F3 Knoxville

Bump n run on hump day

THE SCENE: 22 degrees and clear

jog across the parking lot x 2, High knee skip x2, but kiss x2, monkey humpers x15 IC, Bac forward and reverse x 10 IC, 7’s at baby hill but more like 4’s…Monkey humpers at the bottom and burpess at the top. I wanted to get into the thang so I cut it short but it was a thigh burner as we Bernie sanders up the hill between exercises.

Bump n Run

  • number off and split into 3 groups
  • Group 1 started at Hairburner station. with each group, pax partnered up in 3s. one pax is pushing a plate across the parking lot to the other side. once they get to the other side, pax that is on that side pushes the plate back across to the 3rd pax. Whille the plate is being pushed back and forth, one side the pax is doing HR merkins and the other side is doing monkey humpers. Go back and forth like a relay until Group 3 bumps you
  • Group 2 is at the pavalon doing 10 box jumps and 10 bench pull ups, AMRAP until group 1 bumps them to the next station
  • Group 3 or the 3rd station is ABS. 10 LBC on the 4 ct IC and 10 Flutters on the 4ct IC. This is the station that sets the pace or the duration of each station. When they get get done, they run over to relieve the group at the next station, thus bumpin them off and sending them to the next station to bump that group.
  • We got in about 3 rounds

Flutter kicks by Hot tub IC

captain thor to 5:20

boat, canoe, catamaran with a sail
21 pax
F3 is about making us as men better in all facets but we cant do it alone:

Ecclessiastes 4:9-1

Two are better than one, because they had a good reward for their labor. For if they fail, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth, and hath not another to lift him up.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Give it away at the Wesley House tonight at 5 pm.



Usual for me


Cherry Pickers IC

T Squat IC

T Merkin IC

OYO Stretching
Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey over to (Sophomore hill?) along the way we got some good livin in via flutter kicks
  • DORA action (100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 squats)
  • Some more flutter kick and IC work in the parking lot next to sophomore hill
  • Some suicide action a lil down the ways as well

Actually did Mary at the AO this time


The highlight was Cheatsheet leading us in some IC Merkins…. those got me good


A short quote from The Brothers Karamazov from Dmitri

“… I mean that’s where the trouble lies, for all the world is an enigma! And whenever I’ve occasion to wallow in the very deepest ignominy of lust (and that’s all I’ve occasion to do), I’ve always read that poem about Ceres and man. Has it set me on the right road again? Never! Because I’m a Karamazov! Because if I throw myself into the abyss I do it straight, head first and heels last, and am even glad that I’ve fallen in such a degrading posture and consider it flattering to myself.”


Interesting note, apparently there is a suggestion in the text that the name Karamazov is associated with another surname which translates to “black smear”

Dmitri is one of three brothers in the story who is a scoundrel that makes trouble constantly. This quote is a good summary of the conversation he has with his brother Alyosha. What struck me about this conversation and this quote particularly is the nature of Dmitri’s reaction to his realization that there are undesirable parts of him (perhaps necessarily so given it being suggested that he is born with them… I am sure there is plenty to be said of the symbolism here) More practically, I must ask myself what is my reaction to my confrontation with the pathological parts of my personality. I decided to share one with the group.


I have a complex relationship with both of my parents. Although there is little explicit conflict (arguing, overt petty actions taken, passive aggresiveness etc), if I am being honest with myself, there is some degree of resentment. The causes and the degree to which I bear it, I am not sure. What I do know is that I am responsible for this and cannot ignore it or accept it (like Dmitri). It is something to be recognized and wrestled with.


Side note: Chaco recommended Steinbeck’s East of Eden after the Q. I highly recommend it to everyone. It is a great read.



THE SCENE: Plenty of gloom. Rain and 30s, temp steadily dropping.

SSH x20 IC
Mountain Parkers x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
One-hand 6-count Body Builders (skip the pushup) x5 IC (each arm)
Ice Skaters x20 each leg OYO
Hindurkins x10 IC

Mosey back to my car because I forgot to take my wallet out of my pocket

Mosey to the base of the Matterhorn, circle up for 15x Tempo Squats IC, continue to the Pavalon
Escalator style circuit:
20 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Squat Rolls
20 V-ups
20 Travoltas
20 Crabettes

When done, make one lap around the Pavalon doing full step-ups (watch your head!) on the picnic table benches. Left leg on the out, right leg on return.
Repeat circuit, dropping the Crabettes. Another pavalon lap, this time Groucho-walking one leg on the benches.

R&R until done, mosey back to the AO through the big wet flakes of snow.

