F3 Knoxville

Bags full of Problems and a Grinder to Boot

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 60s light breeze. Pretty nice.

20 SSH, 15 IC Merkins, 15 IC Squats, warm up jog.
Drifter’s part. Three teams.

Valley: One team carries all the crap (tires, flag, buckets of water, bags of rocks) from one end of the baseball field to the other. When they get there, they swap with the team on the hill. The crap just keeps going back and forth.

Hill 1: 10 4ct Bicycle kicks, bear crawl down the hill, 10 hand release t merkins, Burnie up the hill, repeat.

Hill 2: 10 box jumps, 10 chest to bar, 10 4ct mountain climbers

ESPY’s part.

Grab a CMU on the grinder

  • 10 CMU good mornings
  • Walking curls to next part
  • 15 blockees
  • Walking Skull crushers
  • 20 CMU squats
  • Melunges (which suck by the way)
  • 25 CMU press / 2ct flutter kicks
  • 30 merkins
  • Run the Apex loop
  • Grab your CMU and head back to start.

Tempo merkins, Box cutters, flutter kicks

17 HIM
Sometimes, we go through valleys in our lives. The crap and bags of problems don’t go away. Leaders grab a hold of that bag, and do what they can to help. And great Leaders come along side others to help them pull. ESPY is one of those leaders, and I (Drifter) am super excited to pass the AOQ flags over to ESPY. He and His family have often come along side me and mine in the midst of our valleys. I know he will continue to lift up those around him, but he needs us to take a handle of the bag too.
CSAUP on Friday. Get a team together.