F3 Knoxville

Moses’s Beer Mile Warmup : )

THE SCENE: 70 an perfect!

Mostly Stretching:
Little of This, Little of That
Some of These, Some of Those
Cherry Pickers
Tempo Squats
1/2 Mile Loop with Warm Up Movements

6 Stations Made Up Mostly of Foot-Work / Speed Drills. 4 Minutes of Work with 1 Minute to Rotate and Recover.

  • Station 1
    • 5 Burpee Jump Overs
    • 10 Bench Press(4×4 w/CMU on each side)
    • 15 Swing Groiner
  • Station 2
    • Box and 1 Speed Cut Drill
  • Station 3
    • Sprint to cone at 45 Degree, Burnnie Back, Jog Straight, Sprint to Finish
  • Station 4
    • 1 Leg Squat Jumps From Cone to Cone (Stabilization Drill)
  • Station 5
    • Resistance Sprint to First Cone, Release and Sprint Through Finish
  • Stations 6
    • Core Station (Roll the Dice For Workout Movement)
      • 1 = 10 Iron Boys
      • 2 = 20 BBS
      • 3 = 30 Ankle Wiggles
      • 4 = 40 Flutter Kicks
      • 5 = 10 Count Rest
      • 6 = 1 Minute Plank

All Members Made it Through Circuit 1 Time; Then We did the First 3 Stations Again, but with a Twist!

  • Station 1 (Stay the Same)
    • 5 Burpee Jump Overs
    • 10 Bench Press(4×4 w/CMU on each side)
    • 15 Swing Groiner
  • Station 2 (Done in a Crab Walk!)
    • Box and 1 Speed Cut Drill
  • Station 3 (Done in a Bear Crawl / Crawl Bear!)
    • Sprint to cone at 45 Degree, Burnnie Back, Jog Straight, Sprint to Finish

Ring of Fire! Member of the pax ran around circle and pushed down other pax legs
Boat / Canoe Called out by Q
30 Sec Cashout LBC

9 Pax including 1 FNG….Bomb Shelter had an FNG all 3 Workout Dates!  #Amazing!
Built off @Ma’am BOM From Thursday.  F3 being more than a workout but a group of men you can count on.  People that care about you and are there for you in times of need.  I spoke about Foundations.  Without a strong foundation anything you build on top will crumble.  F3 is my foundation, for fitness, fellowship and faith.  F3 is my rock I build off.  Challenged all the pax to look into their foundation, and test the strength of it, question it and look for ways to reinforce it further!
Blessed to have such a strong group of men to spend time with at least 3 times a week!
Beer Mile Event, GoRuck Practice Event “Moses’s Mile” Friday the 29th starting at 9pm.

Cardio records being broken

THE SCENE: 70, not quite as humid

Insert information about the warmup.
3.97 miles ran

Swirlie and sparky set personal strava pr’s!

I set a pr for a 5k!

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

We Are Sons

THE SCENE:  A little warm but beautiful




10 Cherry Pickers IC

15 Tempo Squats IC

10 Merkins IC

Mosey down to the Pavalon for a little bench work. 4 rounds of the following 4 exercises. 1st set = 20 reps each, 2nd = 15, 3rd = 10, and 4th = 5

  • Bench rows
  • Box Jumps
  • Derkins
  • Tricep Dips

Mosey to the bottom of Cardiac with some lunges on the way. At the bottom of Cardiac, 20 merkins. 1st turn = 15 merkins, 2nd switchback = 10 merkins, at the top = 5 merkins.

Mosey to the rock pile at the Asylum after a quick stop to take in the beautiful view of the river. Grab a rock and do 3 sets of the following 3 exercises (15 reps each). After the completion of Set 1 and 2, run and touch the Asylum stairs. After set #3, run down to the stop sign and back.

  • Bicep Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Bent-over rows

Next, 3 sets of the following 3 exercises (we did these IC and ran to the Asylum stairs in between sets 1 and 2).

  • Tempo Squats (with rock)
  • Flutter Kicks 4 ct (rock overhead)
  • Hello Dollies 4 ct (no rock)

Mosey down to the bottom of Everest. 10 Merkins IC. Made our way back around the new path doing some lunges, squats, bear crawl, and American Hammers. Mosey down Little Baby Hill. Sprint back to the top 1 time.


Just a little bit of time left for some Flutter Kicks, plank work, and a few more SSH’s.


12 HIM’s – No FNG’s


In the spirit of Father’s Day weekend, I’m reminded of what it means not only to be a father but also what it means to be a son of God. I believe that I’ve been saved and that God loves me unconditionally, but I fail to live that way each day.