30x 4-count LBCs (well, Mayberry did half-Imperial Walkers holding an umbrella), enjoy the view of the falling snow!
6 PAX braved the Snowpocageddonlypse to get better this morning. Welcome back Unibrau, and congrats on the new job!
Isn’t it “funny” how God often brings opposites together and makes them spouses? Sometimes those differences are just that – differences that are neither bad nor good, and we learn to live and love despite them. Sometimes those differences are things that God uses to highlight something in your heart that needs to change. I have a tendency to snap judgment about people that I don’t know, with very little compassion. That guy pulling a U-turn around the median? What a moron… He should learn to drive. The guy on the news that hit a telephone pole at 100mph? Deserved it. But once I get to know someone, and they have a face and a name, I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. My wife, on the other hand, lets me know that my snap judgements are unacceptable behavior. She has that compassion for the nameless, faceless person that I lack. But, in contrast, she has the tendency to fear the worst about the motivations of the behavior of people that she knows and loves. So take a look at yourself… If you’re like either of us, ask God to work on your heart, to give you compassion for those you don’t know, and trust and grace for those you do.
I was definitely hoping for a bit more white and less wet, but any day that starts with HIMs like these is a great one.
Alcoa CSAUP on 2/9! Check GroupMe for more info.

Get started and see how far you go

THE SCENE: 30* but little wind, ready to go

Even/odd static stretches for 20 count: middle, left, right
BAC forward and reverse
Tempo lunge
Mosey out of SP and over to the amphitheater, stopping in front of the stage.

  • 10 Bulgarian split squats (10 each leg)
  • Sprint the stairs, mosey back down to the stage
  • 10 calf raises on stairs

Repeato with 15 reps

Mosey further to the parking lot behind the Min Kao building on UT campus for Charles Bronson.  Three cones set up, with 5 exercises at first cone.  Perform exercise, sprint to second cone, bear crawl to the third cone, mosey back and move to next exercise.  Repeat for each exercise.

  • 50 SSH on 4 count
  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 Burpees (yup)
  • 50 Big boy sit ups
  • 50 Jump squats

Mosey back to amphitheater, need to balance out the leg work with some upper body.  15 decline merkins, 15 regular merkins, 15 incline merkins all done in succession with no rest.

Mosey back to start point for Mary.

Flutter kicks
Heals to heaven
Feet elevated crunches
Boat canoe flutters led by Pfeiffer
10 Strong: Pfeiffer, Rusty, SiPad, Pullups, Amazon, Half Caff, Ivy, G6, Swanson, Abort
I’ve noticed on weekends that I am either extremely lazy or extremely productive, and usually nowhere in between.  I either just lay around and never get started doing anything or once I get started it just leads to staying busy.  The latter was yesterday, and it simply started with doing laundry early.  Then I painted something I had put off for months.  I fixed a broken section of fence that has needed attention for at least a month.  Cleaned up the utility room.  Found clothes to donate….I just encouraged men to get started with something and see how far it takes them to accomplish other things as well.

Keep Rick (G6’s son) and Blake (Scope’s father) in our prayers as they both have surgeries upcoming.
Hardship Hill teams need to form up soon!!

Push Yourself

THE SCENE: 30 degrees and clear skies

SSH (IC) x 20, Tempo Merkins (IC) x 10, Little Baby Arm Circles F & B (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 10, Tempo Squats (IC) x 10, Flutter Kicks (IC) x 10

Dora Style Workout. Indian Run to CMU pile. Each team will get 1 CMU. Take CMU over towards the stadium.  Each exercise will be 200 reps.  The PAX not performing exercise will run up the hill and do 5 burpees and return to trade with other PAX. If a team finishes, start from the top and do it again. Exercises are:

  1. Curls
  2. Big Boys with CMU on chest
  3. Rows
  4. LBCs with CMU on chest
  5. Squats with CMU
  6. Flutter kicks holding CMU
  7. Overhead Press
  8. American Hammers with CMU
  9. Triceps Extension
  10. Leg raises holding CMU

(I don’t think anyone made it past squats today)

Indian run back to AO


Hello Dolly (IC) x 10, Freddy Mercury (IC) x 10, American Hammers (IC) x 10

17 strong today!  Bonus points to Judge Judy for joining me on the ruck this morning!

My challenge to everyone this year to is to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable! Do this personally, physically, and spiritually.  For those who have never been on Q, take that next step and lead. If you have not been to other AOs for a workout, go to all the AOs. Try a Saturday workout which is an hour long or go the Burbs for a longer beatdown. Personally, talk to someone different at work or try to repair a fractured relationship. Spiritually, set a positive example for others and be a witness to someone who needs it (Jude Judy recently started a bible study group). We tend to be complacent and get in routines.  Break that routine and do something different this year.

Prayer requests for Gump and his family as his wife recovers from surgery and son recovers from broken foot/leg.
CSAUP at Bomb Shelter on Saturday.  Wesley House workout Wednesday at 5pm