F3 Knoxville

Blocks, the Sequel



Crisp, clear, 45 degrees


1. SSH 2. Morrocan Nightclubs 3. Imperial Walkers 4. Tempo Squats 5. Burpees OYO


Football Mosey – Run and Pass duos with drops to do 2 Burpees (both), around Career Path Way to CMU pile.

Grab a CMU and walk to the base of Stadium Hill. 6 sets of 50 Reps (broken into 2 sets of 25). Between each 25, take one lap up Stadium Hill and back.

1. OHP (25 Reps x 2)

2. Curls (25 Reps x 2)

3. Tricep Press (25 Reps x 2)

4. Bench Press (25 Reps x 2)

5. Lawnmower Pulls (25 Reps x 2)

6. Skull Crushers (25 Reps x 2)

Rifle carry CMU’s back to pile.

Everyone finish with 10 Burpees.

Football Mosey (with burpees) back to COT with 1 stop for Mary (Flutter kicks)

Back at COT, we got in some Hello Dolly, Hover Crunches (not the name), Box Cutters, Freddie Mercuries


12 HIMS, including 7 RUSHers



I’ve always struggled to listen intently to others. A few years ago, I was really put to the test when I went to work for a bank, taking on the role of a “Personal” banker! I was going to have to start listening to people. I was going to have to listen intently to their story and provide solutions that fit their individual needs…not mine. I was going to have to start putting THEM first.

If you call yourself a Christian, it’s important that, more often than not, we put others before ourselves. In Philippians chapter 2:3-4, Paul challenges us to be Christ’s example and “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,…”
We have to look different because of who we serve and because of the One who served us.

I’ve recently talked about the importance of relationships and forgiveness, and then I thought and read about ways we can start to have more meaningful conversations with others:

1. We should be present with them. It’s not easy today but it’s very simple. Give someone your full attention. Put away your phone and other distractions. Be in the moment!

2. Ask Questions. Ask open ended questions. “What is most important in your life right now?”, “What struggles are you having at home?”, or simply “What do you mean by that”? This will help gain understanding and make it less likely that we’ll misrepresent them. They will feel valued and heard. Questions are also disarming and can help break down some walls.

3. Be honest! Allow yourself to say you don’t know. It’s okay to not know everything. This can lead to more questions and show honest humility about your own knowledge. People will see and remember this about you.

4. Last and this goes back to the beginning of my story. Listen intently! Go into the conversation with a genuine interest in getting to know them, even if you disagree about something. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey says, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. We might ask a question but then not really listen to the response. We’re already having a conversation in our head while they are still talking. I say that because that I do it! Listen intently.

Remember that all people are created by God, bearing His image. This makes them worthy of our time and attention. So let’s follow Christ’s lead and start working on our conversations today.

Escape from Haw Ridge – this Friday