When we feel like we’re falling short, failing, or still struggling in various aspects of our lives where we think we should be better, it’s easy to forget that our heavenly Father still loves us just the same as when we’re standing on the mountaintop. Instead, we can quickly revert to a worldly way of thinking – that somehow God doesn’t love us as much when we’re stumbling or that His love and grace couldn’t possibly be vast enough to cover over our multitudes of sin. But that’s simply not the case.

“But when the time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father’. So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has also made you also an heir.” Galatians 4:4-7

Rocks, blocks and docks

THE SCENE: 73 and not too humid, good start to a HOT day

Imperial squat walker x10 IC
Tempo merkin x10 IC
Little of this/that
Tempo squat x10 IC
SSH x21 IC
Mosey toward Preacher’s parking lot (next to the International).  Start at the corner closest to the railroad tracks and work through circuit.

  • WWII Sit ups x15
  • Run to next corner
  • Seylf (reverse flyes) with rocks in each hand, x20
  • Run, bear crawl, run to next corner
  • Burpess x10
  • Run back to first corner, stopping halfway for 10 jump squats

Repeato for for 3 laps. Recover and 10 count.  Mosey toward Emerald Soccer fields (with Rousey going through a sprinkler).  Continue until reaching the nice bouncey turf field where a few CMUs are hiding in wait.

Next routine is the CMU Relay Race.  Count off into two teams.  One person takes CMU and runs 20 yards, where they perform ten bent over rows with the CMU, and returns to the start point.  PAX alternate between 10 merkins and 10 flutter kicks awaiting their turn to run with the CMU.  Repeat the race twice.  Recover and 10 count.

Everyone on their 6 for a little core work.  Box cutters x30 and flutter kicks x30.  Recover, stash the CMUs and mosey back toward railroad tracks. Cross the railroad tracks to the hill at Thirteenth Street.

Start at the bottom of the hill and perform 5 CDD, run to the top of the hill and perform 5 lunges (NOT each leg).  Return to bottom of hill and increase rep count each round by 5 reps, going to 20.  Recover at bottom of the hill and mosey back to SP for Mary.

Hello Dolly x15
Flutter kicks x15
Hello Dolly x15
Flutter kicks x15
Boat Canoe til time is up
7 Strong: Amazon, Rousey, Quarantine, Swanson, Careless, Red Writer, Abort
“If there is any immortality to be had among us human beings, it is certainly only in the love that we leave behind.  Fathers like mine don’t ever die.”

Guardians for Garrett kickball tournament is Saturday August 18th.  Trying to get a BB team together this year.

Bearpee Bernie Trailin’

  • THE SCENE: 70 degrees clear and humid

    Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
  • Quad Stretch single leg squats x 10 B  (one arm on buddy shoulder for support)
  • Pharoh Squats x 10 IC
  • Deep Lunges x 5 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles x 11 IC (Both directions)
  • Daddy Arm Circles x 11 IC  (Both Directions)


  • Run 100 yds to 1st TN and do 50 lateral curb hops, then 6 burpees
  • Run 75 yds to Life House lot and do 50 MKNs, then 5 Burps, then 50 BBS, then 5 Burps
  • Run 150 yds to Norm Hill and do 50 Mtn Climbers–> Bernie to top of hill–> 5 Burps –> run to bottom hill –> 25 Sumo Squats with kicks
  • Run 225 yds to Back HS lot to the Bearpee Trail
  • Bear Crawl (BC) 10 yds 1 Burp, BC 20 yds 2 Burp, 30 yds 3, 40 yds 4, 50 yds 5, then sprint to Goal last 50 yds
  • Run 1/2 mile to Rock Pile and grab a rock (stopped once and did 10 squats for semi-rest)
  • run 2 laps around splash pad holding rock overhead
  • Return to rockpile and do 5 Burps
  • Mosey to splash pad and grab a buddy
  • Partner 1 does incline MKNS while partner 2 runs a lap around splash pad, tag off until reach 200
  • Jog to super Mario mushroom posts
  • Jump up on each  mushroom and sprint b/w until reach planter boxes
  • AT Planter Boxes:  10 decline MKNS, 20 Box Jumps, 30 Dips, 40 step ups
  • Return to P Lot and jog to curb A…lunge to Curb B
  • MARY:
  • Low Flutter x 20 IC
  • High Flutter x 20 IC
  • Low Dolly x 20 IC
  • High Flutter x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20
  • Captain Thors

    A-Rod, Wood Tick, Herbie, and Natty conquered the burpee quest
    Be strong and trust in God when false accusations are thrown your way.  Retaliation is never the answer.  Continue on God’s path and follow HIS example

  • This was a tough workout but No man was left behind.
    ANNOUNCEMENTS:Congrats to Herbie for selling his house.  Plan on Fast N Easy moving him to the new house!!!