebell deadlift
  • burpee
  • SSH

Set 2

  • Mace joust
  • KB press
  • high bridge
  • RDL’s
    set 3
  • mace grave digger
  • KB row
  • bench dips
  • step-ups
  • pull-ups from hell set (10 pullups, max iso hold, ecc pullup)
  • repeat

    He has risen!

Sideways – Good Friday

THE SCENE: Wet and rainy 60 degrees.

Well, our Burpee Baseball got rained out. We really want to save it so we can do it at the Baseball diamond..  So things went Sideways from there and never let up..


  • 50 SSH with intermittent burpees and double time SSH.
  • Lunges
  • Tempo Squats
  • Travel to workout location: Mosey, Kereokee, Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Guerilla Strut, Crab walk, Sideways Crab Walk, Backwards crab walk, Bear crawl, Bernie to Overhang


First Set of Elevens:
Side Crunches (Side Hope and Side Lunges to next station – face one direction)
Side Lifts (Side Lunges and Side Hope to previous station – face same direction)

Second Set of Elevens:
Four Count Travolta (Run between stations)
Mountain Parkers (Run between Stations)

Third Set of Elevens:
Imperial Walkers (Guerilla strut + Kereokee to other station)
Freddy Mercuries (Guerilla strut + Kereokee to other station)

However we only got to mid way on the Second Set before time ended.

All time used during workout

Good Friday gents. Apologies, I wanted to have a chalice to take communion from but it was more than I could do. Praise the Lord we live off of forgiveness. Remember what He did for us!

Hardship Hill coming.

Maundy Thursday Montage

THE SCENE: 60 and clear


  • SSH x 10
  • Cherry Pickers x 6
  • Circle of burpees


  • Indian run to where the boats used to be
  • Paula Abdul the length of two light poles.  Bear crawl forward 2 parking spaces, do 10 merkins.  Bear crawl backward 1 parking space, do 10 squats.  Rinse/repeat until you reach the 2nd light pole.
  • Mosey to the bottom of the stairs on long island.
  • Iron Mike countdown.  Start at the bottom of the stairs with 10 iron mikes (each leg), then run up the stairs, up the hill to the rock and do 9 iron mikes.  Run back down, do 8…run back to top, do 7.  Rinse/repeat until you work all the way down to 1.
  • Mosey to the Matterhorn.
  • Sprint to the 1st light pole, do 10 squats and 10 derkins.  Bernie Sanders to 2nd light pole, do 10 squats and 10 derkins.
  • Slowsey to the bottom of Matterhorn & indian run back to the AO


  • LBC x 25
  • Box cutters x 20

16 strong:  Toto, Snitch, Toebox, Trolley, Peek-a-boo, La-Z-Boy, Frosty, Butters, Flute Loop, Sparky, Abacus, Hot Tub, Dreadlock (FNG), Stitches (FNG), Ratchet, Bartman

Talked about the meaning of Maundy Thursday and what an important day it is.